March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner


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CALL as TOLL FREE AT 1-(800) 242-1055----,Please send me addltionaI information on theI Cannon Model 24, and the name of my nearest IIIdealer. 1CHNlIPION SHOOTERSCHOOSE CANNON SAFES ICltyN A ... ame ...__ State Zip I:The ISI·Cannon Safe pistol team are 1 nuun:lIlOending IPSe Champions. Winners of Ithe Bianchi Cup Competition for2 years straight. Their custom I -------------.---Ift1they'regunsawayare irreplacable.from homeSotheywhenrely I CARROR 1on the Cannon Model 24 to safeguard 1Itheir equlpmenLSAFE CO., IIC.• 11666 McBean Avenue 1(213) 350·0991 EI Monte. CA 91732 AHJL-------------

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