March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner


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TRULOCK TOOL COMPANYCustom manufactu~precision gunsmithingtoots. Designed by a gunsmith.FREE BROCHURE UPON REQUESTTrulock Toot CompanyPost Off!« Box 7"Whigham, Georgia 31979p •••••••••--:.LQMI~:• HOLSTERS.• Lawrence Holster # 14 •• for revolvers and auto·matics is a flap·type•• .that offers better gunprotection than any•other belt·style holster. ••Available at leadingdealers or bv mail. ••14 Plain•14B BasketWeave•• •14F Flower• •SE"D FOR FREE CATALOG featuring custom· •-.;;• made shooting equipment, plus over 100 hal·ster styles.• THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.•.3••p;a; ;g.9~0i.lIFYOU HAVE ARUGER BLACKHAWKWE HAVE AVENT RIBFOR IT!'.' Instan it yourself in minutes.Lengths 4'1.... 6W' or 7'/2"Super Single Six too in 6W'$16.951.00 postageR 150 PARK AVE_ ~ E HARTFORD. CTSEE YOUR DEALER DR WRITE71~~JOHNSPILBORGHSPO. BOX 40529SANTA BARBARACA. 93/03-/529SPECIALIZING INf6".45 LONG SLIDE06108SIGHTING-INContinuedfrom page 3 7any load that prints more than three incheshigh at 25 yards is likely to overshootsmaller targets, the sights are reset to bringthese loads down to within the three-inchlimit, without falling below the point ofaim at 50 yards.Ifeverything looks good at 25 yards, I'llgenerally plink a few rounds at 75 and 100yards, just to make sure the gun and loadare capable ofmaking an occasional longrangeshot. Zeroed-in as described above,heavy .38 and light magnum cast bulletloads will print only six inches low at 100yards. Hot hollowpoints, scooting along at1,400 or 1,500 fps, usually print just oneinch high at 25 yards, IV2 inches high at 50yards, on the money at 75 yards, and amere three inches low at 100 yards.The nice thing about this system is that itis reasonably consistent, regardless of thegun and load being used. Every gun in myarsenal will print on the money at 10 or 15yards, and from one to three inches high at25 yards. At 50 yards, .38 wadcutters areonce again on the money, while other loadsprint from one inch to lY2 inches high.Beyond 50 yards, heavy .38 and all magnumloads print on the money at 60 to 80yards, and from three to six inches low at100 yards.The disadvantage is that sighting-intakes more time and ammunition thanwould otherwise be required, since eachload has to be fired at 50 yards, and then at25 and 100 yards, to make sure that thepath of the bullet is neither too high nortoo low throughout its effective huntingrange. This encourages the use of one gunfor each load, since it is rare to find twoloads that can be used with the same sightsetting.The advantage is that there is never anydoubt about where to hold, regardless ofwhich gun you happen to select, and how itis loaded. Excluding wadcutters, there isnever more than a two- or three-inch differencebetween light, moderate, andheavy loads at short, medium and longrange. Even wadcutters fall within the generlpattern, out to 50 yards or so.Once you're properly zeroed-in, all youneed worry about is trigger squeeze, sightalignment, and finding something worthaligning the sights on that will hold reasonablystill long enough for you to' finishsqueezing the trigger-with ~good results. ~<strong>1983</strong> HANDGUNNER ANNUALNow on your newsstand!........•.........-.,-.•................•)DIMPIESS DESTROYSwith rust, corrosion, mildew ruining valuedguns, precision-finished equipment, etc.Silica Gel Unit DrinksDampness from the Air·360 gram unit protects 27cubic ft. Ideal for displaycabinets, safes, etc. Thedesiccant of choice bygov't and Industry, silicagel adsorbs moisture tocreate a protective shieldof dry air within any enclosed area. Indicatorbuilt-in to foil carton signals when to reactivate.(Reactivates easily In any oven.)Money back guarantee. $8.50 each. Sendprinted name and address with check.(NY residents add sales tax)Hydrosorbent Co. Box 675·Z Rye, NY 10580Vibra-TekBrass Polishers and CleanersTen times faster than thetumbler method without damaging"cases,cleans inner andouter surfaces, even primerpockets. Leaves no residue. Nomoving parts to repair or reiL.:::-...::::lI.place. LIFETIME WARRAN-'TY! Load always visible while operating. Completewith media and extra tub for cleaning with solvents.REGULAR VIBRA·TEK 4 1/2 lb. load capacity, 2 lb.media $69.95. MAGNUM VIBRA·TEK with 12 1/2 lb.load capacity with 5 lb. media $138.00. extra 5 lb.media $13.75. All Pre·paid.HAYDEN-HOLMES COMPANY, INC.1844 Arroya Rd .. Colorado Springs. Colorado 80906At last, a National Match Grade 45 Auto barrel that isreasonable in cost plus top quality. We guarantee groove dia.of .4515 to .4517. These N.M. BBLS. are of 4150 steel heattreated 31 to 35 RC. 45 Auto N.M. BBL & Bushing 559.95.Without Bushing $54.95. We also have a few Oetonics 45Auto. BBLS. at 524.95. Dealer discount 25%. Shipping 53.00.Barrels are in stock. Prompt shipment. Ust. SASE.L.H. MFG. COMPANYRt. 1. Box 210, Devine. Te... 78016(512) 663-5105""a\l'(.a ) BE YOUR OWN GUN EXPERT We show~ fa" s you how to buy and sell guns eus-~/" tomize. repair and accurize them 1it...- and finish stocks. learn all about bal-~ "'W Iistics ... black powder ... how to- import guns.Graduation from this course does not insure that youwill get a job. To find out how our graduates have done,send for our job placement record.We Show You How To Apply for a Federal FirearmsLice.nse Buy and sell guns,. ammunition and accessories while youare stili a student al North Amencan. Slart making extra cash almost immediately- order guns for others on cost-plus basis with no investment.'MFiiililiiM"·jniiplJiMiiii;;;;ii'lffGjlitiiiii"ii"iYour friends won't believe their eyes when they see how yourshoollng Improves, A simple. easy-to-understand chartacc~~~~~Yf:rr=~e:o"~esJ~newIng empIoymenI: eucceea of our.......Write for FREE "Gun Pro Career Kif'!Now Approved for~~# GI and VA Benefifs!~ ~ ~;North ~~;:i~~an's~~:~t~;;~~;:~':;:"D~;:~'~HOC2'14500 Campus Drive, University Plaza, Newport Beach, CA 92660.I Rush me information telling how I may become a GUN PRO. INo Salesman will Call.IINAM'AG'__ffADDR'ssI~~ ~~~_ ' ~ JAMERICAN HANDGUNNER· MARCH/APRIL <strong>1983</strong>, 83

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