March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner


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velocity (1.420 fps) and developingthe greatest energy (415 footpounds) produced the poorest knockdownpower This led La Garde toconclude that velocity (at least withinthe range of handgun velocities, andin flesh) was not nearly as importantas bullet diameter, and promptedHatcher to replace the"energy" partof his formula with "momentum."The formula for kinetic energy,which utilizes the "square" ofvelocity, places too much premiumon velocity and is not a goodmeasure of "knock-down" power.The actual force, or blow, developedfrom kinetic energy depends on thedeflection, or movement, of thestruck target; and on the distancethe bullet travels in the target whiledelivering the energy If the energy isdelivered in two inches instead of sixinches, the actual force or blowimparted to the target is three timesas great.Momentum, simply mass-timesvelocity,does not consider the"work" done (force-times distance)by the target, while absorbing thedelivered energy. Momentum is morea measure of "impact." I usemomentum rather than energy,because it gives equal importance tomass (weight) and velocity. I havespent many hours pondering thequestion; frankly, I'm still notabsolutely convi ncedThe one thing I think Hatcher'sformula overlooks is bullet expansionHe gave credit to blunt nose bulletsby the use of bullet configurationfactors; but I guess in those days,the bullets didn't do muchexpanding.For good relative comparisons, thetest medium for determining theexpanded diameters and areas mustparallel the resistance of the humanbody as closely as possible. This isdifficult to achieve because of theextremely variable makeup of ahuman body I suppose a ,comprehensive program of bulletrecovery from actual occurrences isreally what's needed.I favor large, heavy bullets-suchas those of .44 and .45 caliberespeciallythe newer hollow-pointtypes at velocities near 900 fps. Ialso like 357 Magnum rounds withexpandable bullets weighing 110 to140 grains I consider the 158-grain38 Special + P lead hollow-pointsthe best for this caliber, but aminimum for self-defenseThere are many other practicalfactors involved i'n the ultimateproduction of handgun stoppingpower. Whatever, the shooter mustContinued on page 68AMERICAN HANDGUNNER· MARCH/APRIL <strong>1983</strong>.,.THE HANDGUNTHAT ALTEREDTHE GAME!;~~.:~- ,..~~":,I*Only $8.95Plus $1.00 postageand handlingA substantialdiscount is availableto dealersCourses In comb.tpistol .nd shotgunshooting .re• v.n.ble fromJohn Sh.w.ttheMId-South Instituteof Self-DefenseShooting.Write for det.lIs.Now Available!You Can't Miss is the most comprehensive bookever devoted to practical handgun shooting,Written bytwice-IPSC National ChampionJohnShaw You Can't Miss is a Master combatshoot~r's book of trade secrets, a system forlearning the art of practical shooting,"Using the system he developed, John Shaw becamethe U.S. Champion twice and leader of the U.S. GoldTeam. He wasn't a superathlete with golden hair, either.John Shaw is the champion you can be."M....d F. Ayoob, authorIn The Gravest Extreme"John Shaw is indisputably blessed with a great naturaltalent, which accounts in part for the explosive mannerin which he has dominated combat competition. Therest? Hard practice and the personally worked outinnovative technique described in his book.Bill Jord.n, firearms authorityand author ofNo Second Place Winner"There a're many excellent shooters, but few possessthe rare ability to pass this skill on to others. John hasthe ability.Jim CI.rk, master gunsmithSend mecopies of YOU CAN'T MISS @$8.95 plus $1.00 postage and handling each.Name ~._Street_City State Zip__-'----__send Orders To:VOU CAN'T MISS - AH503 StonewanMemphis, Tennessee 3811267

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