March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner

March/April 1983 - American Handgunner


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Three hot ones on the way: a compact,9mm auto; a modern top-break revolver,and a full-size, double-action .45.By A I PicklesWashington State has two relativelyrecent and commanding phenomena:Mount St. Helens and Detonics .45Associates. The fallout from each has circledthe globe. The mountain is now ratherstable, but Detonics is still erupting-withnew and exciting ideas.9mm, is a totally· modern, top-break revolverin several calibers. The "breadboard" sample-they don't call themprototypes at Detonics-was a seven-shotgun chambered for the .45 Long Colt. Becauseit was a big gun, it had my immediateattention. The gun is flat-sided, exceptfor the cylinder and stocks. The visualeffect was extremely pleasing in the wideopen eyes of this beholder. The strong,break-open latch is ambidextrous (l won-This revolver is sure to go into productionas soon as the company decides whethe. tobuild in an autoloading feature.Simultaneously, Detonics is putting intoproduction a full-sized .45 double-actionautoloader. The gun will have a uniquerolling block (pin) lock-up that must beseen to be appreciated (a writer's way ofsaying he doesn't fully understand it, butknows it works fine).Double-action in the sample gun was9mm Parabe'hlmModern top-breakFull-size, DA .45As an appetite whetter, visualize an autoloaderchambered for the full house9mm NATO round (9xI9), yet only slightlylarger than the AMT Backup and noticeablysmaller than the Walther PPK/S. Somany part functions have been combinedthat it takes considerably less than 30 tomake up the entire gun. It is a light andcompact powerhouse, built with personalprotection as its prime function. .Internally, the gun is unique. There is nosear, or at least no sear as we have COme toknow them. The function ofthe sear is performedin a manner so totally innovativethat the operating parts have yet to acquirerecognizable nomenclature. While productionofthis alley cat is a few years downthe line, an experimental model does exist,and this writer got to see and feel it whilethe hastily made stocks were still wet withfinish.Another new gun from Detonics, whichcould easily be in production before theder why the old Webley firm never tlioughtof that).CALIBER CHANGE EASYDetonics hopes to market this gun in avariety of chamberings, with the best partbeing that the owner can change calibersmerely by purchasing a new barrel andcylinder assembly; something akin to theexcellent Thompson/Center Contender,but with at least seven shots.Towards this end, Detonics has designeda new hinge pin; better yet, let's call it abolt-one that is extremely strong, yeteasily removed with no tools, other than·'the tip of a bullet.This writer fired the .45 LC "breadboard" sample at the plant's testing facilitiesand noticed no perceivable recoilwhile placing three shots in the same hole.As big as this gun is-about the same sizeas Dan Wesson's .44 Magnum-I watchedan attractive little lady fire it with ease.the smoothest this evaluator has ever experienced.I don't know if it was intended assuch, but this gun is also a natural pointer.Features include an ambidextrous"wipe ofl" safety, positive blocking of firingpin, and combat sights. It will be madeof stainless steel and full production-nottoo far away-probably will be in the new.451 Detonics Magnum cartridge, as wellas the .45 ACP. It, too, is a big gun-but notbeyond the capabilities of experiencedshooters, regardless of size and gender.To my knowledge, Detonics has neverfailed to come through with new models,once they have announced them to thetrade press. It may take two or three yearsto get them on the market, but I predictyou will see them in a final version witheven more improvements than the "breadboard" samples viewed by this writer.Lethargy has no place at Detonics, andthe eruption of ideas occurs ......with startling frequency: ~52 AMERICAN HANDGUNNER . MARCH/APRIL <strong>1983</strong>

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