Comments - Regional Airline Association

Comments - Regional Airline Association

Comments - Regional Airline Association


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151. If both volume control and the ability to use a personalaudio loop are mandated accessibility features, can thesame industry-standard connector be used for bothspeech navigation and the automated airport kiosk’saudio output?152. If so, how would users select the function that meetstheir particular disability-related needs?153. Would volume controls similar to those provided inspeech-enabled ATMs be useful in the airportenvironment?154. Should the dB amplification gain associated with thevolume control for private listening be specified?155. Is incremental volume control up to an outputamplification of at least 65 dB sufficient for voice outputin public areas?156. When ambient noise at the airport is above 45 dB, is aselectable volume gain up to 20 dB sufficient?157. Should the same decibel gains apply to outputs deliveredboth in public areas and through assistive listeningheadsets or should different amplification gains apply toeach output type?158. If volume control is required, are the specified dB gainsappropriate to address the needs of individuals who arehard of hearing? See proposed section 382.57(c)(5)(ii)2).Kiosk Input Controls159. Should the requirement that input controls be tactilelydiscernable be revised to allow for input methods similarto the Apple devices?160. Are most users who are blind or who have low visionfamiliar with how to use such touch screens?161. Proposed section 382.57 (c)(6)(ii) specifies anarrangement of the numeric keypad which typically isprovided at ATMs. How should symbols be indicated ona numeric input keypad?56 This is better answered by manufacturers and incorporating these designfeatures will necessitate a longer implementation period.56 This is better answered by manufacturers and incorporating these designfeatures will necessitate a longer implementation period.56 This is better answered by manufacturers and incorporating these designfeatures will necessitate a longer implementation period.56 This is better answered by manufacturers and incorporating these designfeatures will necessitate a longer implementation period.56 This is better answered by manufacturers and incorporating these designfeatures will necessitate a longer implementation period.56 This is better answered by manufacturers and incorporating these designfeatures will necessitate a longer implementation period.56 This is better answered by manufacturers and incorporating these designfeatures will necessitate a longer implementation period.56 This is better answered by manufacturers and incorporating these designfeatures will necessitate a longer implementation period.57 Yes, among other viable options. The Department should allow all inputoptions.57 No comment.57 No comment.162. Automated airport kiosks generally provide a touch 57 No, the Department should permit multiple compliance options.

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