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Participant BiographiesVanya Ivanova, Researcher, Center for European Refugees Migration and Ethnic Studies(Bulgaria)Vanya Ivanova is a researcher and projects’ assistant at the New Bulgarian University’s Center for European RefugeesMigration and Ethnic Studies (CERMES), where she is conducting her PhD research in the field of policies of return afterforced and voluntary migration. In addition, Ms. Ivanova is assisting associate professor Anna Krasteva in courses onmigration policies, international migrations, and refugee’s issues. Ms. Ivanova has a bachelor’s degree in history from theUniversity of Sofia, and a master’s degree in diplomacy and international relations from the New Bulgarian University. Anarticle by Ms. Ivanova discussing policy developments in managing displacement waves in Bosnia and Herzegovina waspublished in Migrations from/to Southeast Europe.Selected current work projects include:• An analysis of return policies after voluntary and forced migration.• A study of highly qualified migration.• OPENCities, etc.Rajiv Khandelwal, Executive Director, Aajeevika Bureau (India)Rajiv Khandelwal is the executive director of Aajeevika Bureau, headquartered in Udaipur, Rajasthan, western India, anew generation public initiative that provides services, solutions, and social security to rural migrant workers and theircommunities. Mr. Khandelwal founded the Aajeevika Bureau in 2004 after 15 years of rural development practice andresearch experience in India and East Africa. Under his leadership, the Aajeevika Bureau has become well known as thefirst attempt in India to focus on the problems and solutions for India’s millions of internal migrants. The Bureau providesregistration and identification, skill training and job placement, legal aid, financial services, and health and food options forseasonal rural migrants who enter urban markets and work in hazardous low-end sectors of the economy. He holds a degreein rural management from India’s prestigious Institute of Rural Management, and has written and published extensively onissues of rural livelihood and change. In 2005 he was nominated as an Ashoka Fellow in recognition of the innovative ideasunderlying the Aajeevika Bureau.Selected current work projects include:• Setting up a legal aid and counseling cell for interstate migrant workers who report violations of minimum wages and fairworkplace conditions.• Developing a worker managed cheap food solution in a large destination for migrant construction workers.• Expanding migration services through the creation of a network of civil society organizations from high out-migrationstates of India.Karen Krüger, Journalist, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany)Karen Krüger is an editor of the cultural section of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Her main topics include the integrationof Turkish people in Germany, Turkey, Islam, and media politics. Ms. Krüger holds a master’s degree in history, French, andsociology from the University of Bielefeld. From April 2005–March 2006, she was a research fellow at the Collaborative ResearchCentre 640, Changing Representations of Social Order — Intercultural and Intertemporal Comparisons at Humboldt University,Berlin. Ms Krüger is currently completing her doctoral thesis on the Rwandan Genocide at University of Bielefeld/HumboldtUniversity, Berlin.Mehmet Ali Kucukcavus, Asylum and Migration Bureau, Ministry of Interior, Turkey(Turkey)Mehmet Ali Kucukcavus is a consultant to the recently established Asylum and Migration Bureau under the Ministry ofInterior, which is responsible for drafting the new asylum law and the Law on Foreigners. Mr. Kucukcavus has been part ofthe unit since its inception, and his extensive knowledge of international standards, EU aquis and judgements, internationalhuman rights court judgements and mechanisms, and Turkish law expertise have contributed greatly to the draft asylum law.Mr. Kucukcavus also works as an expert at the Prime Ministry General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity. Beforejoining the civil service, he worked in several multinational projects as individual consultant and research assistant. He holds abachelor’s degree in public administration from the Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University.32 | T h e T R a n s a t l a n t i c f o r u m o n M i g r a t i o n a n d I n t e g r a t i o n

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