Download TFMI 2010 Program (.pdf) - Robert Bosch Stiftung

Download TFMI 2010 Program (.pdf) - Robert Bosch Stiftung

Download TFMI 2010 Program (.pdf) - Robert Bosch Stiftung

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Participant BiographiesKadir Onur Unutulmaz, Doctoral Candidate, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology(ISCA), University of Oxford (United Kingdom/Turkey)K. Onur Unutulmaz is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (ISCA), University ofOxford. He holds bachelor’s degrees in political science, international relations, and sociology from Bogazici University,Istanbul, and master’s degrees in international relations and migration studies from Koc University, Istanbul, and Universityof Oxford, respectively. In addition to having served as a research and teaching assistant in Bogazici and Koc Universities,Mr. Unutulmaz has presented several academic papers at various workshops and conferences including those at HarvardUniversity, University of Montreal, London School of Economics, and University of Oxford. His research, focused primarilyon the questions of integration and multiculturalism in Western societies, has always had a policy oriented outlook.Selected current work projects include:• “Football and Turkish-Speaking Immigrants in London: Identity, Integration and Political Economy” — Doctoral researchproject involving a one-year ethnographic field study in North London.• “Double-Edged Sword of Betrayal: Immigrant Football Players and National Identity” — Research paper exploring theexperiences of immigrant professional football players with respect to their national identities, particularly in relation totheir choices to play for the national team of the country of immigration or the country of origin.• “Studying Immigrant Identities: How to go beyond the study of discourses?” — A research paper exploring theepistemological and ontological conditions in which multiple immigrant identities can be investigated other than discourseanalyses based on in-depth interviews.Koko Warner, Head of Section, Environmental Migration, Social Vulnerability, and ClimateAdaptation at the United Nations University Institute for Environment and HumanSecurity (Germany/United States)Dr. Koko Warner leads the Section on Environmental Migration, Social Vulnerability, and Climate Adaptation at the UnitedNations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). She researches risk management strategiesof the poor in adapting to changing environmental and climatic conditions, environmentally induced migration andenvironmental change and financial mechanisms to assist the poor, including insurance.Dr. Warner is an executive board member of the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII, www.climate-insurance.org).She was on the management board of the Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios Project (EACH-FOR, www.each-for.eu), helped found the Climate Change, Environment, and Migration Alliance (CCEMA, www.ccema-portal.net), andserves on its steering committee.Dr. Warner studied development and environmental economics at George Washington University and the University ofVienna, where she received her PhD in economics as a Fulbright Scholar.Nils Warner, Desk Officer, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development,Germany (Germany)Nils Warner is a desk officer in the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and has almost fouryears experience in the field of managing development programs to the benefit of the civil reconstruction in Afghanistan,particularly in the fields of good governance, education, infrastructure, and sustainable economic development. Activitiesconcerning the reintegration of Afghan refugees are one important component of his work. Mr. Warner also has a strongrecord in managing international programs, particularly with Islamic countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, and other Arabcountries. He studied law in Passau, Damascus, and Potsdam, and has worked as a legal clerk in Dubai.Daniel Weber, Education Officer, DGB-Bildungswerk (Germany)Daniel Weber is representative for training and education at the DGB-Bildungswerk, the education and training institutionof the Confederation of German Trade Unions. He works for the Migration and Qualification section, where he is head ofthe intercultural competence centre. He has worked for several projects to strengthen the local labor market by improvingthe employment possibilities of migrants. He is now responsible for cultural diversity. Mr. Weber has a university degreein economics from the University of Cologne and has studied at Trinity College, Dublin. His main fields of interest are theeconomy of the labor-market, establishment of intercultural aspects in further education and training, migration models,political economy, economic geography, the sociology of education and migration, and empirical social sciences.Selected current work projects include:• Establishing a curriculum for education and training with cultural diversity.• Developing and organising intercultural trainings for stakeholders.• Counseling institutions, trade unions and works councils in intercultural terms.T u r k e y o n t h e M o v e : A C o u n t r y o f E m i g r a t i o n ,I m m i g r a t i o n , a n d T r a n s i t M i g r a t i o n | 41

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