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ing all kinds of domestic animals, from chickens toyaks, as pastoralists or in mixed-farming systems.Small-scale farmers’ organizations across theglobe are united in their efforts to maintain thismethod of farming.One of the biggest organizations is La Via Campesina,an international alliance of small-scaleproducers, that comprises about 164 local andnational organizations in 79 countries from Africa,Asia, Europe and the Americas. Altogether, itrepresents about 200 million farmers. It defendssmall-scale sustainable agriculture as a way topromote social justice and dignity. It stronglyopposes corporate-driven agriculture and transnationalcompanies that are harming peopleand nature.More and Better is an international network ofsocial movements, non-governmental organizationsand national campaigns from all over theworld. It focuses on support for agriculture, ruraldevelopment, and food in developing countries.The Food Sovereignty Movement advocates forcommunities to have control over their food systems.It promotes diverse forms of food culture,in particular the consumption of high-qualitylocal and seasonal foods and the omission ofhighly processed food. This includes a lower consumptionof meat and animal products.A combination of individual choices andchanges in laws and policies will bring abouta change in society’s relationship with meat.Wealthy populations can afford a healthy dietwith little or no animal protein, or shift to othersources of protein like aquatic plants. Another optionis to eat insect-based protein, as a recent UnitedNations report suggests. We are still a long wayfrom including insects in mainstream diets in theProtein alternatives: aquatic plantsproduction,million tonnesper yearfood supply,kilogramsper capitaper yearprotein supply,gramsper capitaper day1.30.80.2 0.21.6japan16.5South Koreadeveloped world, but a number of start-ups areinvestigating possibilities. In London, Ento is takingculinary science to new levels with sushi-styleproducts. In New York, Exo has designed a proteinbar containing flour made from crickets. These insectsemit 80 percent less methane than cattle andhave twice as much protein as chicken and steak.Mainstreaming sustainable meat consumptionmust become a priority for individuals and governmentsalike.For more information on websites, books, films, see pp. 64–65.7.9China10.80.6FAOSTATProtein alternatives: cricket efficiencyEdible insectsEdible percentage of whole animalFAOInsect species per countryFAO8055cricketspoultry5540pigscattle1–100100–200200–300over 300MEaT aTlaS59

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