Incident Management Policy Including Serious Incidents Requiring ...

Incident Management Policy Including Serious Incidents Requiring ...

Incident Management Policy Including Serious Incidents Requiring ...


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Appendix B – Organisational Risk MatrixConsequence score (severity levels) and examples of descriptorsDomains Negligible (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)Impact on thesafety ofpatients, staffor public(physical/ Minimal injuryrequiring no/minimalintervention ortreatment. No time off work Minor injury or illness,requiring minorintervention <strong>Requiring</strong> time off workfor less than 3 dayspsychological Increase in length ofharm)hospital stay by 1-3daysQuality/complaints/audit Peripheral element oftreatment or servicesuboptimal Informalcomplaint/inquiry Overall treatment orservice suboptimal Formal complaint(stage 1) Local resolution Single failure to meetinternal standards Minor patient safetyimplications ifunresolved Reduced performancerating if unresolved Moderate injuryrequiring professionalintervention <strong>Requiring</strong> time off workfor 3-14 days Increase in length ofhospital stay by 4-15days RIDDOR/agencyreportable incident Event impacts on asmall number ofpatients Treatment or servicehas significantlyreduced effectiveness Formal complaint(stage 2) Local resolution (withpotential to go toindependent review) Repeated failure tomeet internalstandards Major patient safetyimplications if findingsare not acted on Major injury leading tolong-termincapacity/disability <strong>Requiring</strong> time off workfor over14 days Increase in length ofhospital stay by over15 days Mismanagement ofpatient care with longtermeffects Non-compliance withnational standards withsignificant risk topatients if unresolved Multiple complaints/independent review Low performance rating Critical report <strong>Incident</strong> leading todeath Multiple permanentinjuries or irreversiblehealth effects An event which impactson a large number ofpatients Totally unacceptablelevel or quality oftreatment/service Gross failure of patientsafety if findings notacted on Inquest/ombudsmaninquiry Gross failure to meetnational standardsincident management policy 2011 with SUI v3 FINAL 38/51

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