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Project Professional Notes25This ayah shows that Allah allows us to use dogs to hunt prey. Since a dog uses its mouth to kill the preyand bring it back, the saliva of the dog is in the prey. Since it is Halaal to eat that prey, then how can we saythat the saliva of a dog is Najis? Refutation: Although the use of dogs in hunting is allowed, this doesn’t mean that thesaliva of dogs is clean. Moreover, we have to wash the meat and then cook it, so it becomes purethrough that process.3. Some scholars said that the People of the Book (Ahl ulKitab) are not considered Najis whetheralive or dead because Allah has allowed men to marry women of the People of the Book, soobviously there will be physical contact between them. Situation: You are <strong>with</strong> a non-Muslim and s/he drinks from a cup, can you drink aswell? By default, it does not become Najis unless you are certain that Najaasah was mixedin it (i.e. if the non-Muslim drinks alcohol and then drinks your water then you cannot usethat). You are walking and water spills from balcony. The default ruling is that it is not Najisbecause you have no proof to prove that it is Najis. You can use the default as long asapparent doesn’t take over. You are walking in street and you know that Najis water wassplashed over you then you must clean it.Second Opinion: A narration of Imaam Maalik says that all water left over by animalsis pure, except water left over by swine.Proofs used by the Scholars:1. Animals are pure while they are alive, but swine is impure in itself (Najaasah Dhaatiyyah).Third Opinion: Imam AshShaafi‘ee and Imaam Abu Haanifa state that all water leftover by animals are pure except swine and dog. (Sheikh considers this to be strongestopinion)Proofs used by the Scholars:1. Narrated Abu Huraira : Allah's Apostle said, "If a dog drinks from the utensil ofanyone of you it is essential to wash it seven times" (alBukhari). We are ordered to washutensils that have come in contact <strong>with</strong> the saliva of dogs seven times. Anything the ProphetMuhammad ordered us to wash after coming in contact <strong>with</strong> shows that it is Najis.

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