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Project Professional Notes43• How about amphibians (animals that live both on land and water)? If the animal lives in both, then you ask where it lives most of the time. If it lives mostly inwater then it is treated like a fish. Sea turtles for example spend most of the time in the waterand come on land to lay their eggs, thus they are permissible to eat. A person has to checkbefore deciding to eat something you are not sure of.• Is it permissible to eat meat if it still has blood in it (i.e. when steak is rare or medium)?Yes, as long as the blood is NOT flowing. Refer tohttp://islamqa.com/index.php?ref=1924&ln=eng for more info.• Regarding the impurity of urine, the exception to this is the male infant who primarily drinks themother’s breast milk. This does not apply to a female infant. Why? Allah knows best and we do notquestion the wisdom behind this but accept it and follow it. To clean off a baby boy’s urine you onlyneed to sprinkle water, it doesn’t need washing. If the baby boy starts eating (even if he is 2 to 3 monthsold), then the urine has to be washed.Dawah Technique – some people can’t give up bacon and thus state they cannot become Muslim. Don’t getinto any scientific theory or discussion of that nature <strong>with</strong> them. Just a simple reply may have a greater impacton such individuals. “‘If it is so good for you, would you give up Paradise for bacon? It’s a test.” Your Job IsTo Plant a Seed. Maybe the person you are talking to is arrogant and may reflect on your words at a later pointin time and that may influence such a person and open his or her heart to Islam.Issue #5: Skins of Dead Animal (Maytah):واالله أعلمWhy talk about skins?- For containers made out of skins.- Leather socks.- Clothes and place of prayer have to be pure.Concerning the cleanliness/purity of skins of dead animals, the scholars of Islam aredivided into seven opinions:First Opinion: The skin can never be purified if the animal dies <strong>with</strong>out proper slaughtering.

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