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Project Professional Notes351. The partition between you and jinn world is “bismillah.” By saying bismillah jinnscannot see you. You can see the jinns only if they take the form of something else.They can always see you, but if you say bismillah then they will not be able to seeyou while in bathroom.2. Shaykh Abdulbary told us a story of a jinn who possessed a girl because she threwhot water on his baby and burned him. If she had said bismillah before throwing itaway, then this would have been prevented.3. Why do we ask Allah’s forgiveness when we exit the bathroom? Because whenwe are in bathroom, we do not remember Allah so we seek forgiveness for that.This also shows us the importance of constant remembrance of Allah . It isMakrooh to mention Allah’s name in bathroom.vii. He should be careful to remove all impurity after answering the call of nature, becauseProphet warned against being careless in cleaning oneself after urinating: “Most ofthe punishment of the grave will be because of urine” (ibn Majah).1. We must be careful not to get any impurity on our clothes or body.2. Ibn Abbas reported that Messenger of Allah passed by two graves, andsaid: “They are being punished, but they are not being punished for any majorsin. One of them used not to protect himself (i.e. keep himself clean from) hisurine, and the other used to walk about spreading malicious gossip” (alBukhari).3. Materials used for purification:a. Istinjaa’: using water to purify yourselfb. Istijmaar: using other than water to purify yourself.i. i.e. rocks, paper, etc. used to clean yourself.ii. You cannot use anything that is respected or something of value.How do you determine if it is valuable? Ask yourself, if this was onthe side of a road, would people pick it up? If they would then it isconsidered something of value.iii. The best thing is to combine toilet paper and water.Allah says [in surah atTaubah]:

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