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Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home


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3LrestorintT j tsreturninq tlieItb.ior feeturesqualify fo accepfable sfandards Lieforerr,'aterr to tlre natural envirorrriienf .of tiie Act are the J'ollowins;l. All property in and riglrfl^t,o the use of surface orgrounci wat,ers north of 60" wiII be vested in the Cror,',rr,i.e. nort,herrr waters become public property.Llr.(/'a6.Allocat,ion of riqhts to flie use of northern water willt:e accc,rirplj-sireC by a s;vsten of ,wliereby a u'ater user" applies for a vrater rig'irtl and hisplans anci subsequent corrsfruction are subject to governmentapprovai anci inspectiori before a final licence is j.ssued.<strong>The</strong> proposed clevelopmenl rrrust inclucie acceptable pollutionabaLenent, facilities. In a }icence viill be spelled outifs t,erni, ti c alloin'able quantit)' of water to be used,condi.l,ions of rnralcr qualil;r Lhat must be r:aintained andarmual v,ra,t,e,r rental cost,s.Ilp unfil novr water us€rrs in the ltlorth have been subjecttr: a v:-ide va.riet,y of rules, reguJ.:rtions arid directives.Ttris rrevr Act will provide a single vraie:: authority ineacli of t,Lic ferritorics to carry ou| the federalresponsibility for norLhern vrat,er managen.rent. <strong>The</strong> Rittdoestirisb,vcre.atingt,urote:p1i1grjal@.ihe i'io::.rrls v;ill he rnacie up of' tlie senior feclerrrl waterofficials in each ferrifory rind of fjciais fror.i theterrito rial qove r'nmenLs .'lhe depclsition of viaste e;it,i:er directh' cr irrtirercflvinr-o nor'fheni r^ratr:rs v;i1.1 be prohibited, except inaccordarice v,iith condili"orrs wnt-ten irrfo a licence orperniitted under the Rer'lrlafions, Itrater managemerrf f odayniu.sr., bc ba secl on Llier conr::ept of overal-I basindr-'velolrnrenf . It musL +.ake into account a.II of the varioususes and rieeds thaf t,iie waLer resource will be e)cpe,-:ted torieet.An-rr pctison r^rho wrlar^rfully uses v,aier or cleposits wasLe,or uses rir()re l"'3t er t,itatr aulhorized in a, licence, isliable to a fine of up fo $5,OOO per da.;r of offence.Desj,qnated qoverruire'nt, j nspr-ctors will r:nquire int,o whethervrater is; Lre.lnn usecl ancl Lieternd-rre if waste is beingdeposited in northerrr vrat,ers.l'he Act facilitates lonq-terrn nrulti-nurpose planning innortherrr watersheds, by ernbling reserv.atiorr of lands toprofect water bodies and reservation of v.rater bodies fromIi.cencing.

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