Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home


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Vui,. XX l"lUo ) 59basic vi 1".r1 s tafi sti.cs, once arrail-able-. a.re f'enera:l-lp' useri tc;consLruct, .J" so-cslred life-babie, whe::ein atle comnosj,bion oi. f;frepopulabiorr j-s represent,ecl, anci from rr;iij-ch tlie sbatis'bj-ca}probabili$r oj' death overt,aLltin6' €r.n inclj-vicu:il- al arry r;cj-nt -i-i:t;ime can be comllibeclo <strong>The</strong>re i,r.re -fe.:w reslronsi-ble game ri:lnagr:rrstnriro uorrld .renLure bc, sugEle-sb l.evei.s of nrocitrcNivify, i.lrid hencesrife quofas fcir crorrping, ',.'iLirout suclr ba.sic Cata at lt:rnd"lievertheless, j-n Lrre case o1' sonte soecjes, wirere ilie biolcgicalresearch necessary to provide such basj.c rial,a h:r.s not beencnrt'ied out, yeL where lonp,, Lerm i,lnd mc.rre or less su**tainedcroppir4l ha.s occurr"ed, atl,ernpts at ftrationiLl'r rn;i-nagernenb canbe made. This j.s t,he c;urrent sibuation with 1ro1:,r bearr bliouf-lhobvious\r the n:rirergement ra.cion:rle emnlo1,.eri iri:s ifs Ca.ttge::s aswell- as ii,s crit,ics. I"1:rnaglencnt, in bhis ctls€l is attenrpted,trti-lizin6i conpa.rat,ive sLabistics obtai"ned frorr tne cro1-r raLlrerthan from fhe nain nopulabionn i{cwever', Lire cornrnerclal valueof Lhe polar bear has fii-nal-};z sprrreci research efforts thab should,before too 1ong, nrociuce [he necessary biologica.l" informabion bopernrit more ce::tii,ude in managier'ient progralns governing the har'-vest,inp; of tfLis s;Decies.'l'his i,ype of caut,ious 'rgnessbirnatir[i"r based on ]ong seraes ofcrop sLat,isti.cs, cannoL r-rnj'ortr-Lria.be117 be applied t,o musk-oX.Since L9l-, t a,sLror+:Ilr en-t'orced bot:il ban on hunt;i-ng1 ha.s prec.l-uOeclseLtinf, up 3lT,- sLa.bi s't i.cal recorcl iL:at coulcj serrie as astasdald or base,-Iine ap,ainst wlrich to evaluabe fubrrre cfianges.j'ressure to bcfli"rr conner(:::rI er:p1-oit,aLion oj' ,arctiC fluSk-OXappe:rrs to i.rave succeeclea -i y1 Ll;i.naci:r iicsni t,e a) t he absence of morethan i;it.rc-:\1r mirL-inr;r.1 sci.entifj-c Cata r..erbj.rrenL to Lire rrililafleffi€t]t oftire se nartictilar regiona.J- sbocl"ls, :inci L') Lhe absertce ot ar\) nernileri.rerrb proilt:am bo ensure as a hig:lr nrioriLr': t,frat, Lhese vj-Lai cia'Lawill be obi,ainecl. Present regulations a.llov; twelve inusk-o>len tobe i;iilecl ea.clr ye.r*r b';g bskirno hiinLers :it Gt'j.st: iriorci, southtilesmere IslanC. T}re sma.]l- size ci''i;lle crop a-nci bhe hi-f:it Cegreeof liu.nl,er select,ion i)re cludes biie possibil:it.rr ot' utilrziri6 tj-iisannrial sanple for consfrr.rcbing any sorb of heriristic managernenbmociel.It is r-rrgent, therellore, to detertnine as acc'rrately as possiblethe repiional nopulation size and tire Unit,s of fluctua"tion whichbhab populabion marr experience unrier act,ual, varj"able corditionsof recruiLnrent z-lrd natural loss.

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