Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home


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)9-litt,erl out, rni:r Lh spr:ciai c-i-o1,t,in11. I v,as issued two extremely liear,y,'ri, *'f c-1, baqs, cont .,r.ini nq Lvio suit s of therrnal unr,ierl,rear, mackina.vlslri utrrr. rtq rrv, rrid (!rru a special.ly (Uut poorly) desi,eneC parkar flloves, r.rittsr-lnrt fr:'.:r pairs ctf various }rilrls of footvrear. i.'e ha.d to ilwaiffavcut'abie r,veafher fr.:r our journey orilv.rardr.rnd. ollr pool hofel cierkwas forever advisinq us of differcnt times of' de1:arture due to thecc,nsLantiy-changirrq orclers emanatinq frorn the ;\dn-riral ts office atOhrist,church aerociromeo For our final cleparture, we v'rere up atL.3(, €r.r3. , in a taxi by 5.L5 and arrived at the airport at 5 .30.-llere a.ll our norr:ial scarhras sforved a.vray in lockers, and in B0rleqree vreafher vre solemnly clranfled info our Anfarctic clofhing.,\sr h'{,r al-i lrooped into tire airporl caf6, for breakfast clothed forthe Soriihi Poie we musL have looked very peculiar to fhe other'JiLsls€rilsers cloflieC for Lhe fine, sirin]/ 'niealher. Aqaj-n in the salneiiur>ei' '.ons't,eila.t ion f lrat ha.d brouqirt. us f ron iiashiligton, wec'lrFr:f.irellrr +.ook'-/ v !Il \/!-4!L.!!._V oJ'J'af l0 a.nre . At an altitude of I'CCO feet wepas:;eci over thc (lilnl,erburv Plairi, t,he origrn of so mrrch NewZ.ea,ianii larnb, skirted Dunedinl and flew soufhward to ice and them;'/st eriou.s continent "<strong>The</strong>re is an area r,triLhi.n l,he $oulherri Ocean where warman.1 cclcl ivater ccrre Log,eirer in a belt 25 to 30 niles in width.r*)ceanoplraphers call this t,i're Anfa.rctic Conversence. Apart fron theqreat iril'luence it, kras orr Llie soufhern hemispilerers climate, it iso.fl srea*. itioloeical- j-nterestr &s indicated in the species ofv'ildl.-i-i'e, which inhabi.b eiflrer sj'le of tlie convergellce. <strong>The</strong>*;.nf,nin poj.nt,ed out, Cape Adare as we passed, and here rnre got ourverr1' f irs-i., glir.rnse 01' Antarctica". liol fa:: f ront L'ilpe Aciare, therei s a jc: nt, i-i .5. ilev,i Lealand lial let StaLion for nie:teorolopiical:lrtri upir{rr,:ilrlosp}rere investiqafions, but it, could nof t-re seer} forfoi', and j ce. :Jet,ureen sjx aricl :reven o lclock that evening vre passedover lfci\,iurclo a,nd i'inailv landed op the ice a,f l,rilli;.lms rield.lie had arrrived.<strong>The</strong> size o{' t,he L.ui.lcijnqs and their soliC steel qirderctnstl'Liction indicated lhat t,l"e U.S. is in r\ntarctica to stay. <strong>The</strong>nev,i ness hall j"s a'oui.iding o{ huge proportions, containi-ng naYywa.r"lroons, conplete recreational f'acilities, galleys, PX, efc. all'ancler one As on our DEI{-line staLions' no exp€jnse is sparedto feeci tlre 'oofo p€rsorllr€I, and tlie galley provides a varied menu of thebest of llood j.n plarg.a,ntuan quant,i.ti.es. McF[rrrio also housesr-.x r:ellent sci errl,i fic faci lit,ies. 'l?rr: k'ioloqlcal sciences areeenl rr,rl in Llrir iliolatr. 'itro c,r rt,|t sci c'rtce l;l.bor:at,ory is wellt:r1gi pltprJ 1'oy f'L1.

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