Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home


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JrFiniot e sl,aLi-ons vrltich do+-. the conti-nent ad.d. consicierably to thesLo::ehouse of lmov.'Ieclge about Ant,arctica. Menrs lives i,aru beerrsacri-ficed in llie pursuit of polar lcnowledge a;id t,he hills onF'oss lsla.tidr 3.s also on tl,,e continenf itself, bear witrress tot,ragedies i-n the na.ne of science. At },ut, Point aL Mc}furdo standse, cross to the mernory of Seama.n Virrcep arid. on Observalion Hi1l,another to the me.niory of 0a.ptain scott anci his cornpa.nions. AtCape l?oycis stands a. wooclen cross irr memory of three seaJnerl ofItre, 'rEnduranceft, who rost their r-ives during the ill-fatedShackleton exrredifion. l,lore recently, there l,as been loss ofIife at, Iricotf base, tlie tJew Zeala.ld statlonr ,"nd others.!-;

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