Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home


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VOL" XX THE ARCTIC CIRCULAR<strong>The</strong> Treasurer, Mr. S.D, MacDonald, presented a financialstatement , audited by D.r. D. E. McAl lister. Sone concem wasexpressed at the rising cost of our meeting facilities, whichnow anounts to $39.00 a night for 50 members or less, and anadditional per capita charge for each mernber attending whenthere are more than 50. Irlr. S. Kanik presented the repor.t ofthe Dinner Committee: there was some discussion on possibleplaces to have the next dinner, and on obtaining the traditionalnorthern foods which will be required (suggestions and offers willbe welcomed by Mr. Kanik). <strong>The</strong> Editor reported on the <strong>Arctic</strong>Circular and thanked his helpers , Dr. Jeanne Ferrari anF-Mr. Peter Ushero'Following the business meeting a u.s. Navy f,iln on polaroceanography was shown.NEWSiun on <strong>Arctic</strong> Develo nt and Ecological Problems 22 Janua <strong>1970</strong>.A synposiurn on January 22, at ottawa university,explored the attitudes of government officials and interestedmembers of the public on developnent strategies for the Canadian<strong>Arctic</strong>. Sponsored by the Ottawa.Biological and BiochemicalSociety, the spnposium featured speakers frorn government, industry,and university circles. <strong>The</strong> audience actively participated, andleft little doubt that its greater proportion favoured a moratoriunon further industrial development.Mr. G. Renpel, <strong>Arctic</strong> Co-ordinator of Imperiaf Oil Ltd.,Calgary, stressed that industry was trying to understand ecologicalproblems concurrently with developmental problems " Forexampler perllltlfrost studies may clarify certain ecologicalproblems, and at the same tirne help in the design of devel.opmenttechniques. Exploratory drill holes are being used byco-operating scientists for studying tenperature gradients. Heably denonstrated that his company is taking a Long-tern,trtultiple-use view of resources . <strong>The</strong> expense, both in terns ofmoney and of goodwill, of such accidents as Santa Barbara (itis reported that a half billion dollars were spent by unionOil to clean up the Santa Barbara disaster) makes economicsense of a cautious approach to exploration and development inareas where such operations are exceptionally difficult.

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