Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 20, 1970 - The Arctic Circle - Home


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IIce, lO, l-lInternational Geographical Ccngress, 22nd , L9-72, 19International Union fori:he Conserrration of Natr.re and NaturalResor:rces, Surrzival Service Conrnission, 6John, Alfred, 2IJonkc,] , Charles, 5Klncllr:, E. D. , 1.4Kinq;dorn cf Skuqg:. jford itjnEa::;,i) , j{tKish, Gecree, IKoerner, Roy M. , 2.; lC)l;Llanrbert- , John, 4I-€e, R. K. S. , LVI€e, Thor.ras ij. , 32-36Lc l4eur:, P.. , 18Lif,e history of rock ptarnrigan ori Ejathurst island' NW:f' paperby S.D" i{,acDonald, 44-48Loncarevic, 8"D., "I{ith Hudson's scientists through theNortttwest Passaqe", 57Lonc;house ruins, Palrte i,ake, 35-3tllill'4cAllister, IJ.E. , L7IulacDonald, S.D. Life Lristory cf rock ptarmigan on BathurstIslancl, iW\ru, 44-48McGlynn, J.C., L6Mackenzie district, Geology, L2, 13, 15Mackenzie Eski:no historical study, IB, 19Mclrtr.rrdo Station, Ross Island , 31-43McTaggart-Cowan, Patrick D, address , @ration Oil , 55-57Ivlanrnals of Yukon Territory, IvlSS.' L7Marrhattan, S.S. , Li 52Iilanned unclerwater cperations in the <strong>Arctic</strong>, bY B. Ackernran, 2L|4eighen Island, Problem of , 53-54Mrsk-oxen,58-65Mrskox l-ntrusion, t5Nationai park, new, 27-29Naysmith, J.K., 30L91A in the north, 5L-52Nordenskjold, A.E., lecture on, IN

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