Pacific Area Op Guide - Navy-Marine Corps MARS

Pacific Area Op Guide - Navy-Marine Corps MARS

Pacific Area Op Guide - Navy-Marine Corps MARS


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<strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>Area</strong> OPS <strong>Guide</strong>b. NCS receives double credit for every hour of participation.c. ANCS receives double credit but only if he/she serves as NCSduring the net.d. Net Traffic rep receives double credit for every hour ofparticipation.e. Stations participating in emergency communications (ECOM)exercises or actual emergencies will receive double credit forevery hour of participation.f. One extra hour of participation credit is given to any stationchecking into hf nets by means of Emergency power. Notify NCSthat you are operating using emergency power when checking intothe net, fixed and mobile.g. Stations can only receive one double credit per net. A membercannot receive double, double credit for any type ofparticipation. For example: a member is NCS of an ECOM exercisenet. It might be assumed that the member would receive doublecredit for acting as net control and the member would alsoreceive double credit for participating in an ECOM exercise,which would give the member 4 hours of credit for every hour ofparticipation. However, this type of doubling does not apply.Regardless of what the member does to receive his/her doublecredit, the member will only receive 1 double credit or 2 hoursfor every one hour of participation.h. Stations securing from a net without permission from the netcontrol will not receive credit for participation.i. Members checking-in late to a net will receive the same credit asa member who checked-in on time, however they must accrue aminimum of 15 minutes on the net to be so credited.j. Individual members are no longer credited with the number ofmessages that the individual member handled during a net. Thereis, however, a requirement for NCS to report the total number ofmessages sent/received during a net.B. The following <strong>MARS</strong> members have no minimum participation requirements.NOTE: ALL OTHER MEMBERS MUST MAINTAIN MINIMUM PARTICIPATION.2. REPORTING1) Associate members2) Honorary members3) Winlink RMS Pactor <strong>Op</strong>eratorsA. NCSs are responsible for and agree to submit reports for individualmember’s participation and frequency usage (see Chapter 5, FrequencyUsage Report).B. The reporting period is from 0001Z on the first calendar day of themonth through 2359Z on the last calendar day of the month.C. Reports will be submitted as soon as possible after the conclusion ofthe activity being reported; that is, after each net for regions inwhich NCS reporting is after each net, and monthly for regions in which6-2

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