Eurobiomed's members

Eurobiomed's members

Eurobiomed's members

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Euromediag: a new dynamic for medical diagnosisand a key initiative for the health competitivecluster Eurobiomed.EUROMEDIAG’ MISSIONS:Comprised of 50 partners, Euromediag seeks to unite all the companies,laboratories, organizations, and public sector institutions involved in medicaldiagnostics in the Languedoc-Roussillon and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azurregions.A pool of actionsEuromediag aims at stimulating synergies between various competences as wellas generate an intellectual and financial tropism.• Stimulate coordination and international partnership;• Perform strategic analysis of its field and of its competitiveness;• Improve its visibility nationally and internationally;• Contribute to the creation of new training (at both university and professionallevels);• Develop collaborative projects.Contact informationPierre VidalT.: +33 (0)981 130 175 - M. : +33 (0)760 670 034pierre.vidal@eurobiomed.org3

The European Diagnostic Clusters Alliance:the way to achieve global competitiveness forEuropean diagnostic SMEsThe first European world class diagnostic cluster, - an international non-for-profitorganization with name “European Diagnostic Clusters Alliance (EDCA)” withheadquarters in Brussels (Belgium) - is one of the international flagship projectsof Eurobiomed.This Alliance aims to foster and develop collaborative networking betweenEuropean diagnostic clusters in order to consolidate the competitiveness of theirSMEs. Access to non-EU markets (USA and Asia) for European medical diagnosticSMEs is one more key objective of the EDCA <strong>members</strong>.This initiative has been originally leaded by EuroMeDiag, the diagnostic clusterof Eurobiomed, and Wal-Dx, the in vitro diagnostic group of the competitivenesshealth cluster BioWin (Wallonia - Belgium). They have rapidly been joined byother bioclusters: Biocat (Barcelona, Spain), Life Science Cluster Krakow (Poland),Nexxus Scotland (UK), OBN (Oxford, UK), Uppsala Bio (Sweden), WAL-Dx/BioWin (Wallonia - Belgium), ZMDB/BioTOP (Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany) andLyonbiopôle (Lyon, France).Together they are gathering 360 diagnostic companies (mostly SMEs) andaround 50 Universities. The founding partners expect that other Europeandiagnostic clusters may soon join the club.EDCA website and database: www.edc-alliance.euContacts:Franck Molina, EuroMeDiag/Eurobiomed, franck.molina@sysdiag.cnrs.frJennifer Baron, Eurobiomed, jennifer.baron@eurobiomed.orgEuropean Diagnostic Clusters Alliance14 Rond-Point Schuman1040 BrusselsBelgium4

Neurosciences Research Clusters of ExcellenceImplemented under the Seventh Framework Program (FP7) with a budget of1.6 million €, the project NeuroRescue gathers four regions and their medicalclusters:- Languedoc – Roussillon and Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur with Eurobiomed(FR),- Bavaria with Bayern Innovativ and Forum MedTech Pharma (DE),- Budapest with Medipole (HU),- Catalonia with Fundació Parc de Salut (ES).To support Europe’s leading position in understanding and response toneurodegenerative diseases, disorders attributed to aging and mental healthNeuroRescue particularly aims at:• Helping companies become more competitive by enhancing access to researchexcellence, funding mechanisms and innovation through the improvedinterconnection of actors in the field of neurosciences and aging;• Supporting the internationalisation efforts of academics and research institutesin the field of neurosciences and aging through improved collaborationbetween themselves and with companies notably SMEs;• Supporting policy makers in developing innovative clusters and healthcarepolicies to contribute to the Smart Specialization Strategy;• Promotion of exchange and dissemination of best practices in the neurosciencesfield at European level and beyond;• Developing a holistic approach to raise awareness and increase prevention onsocietal and patient care issues linked to neurosciences such as the preventionof ageing related diseases.Contact information:Ms. Alexandra ChukasPhone: +33 (0) +33 (0) 4 91 14 74 68Cell: +33 (0) 7 63 01 00 34Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 13 74 66alexandra.chukas@eurobiomed.orgwww.neurorescue.eu5



Directory ofEurobiomed’s<strong>members</strong>Research &Education163 CENRob164 CHRU de Montpellier165 CHU de Nice166 CHU de Nimes167 CIRAD168 CNAM LR169 CNRS170 CPPM171 Ecole de l‘ADN172 Ecole des Mines d’Alès173 ENSCM174 ENSM SE175 INRIA176 INSCB177 INSERM178 IRD179 ISEN Toulon180 Observatoire Océanologiquede Banyuls/Mer181 Aix-Marseille Université182 Université de Montpellier 1183 Université de Nice-SophiaAntipolis184 Université de NîmesPartners187 APPROCHE Association188 BIOMERIDIES189 Cancéropôle GSO190 Cancéropole PACA191 CARMA192 CCIR - LR193 Fédération RégionaleCrédit Agricole MutuelPACA194 FNSIP195 GRAND LUMINY Technopôle196 IMPULSE197 INCUBATEUR PACA-EST198 INNOV‘UP199 INVEST LR200 LR Incubation201 Marseille congrès202 Méditerranée Technologies203 MontBiotech204 NRC Technopole205 Ophta Biotech206 Orphandev207 OTECI208 PAYS D‘AIX DEVELOPPEMENT209 POPSud / OPTITEC210 Provence Promotion211 SATT AxLR212 SATT Sud Est213 SORIDEC214 TEAM COTE D‘AZUR215 Toulon Var Technologies216 Transferts LR217 VIVERIS MANAGEMENT11


2 MT PIRAHDENTALCompaniesAddressContactWeb site13, boulevard Princesse Charlotte, Le Victoria •98000 Monaco • MonacoHEREMANS Eric, CEOE-mail: he@pirahdental.comPhone: 0377 97 70 76 65Fax: 0377 97 70 76 78www.pirahdental.comInformations Foundation 1999Employees ≤ 10KeywordsMaterials, Medical devices and CADCAM for DentalprothesisActivityPresent on the dental art market as a designer, manufacturerand distributor of high quality materials for dentistry, 2MTPIRAHDENTAL became in a decade an important referencepoint in the French market and is now a leader in thoseactivities. Resolved to be inescapable in the high tech fordentistry, 2MT PIRAHDENTAL has redefine its strategy inorder to become a major actor in developing and integratingCAD/ CAM solutions for dentistry while maintaining itsoriginal activities.15

ACCOMP EXPERTAddressContactWeb site64 avenue d‘Haïfa, Hermès Parc •13008 Marseille • FranceROCCA SergeE-mail: srocca@accompexpert.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 84 25 39 60Fax: +33 (0) 9 72 32 45 78www.accompexpert.frInformations Foundation 2012Employees 3KeywordsAccounting, Crédit taxActivityChartered accountant, specialized in companies withresearch & development activity, young companies withinnovative activity. We are in position to implement taxcredit related to research & development activity, severaltax free for young companies. Moreover, we can implementreporting process within your company (internationalgroup’s subsidiary for exemple).16

ADInstrumentsCompaniesAddressContactUnit B BIshop Mews, Transport Way •OX4 6HD Oxford • United KingdomGAC Arnaud, Sales Manager FranceE-mail: a.gac@adinstruments.comPhone: +33 (0) 6 43 28 33 47Web sitewww.adinstruments.comInformations Foundation 1988Employees ≤ 10KeywordsData acquisition, Data analysis, Data integriry, HumanPhysiology, Animal Physiology, ECG/EKG, Blood Flow,Blood Pressure, Telemetry, Respiration studies, PressureVolume Loops, Langendorff, Organ bath studies, SafetyPharmacology, Toxicology, GLP, Millar, Pulmonary...ActivityADInstruments provides computer-based data acquisitionsystems for research and education. Our PowerLab dataacquisition systems and choice of LabChart, LabTutor andLabAuthor software, provide outstanding data acquisition,display, analysis and authoring features for a wide range oflife science applications.Since 1988, PowerLab (also MacLab) systems have beenused for data acquisition and analysis by the world‘s bestacademic, government and private organizations. Our goalis simple: deliver a data acquisition solution that is of highquality, is easy to use and is perfectly suited for its manyintended applications in corporate and academic research,and higher education.17

ADNidAddressContactWeb siteCap Alpha, Avenue de l‘Europe •34830 Clapiers • FranceMOREAU Fabienne, Responsable ScientifiqueE-mail: fabienne.moreau@adnid.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 61 30 37Fax: +33 (0) 4 83 07 55 93www.adnid.frInformations Foundation 2006Employees 5KeywordsDNA, SNP, Services, ILLUMINA, PharmacogeneticActivityADNid is a service company in genomics, specialized in thestudy of the fine structure of DNA.Integrator of biotechnological tools in genomics, ADNidhas for mission to act as responsible company withinthe framework of the development of the services inpersonalized genetics.The business by ADNid is to reveal from the biologicalmaterials all the useful genetic information to answer theproblems of our customers and to restore to them in a clear,efficient and personalized way.Originally specialized in the agroindustrial sectors, thecompany spreads henceforth its field of expertise to all thebiotechnological branches of industry.18

ADVICENNE PHARMACompaniesAddressContact2 rue Briçonnet • 30000 Nîmes Cedex 1 • FranceGRANIER Luc-André, CEOE-mail: info@advicenne.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 05 54 20Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 21 23 35Web sitewww.advicenne.comInformations Foundation 2007Employees 10KeywordsPaediatry drug - Orphan - Pharmaceutical and clinicaldevelopment - PUMAActivityAdvicenne Pharma is a biopharmaceutical companydedicated to Paediatry. Advicenne Pharma focusses onFormulation & Repositioning for Central Nervous System(CNS) and Nephrology paediatric use for short termpresentation to the market. Advicenne Pharma intendsto pursue the development of a portfolio of medicinalproducts adapted to the paediatric population to ensurethe availability of high-quality clinical data, to provide betterand suitable paediatric medications to improve treatmentcompliance and children’s quality of life.19

ALPHABIOAddressContact23, rue de Frieland • 13006 Marseille • FranceHALFON Philippe, CEOE-mail: philippe.halfon@alphabio.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 25 95 14Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 25 79 44Web sitewww.alphabio.frInformations Foundation 1990Employees 155KeywordsClinical BiologyActivityFounded in 1990, Alphabio is one of the first laboratoriescertified ISO 9001 version 2000 in France and one theEurope’s largest share of its turnover.With over 150 employees including 10 doctors andpharmacists biologists, a quality control, the laboratoryserves over 10,000 customers doctors, hospitals, clinics andpharmaceutical companies in France and Europe, 7 daysa week and 24/24h to within 3000m 2 of premises entirelyautomated.A department is developed for clinical trial managementand logistics of national and international studies. Alphabiotakes part to diagnostics and therapeutic development atan international level.20

ALQANCompaniesAddressContact9 Les Bastides du Thouron •13360 Roquevaire • FranceGIARDI CélineE-mail: celine.giardi@alqan.comWeb sitewww.alqan.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywords Protein biomarker, Cell culture, Histology,Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence, ConfocalMicroscopy, Titrations, Image analysisActivityALQAN is a CRO providing biomarker services for thepharmaceutical, cosmetic and food-processing industries.We are a biotechnology company specialised in research,development, study and consulting. We support ourcustomers through the phases of R & D and preclinicaldevelopment of their compounds, with a range ofcustomised services based on our expertise in the studyand analysis of protein biomarkers.21

ALTERA GROUPAddressContactCap Oméga, Rond-point Benjamin Franklin •34960 Montpellier • FranceCOURIOL Frédéric, CEOE-mail: fcouriol@altera-group.frPhone: +33 (0) 1 45 48 85 01Web siteInformations Foundation 2008Employees 34KeywordsSMA, Serious gameActivityAltera is a service company which develops the serviceKODRO.KODRO is a software platform which involves an array ofinternet services, both progressive and interactive, whichallows any individual to work intelligently on his/heremotional and cognitive abilities in a structured fashion butat the same time maintaining a socially active link.KODRO is based on a dynamic internet platform – thecontent is organized in function with the user’s interest.An artificial intelligence unit allows real time adjustment ofthe content and the ergonomics of the site in function withusage.Via dedicated assistants a personal, humanized guidanceat distance is put in place in a natural way which allows theuser continual positive involvement.KODRO is therefore a daily complementary service to theproposals and capacities of the hospital, of public healthpersonnel and of social organizations.22

AMATSICompaniesAddressContactWeb site17 Parc des Vautes • 34980 Saint Gély du Fesc •FranceBENEDICTO Lorie, Business Development ManagerE-mail: l.benedicto@amatsi.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 99 58 35 86Fax: +33 (0) 4 99 58 38 61www.amatsi.comInformations Foundation 1987EmployeesKeywordsActivity AMATSI Group (formerly called CRID PHARMA /AVOGADRO / DBI) is a Contract Development andManufacturing Organization (CDMO) specialized in DrugDevelopment services.AMATSI Group has been supporting the Pharmaceuticaland Biotech industries in the development of their drugcandidates for human and veterinary use for twenty fiveyears.With its strong team of 190 people, AMATSI offers aspecialized expertise in:• Formulation, Analytical development & QC testing, ICHstability studies• PK/ADME studies, Bioanalysis /residues, In-life studies• Clinical supplies: Importation, control & QP releaseservices, manufacturing / packaging of sterile and nonsterile clinical batches, storage & worldwide logistics.23

AMIKANA BIOLOGICSAddressContactWeb siteFaculté de Médecine, 27 Boulevard Jean Moulin •13385 Marseille Cedex 5 • FranceGLUSCHANKOF Pablo, CEO & CSOE-mail: pgluschankof@amkbiol.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 32 46 40Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 38 77 72www.amkbiol.comInformations Foundation 2008Employees 5KeywordsDrug resistance diagnosisActivityOur goal is to improve the clinical management of patientsfailing therapy by providing tools for drug resistance analysisusing the yeast cell.The implementation of AmiKana‘s tool will allow optimizationof personalized medicine and improve drug development.24

AMYLGENCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteCap Alpha, Avenue de l‘Europe •34830 Clapiers • FranceVILLARD Vanessa, CEOE-mail: vanessa.villard@amylgen.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 14 36 86Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 14 92 95www.amylgen.comInformations Foundation 2009Employees 7KeywordsPreclinical, CRO, Neurodegenerative DiseaseActivityAmylgen is a privately owned company (CRO) proposingvalidated in vivo models of neurodegenerative diseases.Amylgen’s models allow fast-scale screening for thepharmaceutical development of new drug candidates. Inparticular, Amylgen has developed a unique and proprietaryknow-how on Alzheimer’s disease rodent models based oncentral injection of amyloïd peptide fragments with validatedpredictive value. The company proposes, on each model, acomprehensive panel of morphological, biochemical andbehavioral analyses.Amylgen services have been proven to facilitate decisionmaking at critical phases of in vivo drug development.25

APOH-TECHNOLOGIESAddressContactWeb site94, allée des Fauvettes •34280 La Grande Motte • FranceSTEFAS Ilias, CEOE-mail: Ilias.stefas@wanadoo.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 11 75 94 85Fax: +33 (0) 4 11 75 95 46www.apohtech.comInformations Foundation 2000Employees 6KeywordsMicro-organims, Capture, ConcentrationActivityApoH-technologies is a biotech firm which aims to developand exploit a leading-edge technology designed todiagnose infectious diseases in very diverse applicationfields like, human health, animal health and food safety.The proprietary technology is based to amazingcharacteristics of a human blood protein, apolipoprotein H;this protein captures a considerable number of pathogens(viruses, bacteria and parasites).The ability of ApoH to interact with a multitude of pathogenicagents of different origins and natures makes it possible topropose a universal binding test. The enrichment potentialof these agents enhances the detection threshold, extendsour knowledge on microorganism infectivity and promotesthe discovery of new infectious agents. Fast, reproducibleand cost-effective, the ApoH technology may easily beinserted upstream of the sample preparation workflow.26

AROMA THERAPEUTICSCompaniesAddressContact27 Chemin de la Falade • 13710 Fuveau • FranceMOY Laurent, Ceo Head of Innovation & ResearchE-mail: moy@aromatherapeutics.frGSM: +33 (0) 6 14 34 36 47Web sitewww.dreamair.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsOlfactive brain stimulation, Alzheimer, Memory, EssentialoilsActivityAroma Therapeutics has patented a scent diffusiontechnology for Olfactory Deep-Brain stimulation. Incollaboration with well-known laboratories, the companyworks on an ethnobotanical approach for memory and theAlzheimer Disease ; the company has also developed a reliefsystem for baby pain and provide tools for Brain Function &Sleep Enhancement.27

ARPENT Biotech ConsultingAddressContact642 Avenue Fortuné Ferrini •13090 Aix en Provence • FranceMESHAKA Denis, Owner - IP AttorneyE-mail: meshaka@arpent.euGSM: +33 (0) 6 41 66 42 54Web sitewww.arpent.euInformations Foundation 2010EmployeesKeywordsIntellectual Property and licensingActivityARPENT is a consulting firm specializing in licensing,industrial property strategy and business development.We provide our services to the life sciences companies,investors and research institutions.28

ASA - Advanced SolutionsAcceleratorCompaniesAddressContactCap Alpha, Avenue de l‘Europe •34830 Clapiers • FranceVIART Frédéric, President and Head of DevelopmentE-mail: fviart@asa-sas.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 59 36 40Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 59 02 51Web sitewww.asa-sas.comInformations Foundation 2006Employees 10KeywordsLIMS, Cheminformatics, Bioinformatics, High PerformanceComputingActivityASA offers solutions and services in scientific computing:- Development, integration and support for software inbioinformatics,- LIMS,- Supply of computing and storage harware.- Services include:- Double skills professionals (applied mathematics and ITas an additional degree following life sciences Master orPhD);- Non proprietary software packages and toolsdevelopment;- Architectural design for High Performance Computing;- Large Linux Cluster implementation accelerator practice.The company currently assesses investment of skilledresources for IT tools linked to Data analysis (computing,statistics, visualization) and data management (drugdiscovery, diagnostics, genomics, proteomics andtraceability of biological materials).29

ASAPAddressContact3 avenue des Albizzi, Clos d‘Albizzi •13260 Cassis • FranceAGUILA Isabelle, General ManagerE-mail: isabelle@asap-prod.comPhone: +33 (0) 6 14 05 12 06Web sitewww.asap-prod.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsCommunication Tools, Audiovisual, Video Events, Computersgraphics, 2D/3D illustrations, MultimediaActivity ASAP is a pool of competences in communicationsexclusively dedicated to the medico-scientific fields. Withmore than 1400 references today, we position ourselvesto provide services to the biotechnologies. We have fourproduction entities:• Audiovisual department: our expertise is present in the realization of films(over 980 productions in 20 years)• Video events department: an important part of simultaneous exchangesbetween professionals, we manage image and sound acquisition fromthe source (ex. research labs, production facilities) and their relay towardsmeeting, conference rooms and ampitheatres.• Publishing and computer graphics department: we create your printedcommunication tools such as prints, booklets, brochures, data sheets,newsletters, logotypes, graphic charters, booth design, point-of-purchaseadvertising.... And also 2D/3D illustrations, both in static or animatedforms...• Multimedia, web department: we establish the framework and manage thecontent of your web or multimedia.30

ASTRIDCompaniesAddressContactParc d‘Andron - Le Sequoia •30470 Aimargues • FranceCROUILLES Xavier, Business ManagerE-mail: x.crouilles@astrid-conseil.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 88 38 86Web siteInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsConsulting, Finance, Research Tax Credit, Crédit ImpôtRecherche, Jeune Entreprise Innovante, Business planning,Venture Capital.Activity French consulting company specialized in financeand innovation. The main areas of expertise of ourmultidisciplinary team are :• Research Tax Credit (Crédit Impôt Recherche, JeuneEntreprise Innovante)• Identification of possible financial aids (at regional,national and european level) ;• Innovation financing (Business planning, Financial analysis,Projected budget)• Fund Raising (Venture Capital, identification of capitalinvestors) ASTRID helps more than 130 companiesthroughout France, covering all the major scientific fields,with a significant expertise in Biotechnology / Medicalscience.31

AUDIT & RISKSOLUTIONSAddressContact120 avenue Bonaparte • 13100 Aix en Provence •FranceNOUAILLE Frédéric, CEOE-mail: f.nouaille@arsolutions.frGSM: +33 (0) 6 73 39 33 32Web sitewww.arsolutions.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsInsurance, Biotechnologies, Medical devices, Pharmaceuticalcompanies, CRO, CMO, Clinical trialsActivityAudit & RiskSolutions is an insurance broker dedicatedto Life Sciences business: biotechs, pharmaceutical andmedical device companies, CROs, CMOs and all consultingcompanies which clients are Life Sciences organizations.32

BGI EuropeCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteOle Maaløes Vej 3, Denmark •DK-2200 Copenhagen • DenmarkYIN Jingkui, Region DirectorE-mail: yinjk@genomics.cnGSM: +86 15001347846 (China); +33 (0) 6 63 39 34 80(France)www.bgisequence.com/euInformations Foundation 2010EmployeesKeywordsBioinformatics, BGI Cloud, NGS, Health Care, BreedingActivityBGI Europe (with headquarter in Copenhagen, Denmark)was established in 2010 as the European branch of BGI. BGIEurope aims to be the reliable collaborator by providingmature solutions to the partners by using our experienceduring the past,with our accurate,top-quality sequencingability through cutting-edge technology as well as our talentbioinformatics specialists. Now in France we have ProjectCoordinators based in different Regions for more effectivecommunication.We already build good relationship withinstituts,universities and industrial partners in France, suchas INSERM, IGR, Sanofi, Danone, etc, and we are alwayslooking forward to collaborate with you.33

BIO RADAddressContactWeb site1682, rue de la Valsière - Cap Delta, ParcEuromédecine • 34184 Montpellier • FranceDELAGNEAU Jean-François, R&D ManagerE-mail: jean-francois.delagneau@bio-rad.comPhone: +33 (0) 1 47 95 60 84Fax: +33 (0) 1 47 95 61 65www.sysdiag.cnrs.frInformations Foundation 2007Employees 26KeywordsDiagnostic, Biomarkers, Personnalized medicineActivityBio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. has remained at the center ofscientific discovery for more than 50 years, manufacturingand distributing a broad range of products for the lifescience research and clinical diagnostic markets. Bio-Radis renowned worldwide among hospitals, universities,major research institutions, as well as biotechnologyand pharmaceutical companies for its commitment toquality and customer service. Founded in 1952, Bio-Rad isheadquartered in Hercules, California, and serves more than85,000 research and industry customers worldwide throughits global network of operations.The company employs over 6,500 people globally and hasrevenues exceeding $2 billion in 2010. For more information,visit www.bio-rad.com.34

BIOLUX MEDICALCompaniesAddressContact7 place de la Comédie • 34000 Montpellier • FranceNICOULET Stephan, CEOE-mail: snicoulet@bioluxmedical.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 92 76 25Fax: +33 (0) 9 57 78 35 66Web sitewww.bioluxmedical.comInformations Foundation 2009EmployeesKeywordsPhotomodulation Device, Phototherapy, Biotechnology,Innovation, Professional, AmbulatoryActivityBiolux Medical is an innovative Biotechnology companyspecialized in photomodulation. The company conceives,produces and commercializes medical photomodulationdevices. Biolux Medical’s innovation lies in the comprehensionof mechanisms of action that will revolutionize photodynamictreatments.We are in exclusive collaboration with the INSERM. Together,we are developing an ambitious research program for thenon-invasive treatment of skin therapy, in both professionaland ambulatory. Biolux Medical works in the developmentof an e-health patient doctor interface that will personalizephotomodulation treatments and their therapeutic followup.This innovative platform will integrate both patientcharacteristics and results, and will use this information tooptimize treatments.35

BIOMEOSTASISAddress Faculté Saint Jérome - Service B52,Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen •13397 Marseille cedex 20 • FranceContact BARIOHAY Bruno, President & CeoE-mail: bruno.bariohay@biomeostasis.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 28 87 19Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 28 87 11Web sitewww.biomeostasis.comInformations FoundationEmployees 5KeywordsNutritional behavior, METABOrack, METABOpackActivityBIOMEOSTASIS provides in vivo pharmacology servicesand preclinical research focused on nutritional behaviorand metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes…), allowing toevaluate/anticipate the efficacy, safety and modes of actionof pharmaceutical/nutraceutical compounds.BIOMEOSTASIS main strength is to provide METABOpack,an innovative multiparametric studies based on relevantpathophysiological rodent models. METABOpack allowsanticipating, early in the development steps, the clinicalbenefits and side effects of compounds on nutritionalbehavior and energy homeostasis. Combined with the useof our innovative platform METABOrack, BIOMEOSTASIStests can be customized to meet the specifics requirementsof our partners with the delivery of high added-value data.36

BiopreservCompaniesAddressContact4 Traverse Dupont • 06130 Grasse • FranceLACOUR Thierry, R&D Manager-CEOE-mail: contact@biopreserv.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 89 85 60 28Fax: +33 (0) 4 89 85 60 01Web sitewww.biopreserv.frInformations Foundation 2011Employees ≤ 10KeywordsMicrobiology-Biocides-Hygiene-Coatings-Cosmetics-Veterinary.ActivityBioPreserv is an independent laboratory for biology,chemical analysis and regulatory affairs; a key strengthis the R&D experimental design on testing materials orfinished products. The company is particularly open tojoined development agreement for growth potential areasincluding medical aspects.• Consulting: Management of R&D projects - Industrialhygiene audits - Strategic management (businessdevelopment, regulatory)• Microbiology: Microbiological screening - Biocide efficacytesting (challenge tests) - standard or accelerated - Sterilitytesting - Microbiological identification• Chemistry: Chemical stability testing of biocides -Accelerated aging tests - Verification of biocide dosinglevels in formulated products• Regulatory: BDP/Reach - Biocidal product efficacy claims- Support for the preparation of product authorizationdossiers - Support for the preparation of technical sheets,exposure scenarios and risk assessments.37

BIT C2 DIAGNOSTICSAddressContactWeb siteRue de la Valsière, Parc Euromédecine II •34099 Montpellier Cedex 5 • FranceCHAMPSEIX Henri, CTOE-mail: h.champseix@bit-c2d.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 40 96 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 58 22 04www.c2diagnostics.comInformations Foundation 2002Employees 29KeywordsDiagnostics, Hematology, Blood cell counterActivityBIT C2 Diagnostics is an innovative instrumentationengineering and contract manufacturing company based inMontpellier, France. Belonging to BIT Analytical InstrumentsGmbH since the end of 2010, the company was founded in2002 by a team with a solid engineering background in thediagnostics segment. BIT C2 Diagnostics currently employsa staff of 22 engineers with expertise in mechanics, software,electronics, fluidics and chemistry holding several patents intheir IVD segment. The company has its own 10’000 squarefeet R&D facility which is ISO 9001 & ISO 13485 certified aswell as FDA registered as contract manufacturer accordingto QS 21 CFR 820. BIT C2 Diagnostics provides turnkeyservices in engineering development, industrialization andmanufacturing of hematology analyzers.38

Blue-Reg Pharma ConsultCompaniesAddressContact2405 route des Dolines, BP 65 •06560 Sophia Antipolis • FranceSCHMITZ Corinne, OwnerE-mail: schmitz.corinne@blue-reg.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 89 82 94 85Fax: +33 (0) 4 89 82 92 10Web siteInformations FoundationEmployees 4KeywordsRegulatory, Pharmacovigilance, ConsultancyActivityBlue-Reg Pharma Consult is an independent consultinggroup based in Sophia-Antipolis.Blue-Reg Pharma Consult provides the pharmaceuticalindustry with a comprehensive range of professional servicesin regulatory affairs & pharmacovigilance throughout drugdevelopment & product life-cycle (registration and postapprovalphases).Blue-Reg Pharma Consult provides customized services,such as ad-hoc consulting, technical assistance, preparation& submission of regulatory documents to EuropeanMedicines Agency or other national regulatory agenciesduring development or for the registration of pharmaceuticalproducts in Europe.Blue-Reg Pharma Consult provides also specific nationalregulatory support to pharmaceutical companies for theirestablishment in France or their activities related to theregistration & the marketing of pharmaceutical products inthis market.39

C-REG MEDICALAddressContact4, rue des Tamaris • 34130 Candillargues • FranceLAWTON Tim, Manager and Regulatory AffairsConsultantE-mail: info@c-reg-medical.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 12 02 65Web sitewww.c-reg-medical.comInformations Foundation 2008EmployeesKeywordsRegulatory affairs, FDA, CE marking, 98/79/CE, 93/42/CEActivityC-REG MEDICAL is a specialist in Regulatory Affairs andquality issues : CE marking, PMA and 510 (k) submissions(FDA). As Principal Consultant, Tim Lawton supports Frenchcompanies wishing to penetrate foreign markets andneeding a close and personalized accompaniment to meettheir regulatory and quality requirements. C-REG MEDICAL’sactivities include training programs on regulatory andquality issues for the US and European markets.40

CALLIMEDIACompaniesAddressContactWeb site1682, rue de la Valsière, Cap Delta - ZACEuromedecine II • 34170 Castelnau-le-Lez • FrancePECCOUX Gérard, Directeur GénéralE-mail: g.peccoux@callimedia.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 02 36 56Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 02 87 24www.callimedia.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsLearning, Conferencing, Marketing, AnatomyActivityCalliMedia is the fruit of a merger between Calliscope andGeckomedia. This new company is today a market leaderin digital solutions for the healthcare sector, offering a widerange of specialised products and services.• e-Learning: Made-to-measure or off-the-shelf e-learningmodules for Medical Representatives, PharmaceuticalRepresentatives and Healthcare Professionals: doctors,pharmacists, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists…• e-Conferencing: Live or recorded broadcast of scientificevents via the internet or mobile supports: Smartphone,iPhone, USB keys, CD Rom...• e-marketing: Ensure maximum impact for marketingcampaign thanks to state of the art technologies: widgets,calculators, web sites, blogs, wikis, e-visibility…• e-anatomy: A unique resource for your anatomical andmedical illustrations, 2D and 3D animations and marketingdocuments.41

CAPEVAL PHARMAAddressContactLe Forum 2 - 218 avenue Marie Curie, ArchampsTechnopole • 74160 Archamps • FranceLOGET Olivier, President and CEOE-mail: olivier.loget@capeval-pharma.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 56 44 81 15Web sitewww.capeval-pharma.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsNon clinical Development, Safety, Toxicology, ADMET,PK, DDI, CMC, Regulatory, Compliance, Due Diligence,Training, OphtalmologyActivityFounded in 2010 by Dr. Olivier Loget, DVM, ERT, CapEvalPharma provides pharmaceutical consultancy services fromearly pre-clinical to clinical development, specifically in thesectors of Safety, Toxicology, Pharmacology, Ophthalmology,ADME/PK, analytical development, QA, CMC-RegulatoryAffairs and Compliance.CapEval’s team of highly qualified pharmaceuticalconsultants, fluent in 3 languages, provides scientific adviceand training to identify the best approach to move projectsquickly through development and onto the commercialmarket.With experience working in the Biotech, Pharma and CROsectors, CapEval is uniquely qualified to offer completeoutsourcing management services for critical studies andproduct development.CapEval offers particular expertise in the fields of duediligence, assessment of both in- and out-licensing programsand gap analysis for determination of project value.42

Capsum SASCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteHéliopolis Bâtiment C, 3 allée des Maraîchers •13013 Marseille • FranceROYERE Audrey, Account Manager / IPE-mail: audrey@capsum.euPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 21 02 90Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 62 91 41www.capsum.euInformations FoundationEmployees 20KeywordsActivity Capsum is a science-born company focusing on cosmeticapplications. The ambition of Capsum is to offerbreakthrough innovations to the market by daring changingthe way cosmetics are manufactured and designed.Today, Capsum has developed four technological platforms and offers a widerange of encapsulation systems addressing different consumers‘ needs:• Higher Efficacy by protecting and delivering actives Better safety by removingalcohol from perfume and surfactants from emulsions• More beautiful products conveying the image of quality and luxury - Greaterskin feel - New consumer experiences The fields of technical innovationsaddressed by Capsum include :- new processes : mass production based on microfluidic and millifluidic- new capsules : from nanometer scale to millimeters, structured andfunctionalized• High end powder : monodisperse particles with controlled compositions• Evaluation of cosmetic activity : skin penetration and assays.43

Capture DesignAddressContact144, allée des Glaîeuls, Domaines des Pins •83600 Fréjus • FrancePEREIRA David, ManagerE-mail: d.pereira@capturedesign.frPhone: +33 (0) 9 51 90 48 95Web sitewww.capturedesign.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsPhysical model, 3D ScaningActivityOur 3D scanners delivers information on the shape of anobject in seconds. Therefore, our devices are used brilliantlywhenever there is need of 3D images of the entire humanbody or body part only. They pose no risk to human safety.They do not produce any kind of magnetic radiation thatcan damage the medical equipment, and there is no needfor special markers. These advantages are due to thepopularity of our scanners in medicine as well as in relateddisciplines.44

CDL PharmaCompaniesAddressContact2, rue Mascaron • 13006 Marseille • FranceDEYDIER Romaric, CEOE-mail: r.deydier@cdlpharma.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 96 20 96 20Fax: +33 (0) 4 96 20 96 21Web sitewww.cdlpharma.comInformations Foundation 2005Employees 8KeywordsCentralized Biology logistics CROActivity CDL Pharma offers a comprehensive system for centralizedbiological analyses in clinical research. Our range ofcustomized and complementary services is designedfor pharmaceutical laboratories, CROs, biotechnologycompanies, food processing industry and all participants inbiomedical research.Our services:- Centralized biology: routine analysis in biochemistry, immunology, hematology,microbiology, molecular biology. Customized assays in immunology andmolecular biology.- Sample logistics: shipment management and traceability.- Biobanking: short, medium and long-term storage.- Sample library: library of qualified biological samples- Sampling kits: design and kit production, supplying and stock managementfor each investigator centers.- Data management: from data entry to file exportation - Biostatistics: studydesign, statistical reports, and scientific publications- Medical diagnostics: development, evaluation and validation of medicaldiagnostics technologies.45

CEISOAddressContactWeb siteHôtel technologiques-Technopole de châteauGombert, BP 100 • 13382 Marseille cedex 13 •FranceLUZERGUES Gérard, CEOE-mail: gerard.luzergues@ceiso.frPhone: +33 (0) 1 69 07 03 37Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 07 54 40www.ceiso.frInformations Foundation 1999Employees 6KeywordsAFSSAPS, Europe, 510k for FDA, Buiding-up of Qualitymanagement Systems, GMP’s, ISO 9001/13485ActivityCEISO founded in 1999 provides global consultancy &expertise in quality and regulatory affairs for actors inmedical devices Industry• CEISO provides assistance to all parties concerned bythe newly issued regulation: Quality system, Productcompliance (regulatory files...)• Training Team• Former project engineers from the French Notified Body &testing labs, qualified for: Product assessment, Evaluationof quality system,• Training Fields• Active & non active medical devices, Implantable, sterilemedical devices, In Vitro Diagnostic Reagent• Regulations : Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, China, Taiwan,ROW: Australia, New Zealand• Relation with Bodies : Notified bodies, French authoritiesStandardization: Specialized working groups.46

Centre CAP SASCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteClinique Rech, 9, avenue Charles Flahault •34090 Montpellier • FranceROUZIER Régine, CEOE-mail: centre-cap@centre-cap.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 99 23 22 21Fax: +33 (0) 4 99 23 22 20www.centre-cap.comInformations Foundation 1985EmployeesKeywordsCROActivityPhase I/II clinical Trial Unit located in the south of France.Conduct of studies for national and international largePharmaceutical Companies and for food industry groupsfor over 20 years.Main assets: fast and efficient healthy volunteers recruitment(for instance for vaccine studies, menopausal women…),important network of HCV and diabetes patients, qualityof services and respect of time lines, scientific advices,possibility of research and development tax credit forFrench companies and subsidiaries.47

CHAUVIN - BAUSCH + LOMBLaboratoireAddressContact416 rue Samuel Morse, CS 99535 •34961 Montpellier Cedex 2 • FranceGUIBOURG Pierre, President General ManagerPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 12 30 03Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 12 30 31Web sitewww.bausch.comInformations Foundation 1986EmployeesKeywordsOphtalmologyActivityBausch + Lomb - Chauvin Laboratory is dedicated to theeye health. Our goal is to help people to see better, tolive better. Bausch + Lomb - Chauvin Laboratory developsvarious therapies to apply most of the eye illnesses.Bausch + Lomb - Chauvin Laboratory purposes to theophtamologiest a large range of solution to help them tocare their patients and had two production sites in france:Toulouse (surgery) and Aubenas (drugs). The Frenchheadquarter is based in Montpellier.48

CILOACompaniesAddress Bat.24, cc107 Universite Montpellier 2, Place E.Bataillon • 34095 Montpellier cedex 5 • FranceContact MAMOUN Robert Z, CEO/CSOE-mail: rmamoun@ciloa.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 14 39 97Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 14 42 86Web sitewww.ciloa.frInformations Foundation 2011Employees 7KeywordsMembrane proteins, GPCR, Antibodies, ExosomesActivityCiloa is a start-up company with a proprietary technologythat provides fully native membrane proteins on naturalnanovesicles. Single and multi-transmembrane domainproteins sorted on these vesicles harbor all their naturalpost-translational modifications. This unique platformallows to produce custom membrane proteins out of cellsfor:- i) drug screening,- ii) innovative therapies,- iii) generation of new vaccines & Monoclonal antibodies,- iv) developing new kind of diagnostic tools.49

Cisbio BioassaysAddressContactParc Marcel Boiteux, BP 84175 •30200 Codolet Cedex • FranceMATHIS Gérard, R&D ManagerE-mail: gmathis@cisbio.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 79 67 08Web sitewww.htrf.comInformations Foundation 2010Employees 160KeywordsHTRFActivityCISBIO Bioassays is a global developer of productsand technologies used in in vitro diagnostics and assaydevelopment for drug screening procedures. The companypioneered the field of homogeneous fluorescencemethodologies via its proprietary technology, HTRF®,a highly sensitive, robust technology for the detectionof molecular interactions and widely used by thepharmaceutical industry for the high throughput screeningstage of drug development. In addition, CISBIO Bioassaysproduces a selection of biological reagents and methodsused by pharmaceuticals and biotechnology companies, aswell as contract research organizations (CROs).50

CLL PHARMACompaniesAddressContactWeb siteNice Premier - Arénas, 455, Promenade des Anglais• 6299 Nice Cedex 3 •FranceLARUELLE Claude, CEOE-mail: claude.laruelle@cllpharma.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 93 21 85 60Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 21 85 71www.cllpharma.comInformations Foundation 1995EmployeesKeywordsAutoimmune disease, PainActivityCLL Pharma is a pharmaceutical R&D company involved inthree areas:• Development of generics until Marketing Authorization inEurope (more than 100 MAs in 10 years),• Development of Drug Delivery formulations according to6 patented technologies,• Development of new therapeutic peptides and Peptranstechnology which improves cellular and brain uptake ofwell-known drugs (Paclitaxel, Docetaxel, etc).• Applications within: - Autoimmune diseases: rhumatoidarthritis – pain – Crohn’s disease – psoriasis,• Cancer: glioblastome, breast cancer, - Cardiovascular:improved formulations of Clopidogrel (Plavix ®) andbiphosphonates. - 22 families of patents including 162issued patents.SYN2001 (brain cancer) was labellized by ORPHEME (formerEurobiomed Name) in 2008.51

COLCOMAddressContactWeb siteCap Alpha, avenue de l‘europe, Clapiers •34940 Montpellier cedex 9 • FranceGRANIER Fabien, ManagerE-mail: info@colcom.euGSM: +33 (0) 6 24 34 42 94Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 63 10 46www.colcom.euInformations Foundation 2008EmployeesKeywordsNanotechnology, Dendrimer, LysineActivity COLCOM develop biological applications withnanotechnologies in the fields of biological traces detection,water decontamination, in vitro diagnostic DENDRIDIAG®kit for the bacterial monitoring of water networks in fewseconds with a ultrasensivity of 1 bacteria/ml. The kitprovides 3 levels of sensitivity depending of the quality ofwaters (industrial, sanitary or ultrapure waters). Marketingof nanomolecules based on Dendri Graft of Lysine. In anemerging technology sector, those compounds interestprivate or public research laboratories in USA, Europe,China, India, Russia or Japan.Ref: BIO-RAD, Merck, Air Liquide, CNES, Altis, MITCambridge, NIH – National Cancer Institute, VanderbiltUniversity, Bowling Green State University, Purdue University,Fudan University of Shanghai, Tyndall National Institute,Leibniz Institute…52

CORADINCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteZI de l‘Argile VI - Lot 620, 460, avenue de la Quiera •6370 Mouans Sartoux • FranceGUILBERT Bruno, General ManagerE-mail: bruno.guilbert@coradin.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 28 80 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 28 80 08www.coradin.comInformations Foundation 1993Employees 28KeywordsMedical, Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic, CosmeticActivity Research & Developments, Industrialization andManufacturing of technical polymer packagings and Medicaldevices for the Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and AdvancedCosmetic industries. Production in clean room environmentISO8 and ISO5 Certified ISO 9001v2008, ISO 13485 (Medicaldevices), ISO 14001(Environmental), ISO 15378 (GMP).53

CRYOPEPAddressContactWeb site83 rue Yves Montand, ZAC Parc 2000 •34080 Montpellier • FranceBENATTAR Norbert, CEOE-mail: norbert.benattar@cryopep.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 10 71 20Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 10 71 21www.cryopep.comInformations Foundation 2008EmployeesKeywordsHaemostasis, Plasma, CoagulationActivityCRYOPEP is a French company specialized in global andspecial coagulation tests, control and reference plasmas.54

CYTOSIAL BiomedicCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteParc Scientifique Georges Besse, 110, allée CharlesBabbages • 30035 Nîmes • FranceDUPASQUIER Florence, Scientific Research ManagerE-mail: fdupasquier@cytosial.comPhone: +33 (0) 1 75 43 51 03Fax: +33 (0) 1 75 43 51 01www.cytosialbiomedic.comInformations Foundation 2010Employees 3KeywordsActivityCYTOSIAL Biomedic is a biomedical start-up focusedon the discovery, development and distribution ofinjectable medical implants, dermatological solutions andpharmaceutical products.We develop patented innovative technologies frombiopolymers to turn today’s good ideas into new treatmentsfor future health and welfare.We actually focus on the aesthetic dermatology andcosmetic surgery field however our first researches resultswill allow us to develop treatments in the therapeutic areasof urology, ophthalmology, odontology, nervous tissueregeneration, orthopedics and angiology.55

DENSMORE LaboratoireAddressContact7, rue de Millo • 98000 Monaco • MonacoCARON Philippe, CEOE-mail: philippe.caron@densmore.mcPhone: 03 77 93 30 99 34Fax: 03 77 97 70 65 67Web sitewww.densmore.mcInformations Foundation 1946Employees 20KeywordsNanotechnology, Drug deliveryActivityDensmore is a pharmaceutical company establishedin Monaco since 1946 and involved in research anddevelopment, marketing of medical products in Gynecologyand Ophtalmology. Densmore is focused in differentprograms of development (medical device, OTC, Rx) inconnection with research centers.56

DEXTRAN METROLOGIECompaniesAddressContactWeb siteParc de Bellegarde - Bât C, 1 Chemin de Borie •34170 Castelnau-le-Lez • FranceDUPRE Denis, Sales ManagerE-mail: denis.dupre@dextran.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 13 40 83Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 13 40 81www.dextran.frInformations Foundation 1994Employees 14KeywordsMetrologyActivityCreated in 1994, Dextran Métrologie is a testing laboratorytotally complying with ISO/IEC 17025 and specialized inlaboratory equipment qualifications (IQ, OQ and PQ):• Climatic environment: sterilizer, climatic chamber,incubator, refrigerator, bain-marie, oven, temperatureprobes• Weighing instruments• Separation technics: centrifugation, spectrophotometer• Dust particules control: laminar flow hood, clean room.We are accredited by COFRAC for characterization ofclimatic chambers, validation of steam sterilization processesand temperature calibration. These certifications guaranteeour high level of expertise. As an approved educationalbody, we can provide full consultancy, train and validation inthe setting up of any metrological department within yourorganization.57

DIAGDEV SASAddressContactWeb siteCap Alpha, Avenue de l‘Europe •34830 Clapiers • FranceLE COMTE Roger, President and R&D ManagerE-mail: roger.le.comte@diagdev.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 59 30 80Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 59 30 10www.diagdev.comInformations Foundation 2008Employees 7KeywordsDiagnostic, Engineering stainerActivity The mission of DIAGDEV is to create and developinstruments for the diagnostic market including clinicallaboratories, research applications, veterinarians anddoctor’s offices in some countries.DIAGDEV takes in charge all phases of development from thedefinition of specifications with the customer until deliveryof a marketable product. Our customers are major actors inthe diagnostic market with in common a deep commitmentto build their future with new innovative instruments.DIAGDEV has also developed its own range of instrumentsfor staining cells in hematology and bacteriology that isworldwide marketed.58

DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL SYSTEMSCompaniesAddressContact393 Rue Charles Lindbergh •34130 Mauguio • FranceANSEL Jean Paul, PDGPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 50 49 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 50 49 09Web sitewww.dms.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsMedical imagingActivityThe DMS Group specializes in high technology solutionsthat serve the needs of the diagnostic medical imagingcommunity. The Group, which includes the two companies,DMS and Apelem, is the French leader in the conception,manufacturing and distribution of imaging systemsdedicated to conventional and digital radiology as well asto bone densitometry.With a strategy focused on technological innovation theGroup offers a complete range of imaging systems topractitioners across the globe.59

EFS Alpes Méditerranée &EFS Pyrénées MéditerranéeAddress EFS AM: 506 avenue du Prado - CS 3000213272 Marseille cedex 08 • FranceEFS PM: Av. de Grande Bretagne BP 321031027 Toulouse cedex 3 • FranceContact EFS AM: DE MICCO Philippe, Medical & ScientificDirectorE-mail: philippe.demicco@efs.sante.frPhone: +33 (0)4 91 17 28 25 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 17 28 32EFS PM: COSTE Joliette, Scientific DirectorE-mail : joliette.coste@efs.sante.frPhone: +33 (0)4 67 61 64 28 -Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 61 64 54Web sitewww.dondusang.netInformations Foundation 2000EmployeesKeywordsImmuno-hematology, Virology, Immuno-genetics, AnthropologyActivity The Etablissement Français du Sang is the only civilianblood transfusion organization in France.Its core mission is to ensure national self-sufficiency in blood products whilstguaranteeing optimal safety and quality.As France’s leading Biomedical Analysis Laboratory, the EFS carries out nearly515 million analyses/year. The EFS is the leading supplier of cell and tissuetherapy products and has 20 research laboratories that work in partnership withuniversities, academic laboratories or biotechnology companies.The EFS Alpes-Méditerranée develops research activities within the UMR 7268ADES: infectious risk in transfusion, anthropogenetics and immunohematologyinvolved in compatibility of transfusion, graft and organ transplant. The EFS is afounding member of the IHU-Méditerranée Infection.The EFS Pyrénées-Méditerranée develops within TransDiag group highlyinnovative technologies to improve the detection of infectious agents and theblood grouping. The group Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Cellular Engineering(UMR 5273 Stromalab) develops strategies for tissue regeneration using adultstem cells.60

EPHYGIE HANDCompaniesAddressContact1166, chemin de Peylong • 83510 Lorgues • FranceDELORD Bernard, GérantE-mail: bdelord.ephygie-hand@neuf.frGSM: +33 (0) 6 80 66 33 12Web siteInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsHygiene, hand, audit, tracking, monitoringActivityTracking and survey of hygiene and critical data (handhygiene and staff flow, surgical parameters) in the field ofhospital health and food processing industry.61

ER - EXPERTISE RADIOLOGIEAddressContactWeb siteCap Oméga, Rond Point Benjamin Franklin •34960 Montpellier • FranceBERIBOS Robert Damien, CEOE-mail: robert.beribos@expertise-radiologie.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 13 00 39Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 13 00 10www.expertise-radiologie.frInformations Foundation 2008EmployeesKeywordsRadiology, Image post-processing, Cardiology, Neurology,Pacs, RIS, EKGActivityER-radiology Expertise © inc, is involved in Telemedicine.Activity is based on PaaS (Platform as a Service) includesdedicated servers on medical topics within secure accessto carry out all activities ER brings both medical servicesand technology solutions. MD Services meet healthcaredemand and combines state of the art innovative technicalsolutions as a help to diagnostic - patient management.ER applications are for treating chronic conditions,tracking medical conditions over time, getting input fromspecialists, creating collaboration, facilitating homecareand nursing home delivery, detecting deterioration of carecondition early and initiating preventive care. ER has shownits effectiveness providing improved care performed byteleradiology, tele-expertise by remote expert consultation,telecare by remote monitoring.62

Eramondi R&DCompaniesAddressContactWeb site2040 avenue du Père Soulas •34090 Montpellier • FranceFLOCH Jean François, CEOE-mail: contact@eramondird.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 54 36 26Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 91 05 72www.eramondird.comInformations Foundation 2010Employees 9KeywordsBiotechActivity63

ERNST & YOUNGAddressContactWeb site1025, rue Henri Becquerel, CS 39520 •34961 Montpellier cedex 2 • FranceMERCIER Marie-Thérèse, PartnerE-mail: marie-therese.mercier@fr.ey.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 13 31 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 13 31 31www.ey.comInformations FoundationEmployees 30KeywordsActivity Helping Biotechnology companies succeed Today’srapidly changing biotechnology industry is delivering newlevels of health, prosperity and sustainability. But it is alsofacing unprecedented challenges. Ernst & Young’s GlobalBiotechnology Center brings together a worldwide team ofprofessionals to help you achieve your potential - a teamwith deep technical experience in providing assurance,tax, transaction and advisory services. The Center worksto anticipate market trends, identify the implicationsand develop points of view on relevant industry issues.Ultimately it enables us to help you meet your goals andcompete more effectively. It’s how Ernst & Young makes adifference.64

ESP ConsultingCompaniesAddressContactRésidence Signoret, Allée Rufinus •13100 Aix en Provence • FranceFABRE Jean-Bernard, General managerE-mail: jb.fabre@esp-consulting.frGSM: +33 (0) 6 60 63 82 12Web sitewww.esp-consulting.frInformations Foundation 2008Employees 3KeywordsActivity EPS-Consulting is a brand which has been created in 2008.The particularity of this firm is that most of the workersinside cumulated skills of both scientists (PhD) and trainers(Professional states certificate).The aim of the brend is to reduce the gap betweenfundamental research and sports world.The double skill of the crew <strong>members</strong> helps to createinnovation in three activity sectors: conception andvalidation of product, healthcare and high-level training. EPSConsulting is labelised as “ Jeune – Entreprise – Innovante”and is accredited by the research Ministry.65

EUDRAC FranceAddressContactWeb site950, avenue de Roumanille, E-Golf Park, bât. B •06410 Sophia Antipolis • FranceJacques MONTMARTIN, Associate DirectorRegulatory Affairs & Business DevelopmentE-mail: jacques.montmartin@eudrac.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 30 00 50 50Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 64 10 52www.eudrac.comInformations Foundation 2007Employees 8Keywords Regulatory affairs, Pharmacovigilance, Consultancy,Development & Strategy, Registration, RegulatoryMaintenanceActivityEUDRAC is a specialised regulatory affairs consultancycompany providing support to drive products throughclinical development, registration and market launch in theEU countries.66

EUROFINS / ADME BioanalysesCompaniesAddressContact75, chemin de Sommières • 30310 Vergèze • FrancePICCIRILLO Julie, DMPK Business DevelopmentE-mail: juliepiccirillo@eurofins.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 73 00 95Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 73 17 74Web sitewww.eurofinsadmebioanalyses.comInformations Foundation 1987EmployeesKeywordsPharmacokinetics, Metabolism, Development and validationof analytical methods and bioanalysisActivity Eurofins ADME BIOANALYSES has served pharmaceuticaland biotech companies since 1987. Our integration intoEurofins scientific group allows us the security and thestrength of an international group while maintainingthe expertise and the proximity. We are specialized inpharmacokinetics and metabolism.Successfully inspected by AFSSAPS every 2 years and FDA in 2009. Ourexpertise supports your drug development with:• Screening tests- In-vivo pharmacokinetics-In-vitro metabolic stability• ADME Studies• Development, transfer & validation of analytical methods according toInternational Regulatory Guidelines (FDA and EMA Guidelines)• Toxicokinetics• Human pharmacokinetic & Bioequivalence• Metabolism- Metabolism enzyme identification- Metabolic profiles• Percutaneous absorption studies67

GALDERMA R&DAddressContactWeb siteLes Templiers - 2400, route des Colles, BP 87 •06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex • FranceFOURQUIN Frédéric, Site ManagerE-mail: frederic.fourquin@galderma.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 93 95 71 83Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 95 21 16www.galderma.comInformations Foundation 1979Employees 506KeywordsR & D, DermatologyActivityGalderma is a global leading pharmaceutical companyspecializing in the research, development and marketingof therapeutic, corrective and aesthetic solutions indermatology. Its expertise covers a broad spectrum of skin,hair and nail diseases. To drive sustained growth, Galdermainvests 20,8 percent of its revenues in innovation for thedevelopment of drugs and other medical solutions, whichare sourced internally from its own research activities orfrom partnerships. The R&D teams are present on threespecific sites:• Princeton (NJ), USA (clinical development),• Tokyo, Japan (clinical development),• Sophia Antipolis, France (research and development). This19.300-sq. meter state-of-the-art R&D center is Galderma’slargest facility and positions the company as the world’sleading investor in dermatology R&D.68

GENEPEPCompaniesAddressContactWeb site12 Rue du Fer à Cheval •34430 Saint-Jean-de-Vedas • FrancePUGET Karine, CEOE-mail: contact@genepep.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 50 77 02Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 60 75 99www.genepep.comInformations Foundation 2003EmployeesKeywordsPeptide, SynthesisActivityDesign, synthesis and optimisation of peptides fortherapeutics, diagnostics and cosmetological applications.69

Genoscience PharmaAddressContact2 Rue Mascaron • 13006 Marseille • FranceHALFON Philippe, CEOE-mail: phalfon@3dgenoscience.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 25 95 14Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 25 79 44Web sitewww.genosciencepharma.comInformations Foundation 2001Employees 3KeywordsVIH, HCVActivityGenoscience is a new biopharmaceutical company dedicatedto the discovery, development and commercialization ofnovel antiviral products (HCV,HIV).Our innovative technology platform, which combinesinternal expertise in viral infections and unique molecularmodeling leads to develop highly targeted moleculestaking into account the phenomenon of resistance.70

GREENSEA SASCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteParc scientifique et environnemental, Promenade duSergent Navarro • 34140 Meze • FranceMICHEL Thibaut, R&D ManagerE-mail: dev-greensea@orange.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 46 64 82Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 46 64 82www.greentech.frInformations Foundation 2005Employees 8KeywordsFluorescent tags, DiagnosticsActivityGreensea company is specialized in the production ofmicro-algae and extraction of molecules with high addedvalue. Greensea is one of the World leaders in highlypurified phycobiliproteins, photosynthetic pigments foundin cyanobacteria, red algae. Greensea proposed threebiomarkers: Allophycocyanin (APC), Crosslinked APS (APC-XLS) and Phycoerythrin (R-PE) The three most preferredlabels used in medical diagnostics and Life Science research.Phycobiliproteins are water soluble, stable at a wide rangeof biological pH values and present large Stokes shift.71

Groupe GENIOUSAddressContact3ter rue des pins, rdc • 34000 Montpellier • FranceFOULON Pierre, DirectorE-mail: p.foulon@genious.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 58 85 19Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 92 97 37Web sitewww.genious-interactive.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsSerious games for health, Serious games after strokes,E-health games platformActivityGenious is a group of 180 persons and a figure of affair of17Me.It is situated in Paris, Rennes and Montpellier.Genious is a company specialized in data processingengineering, e-health’s problematic, serious games forhealth, Information and Communications Technology,e-learning.We have a department of Research & Development wherewe work on new technology, tangible interfaces, gamedesign, and pedagogic design.72

H4DCompaniesAddressContact11 Rue de Cuques • 13100 Aix en Provence • FranceBAUDINO Franck, CEOE-mail: franck.baudino@gmail.comGSM: +33 (0) 6 15 20 19 06Web siteInformations Foundation 2008Employees 4KeywordsTelemedecineActivityH4D is built around a medical innovative breakthrough:the Autonomous Medical Unit (AMU). This is an automatedproduct for local usage, designed to respond to a need: breakthe sanitary remoteness and fight medical desertification. Itaims to support access to healthcare for all in remote areas,to prevent diseases and to curb treatment delays.73

HAPTIKAAddressContactMaison des technologies, Place Georges Pompidou• 83000 Toulon • FranceBRINON Thierry, PresidentE-mail: thierry.brinon@haptika.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 94 03 89 44Fax: +33 (0) 4 94 03 89 14Web siteInformations Foundation 2012EmployeesKeywordsMedical device, Silicone rubber and gel, Dipping,Sterilization, Innovation, CohesivityActivityConception, manufacturing and marketing of implantablemedical devices intended for the plastic and aestheticsurgery.74

HISTALIMCompaniesAddressContact126, rue Emile Baudot • 34000 Montpellier • FranceCOTON Jean-Philippe, General ManagerE-mail: jpcoton@histalim.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 71 27 65Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 71 27 65Web sitewww.histalim.comInformations Foundation 2005Employees 9KeywordsHistology, Cytology, Molecular Biology.ActivityHISTALIM is a technical platform of histology, cytology andmolecular biology offering a wide range of services:• Analysis provision• Biomedical diagnosis• Provisions for biotechnological businesses (histotechnology,immuno-histochemistry, in situ hybridization,…)• Histopathology in the frame of toxicological studies• Design of dedicated analysis methods• Development of specific applications of image analysis75

HORIBA MEDICALAddressContactRue du Caducée, Parc Euromédecine - BP7290 •34184 Montpellier cedex 4 • FranceJACQUEMIN Sylvain, Directeur InnovationE-mail: sylvain.jacquemin@horiba.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 14 16 33Web sitewww.horiba.com/medicalInformations Foundation 1983Employees 793KeywordsActivityIn Vitro DiagnosticsThe HORIBA Group produces in vitro diagnostic systemsfor biological analysis laboratories. The systems proposedmeet the needs of all users: patients, doctors, privatelaboratories, clinics and university hospitals. HORIBA ABX’sexpertise in in vitro diagnostics applied to hematology, isthe focal point of the Group’s medical division, which is oneof the five largest operators in the global market place inthis particular field.76

HORUS PHARMACompaniesAddressContactWeb siteCap Var – Bât D2, 148 Avenue Georges Guynemer •06700 Saint Laurent du Var • FranceCLARET Claude, General ManagerE-mail: claude.claret@horus-pharma.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 93 19 54 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 19 54 09www.horus-pharma.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsOphtalmology, OphtabiotechActivityIndependant pharmaceutical company focused in theophtalmological field. Our company commercializes a fullrange of innovative products including drugs, medicaldevices, contact lens care products as nutraceuticals.The company integrates R&D and commercialization.Manufacturing is outsourced. Horus is now expandingto international business seeking for partners. We have avery aggressive R&D policy in both medical devices andpharmaceutical fields. In particular we develop a newgeneration of multidose non preserved bottle so called IFree system. In parallel, we have a strong expertise in theformulation area of ophthalmic sterile gels. We expect within5 years to cover most of the ophtamological segments withinnovative and patented products.Horus Pharma is part of Ophta Biotech, the ophtamologicalcluster of the French Riviera.77

I2A- intelligence artificielleapplicationsAddressContactWeb siteParc de la Mediterranée - BP 90002, Rue LouisLepine • 34477 Perols • FranceCUREL Christian, Managing DirectorE-mail: christian.curel@i2a.infoPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 50 48 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 17 09 06www.i2.infoInformations Foundation 1988Employees 43KeywordsMicrobiology, Susceptibility testing, Pre-analytical, Platesstreaking, Antibiogram, AntimicrobialActivitySpecialized in Microbiology, i2a develops, manufacturesand sells a range of instruments, software and reagentsdedicated to microbiology labs. Our company offers :• a complete range of automates: urine sediment analyser(URISED), urine chemical analyser (LABUMAT), bacterialculture (ALFRED, HB&L), gram and mycobacteria staining,bloodculture-mycobacteria (VERSATREK), Identificationand AST (SIRSCAN),• a complete range of software (SirWeb middleware,SirWeb-MaldiTOF, epidemiology,...)• a range of consumables and reagents (MHR SIR®: Rapidmedia for susceptibility testing. SIRscan discs: antibioticdiscs. TAXIDEN®: Biochemical identification. INOCLIC®:Inoculum standardization. Latex kits, MIC strips, QCstrains,..).78

IBM FranceCompaniesAddress Parc Industriel Technique, La Pompignane - CS 81021• 34060 Montpellier cedex 2 • FranceContact Vasques Xavier, ManagerE-mail: xavier.vasques@fr.ibm.comGSM: +33 (0) 6 83 93 31 53Web siteInformations FoundationEmployees 500KeywordsITActivityIBM is the world-wide leader in the IT industry, developingand delivering every technology required to buildInformation System for large and mid-size companies. Itincludes a very broad family of servers and software which canbe associated to specific services to help clients integratingthese new technologies into their existing informationsystems. IBM can also fully run the IT of companies willing tooutsource their systems. New IT models are now emergingand IBM is strongly investing in these models, such as CloudComputing - IBM is also investing in specific Industries,such as health-care and life sciences to address the specificneeds of these industries.79

ICDDAddressContactWeb site100 rte des houilleres, BP 2 •13590 Meyreuil • FranceCOMPAGNONE Nathalie, CEO & FounderE-mail: ncompagnone@icdd-sas.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 42 61 28 28Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 61 28 29www.icdd-sas.comInformations Foundation 2007Employees 8KeywordsMitochondria Predictive toxicology In vitro models forneurodegeneration TranslationActivityICDD-sas is a biotech company, working as a mitochondrialexpert with proprietary technologies to select the safestand most efficient drugs on a fee-for-service basis &through industrial partnership in pharmaceutical, cosmeticand nutraceutic industries. Our mission is to contribute tothe development of safer, more targeted drugs, at a lowercost. We quantifies mitochondrial function using the HTSMitosafe® technology, a cost effective platform with minimalcompound requirements. We operate Mitostream®, amore elaborate dynamical HCA solution decipheringmitochondrial behavior to model the clinical toleranceof drug candidate at the pre-clinical stage. Mitostream®also fueled the development of in vitro models to selectdisease-modifying drugs in Huntington’s and Alzheimer’sdisease. ICDD is dedicated to biomarker discovery, with thePromembrane® technology, used with industrial partners todevelop personalized medicine diagnostics and companionmarkers to CNS drugs.80

IDENIXCompaniesAddressContactWeb site1682 rue de la Valsière, Cap Gamma •34189 Montpellier Cedex 4 • FranceSURLERAUX Dominique, VP ChimieE-mail: surleraux.dominique@idenix.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 99 52 22 52Fax: +33 (0) 4 99 52 22 50www.idenix.comInformations Foundation 1998Employees 31KeywordsHCV, NucleosideActivityIdenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is engaged in the discoveryand development of drugs for the treatment of human viraland other infectious diseases. Building on its expertise innucleoside chemistry and other small molecule chemistryand biology, the company is well positioned to become aleader in antiviral pharmaceuticals. Idenix’s current focus ison the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. Thecompany has previously discovered and developed antiviralsfor the treatment of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and HIV/AIDS.Idenix is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts (MA).Idenix Sarl, the French subsidiary is Iocated in Montpellierand is in charge of the medicinal chemistry process.81

INELDEA LaboratoireAddressContactWeb siteZI de CARROS, 10 ème Rue 4 ème Avenue •06510 Carros • FranceCAPPELAERE Nicolas, CEOE-mail: cappelaere.n@ineldea.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 97 02 24 70Fax: +33 (0) 4 97 02 09 28www.ineldea.comInformations Foundation 2003Employees 45KeywordsFood supplements, CosmeticsActivityConception, development, manufacturing, delivery andselling of food supplements and cosmetic products.• www.pediakid.com,• www.olioseptil.com,• www.scientec-nutrition.com,• www.ineldea.com,• www.medicafarm.com,• www.effiderm.com82

INNATE PHARMACompaniesAddressContact117, avenue de Luminy, BP 30191 •13276 Marseille Cedex 09 • FranceBRAILLY Hervé, CEOPhone: +33 (0) 4 30 30 30 30Fax: +33 (0) 4 30 30 30 00Web sitewww.innate-pharma.comInformations Foundation 1999Employees 80KeywordsImmunotherapyActivityInnate Pharma S.A. is a biopharmaceutical companydeveloping first-in-class immunotherapy drugs for cancerand inflammatory diseases. Its drug-candidates belong toa new class of therapeutic agents consisting of monoclonalantibodies aimed at immune regulatory checkpoints with aunique focus on the innate immunity compartment.This approach has been validated by two majorbiopharmaceutical partners: Bristol-Myers Squibb in cancerand Novo Nordisk A/S in inflammation. Incorporated in 1999and listed on NYSE-Euronext in Paris in 2006, Innate Pharmais based in Marseilles, France, and had 80 employees as atDecember 31, 2011.83

INNOVATECH EXPERTISE COMPTABLEAddressContactWeb site165 Avenue du Marin Blanc, Immeuble Optimumbâtiment C • 13400 Aubagne • FranceGUIDI Marie-Laure, CEOE-mail: mlg@innovatech.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 42 62 40 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 84 39 89www.innovatech-conseil.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsAccountantActivityChartered accountancy.84

INSTRULABCompaniesAddressContact16 rue de la comtesse • 25640 Marchaux • FranceCLAVEL Emilie, Sales representativeE-mail: e.clavel@instrulab.frPhone: +33 (0) 3 81 57 90 34Fax: +33 (0) 3 81 57 90 09Web sitewww.instrulab.frInformations Foundation 2011EmployeesKeywordsInstruments, Laboratory, Manufacturer, AnalyserActivityINSTRULAB is a major of the sector of the instruments oflaboratory of the in Vitro Diagnosis, of the Biotechnologies,of the Food-processing industry, of the veterinarianand of the Environment. It is translated through a onlyinterlocutor making propositions, defining and identifyinga unique mastery of work corresponding to your needs.INSTRULAB is the partner of the big distributors with morethan 6000 instruments installed in the world. INSTRULAB isa committed team to you, from the feasibility study to themass production of instruments and systems OEM.85

INTRASENSEAddressContactWeb site1231, avenue du Mondial 98 •34000 Montpellier • FranceCHEMOUNY Stéphane, PresidentE-mail: chemouny@intrasense.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 13 01 30Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 13 01 32www.intrasense.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsActivityDesign, development and marketing of software formedical image processing, management, review and aideddiagnosis.86

IPSOGEN SACompaniesAddressContactWeb siteLuminy Biotech Entreprises - Case 923, 163, avenuede Luminy • 13288 Marseille Cedex 09 • FranceFERT Vincent, CEOE-mail: infos@ipsogen.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 29 30 90Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 29 30 99www.ipsogen.comInformations Foundation 1999Employees 72KeywordsMolecular diagnosticActivityIPSOGEN, “Cancer Profiler,” develops and markets moleculardiagnostic tests designed to map diseases in order to guidepatients and oncologists’ decisions along their complextherapeutic path. With more than 80 tests already usedroutinely worldwide for the diagnosis, prognosis and followupof thousands of patients with blood cancer, IPSOGENis also targeting breast cancer. Its goal will be to providediagnostic information that remained unavailable until now.IPSOGEN is, since July 2011, a subsidiary of the QIAGENgroup. As of December 31, 2011, IPSOGEN employed 72people. Its headquarters are located in Marseille, France.87

IRIS PHARMAAddressContactAllée Hector Pintus • 06610 La Gaude • FranceELENA Pierre-Paul, CEOE-mail: info@iris-pharma.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 93 59 49 59Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 59 49 50Web sitewww.iris-pharma.comInformations Foundation 1989Employees 49KeywordsActivityIris Pharma is an independent French CRO (ContractResearch Organization) that specializes in preclinical andclinical research in the field of ophthalmology, and is basedin the Nice region.Founded in 1989 by Dr Pierre-Paul Elena, Iris Pharma offersits services and expertise in the development of ophthalmicdrugs and ocular medical devices to the pharmaceuticalindustry, biotechnology companies, and research institutesaround the world.Among its clients, 8 out of the top 10 world’s largestpharmaceuticals have chosen Iris Pharma.The company has five main areas of activity: preclinicalstudies and services, clinical trials (Phase I to IV and medicomarketingsurveys), bioanalysis, preclinical formulation, andconsulting services.88

JYPCompaniesAddressContact179 Voie Atlas – Lot 17A – ZI Athelia 3 •13600 La Ciotat • FranceFERRONI Jean, Sales managerE-mail: jean.ferroni@aseptair.frGSM: +33 (0) 6 29 15 10 78Web sitewww.aseptair.frInformations Foundation 2007Employees 2KeywordsActivityJYP is offering a mobile air decontamination unitdesigned for professionals requiring « clean » air intheir production process or their general activity.Our solution, Aseptair 2000, is mainly targetingthe health/medical field as well as R&D, lifesciences and pharmaceutical industries, animalhousing facilities… (clean room or sensitive areas).Whenever pure air is necessary, Aseptair 2000, is acomplementary, stopgap/palliative solution to enhancethe quality of your products, protect your employees/visitors and respect Good Manufacturing Practices.It is a quick affordable alternative to large, costly devices toprovide clean air a few minutes after connection.89

KapDaTaAddressContact190 rue Sonja Henie • 34090 Montpellier • FrancePOINOT Patrick, DirectorE-mail: patrick.poinot@kapdata.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 55 61 72Web sitewww.kapdata.frInformations Foundation 2010EmployeesKeywordsData management, eCRF, SAS, Oracle, Data mining, Php/MySQLActivityWith 20 years expertize in management and optimization ofinformation systems, including 10 years in pharmaceuticalindustry, Patrick Poinot is creating KapDaTa to accompanythe set up, the management and the validation of scientificand medical data. Today directed to the sector of healthand biotechnology, KapDaTa brings its experience to driveclinical trials, its skills to management and validate databasefor experimental protocols, its expertize in elaboration andrealization of scientific inquiries or surveys.90

KAPSYSCompaniesAddressContactWeb site790 avenue du Docteur Maurice Donat •06250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis • FranceHEKIMIAN Aram, PrésidentE-mail: contact@kapsys.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 28 88 88Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 28 88 89www.kapsys.comInformations Foundation 2007Employees 9KeywordsGPS, Mobile phone, Blind, Visually impaired, GSM, 3GActivityKAPSYS is a privately owned company, specializing ininnovative navigation solutions to facilitate people’s mobility.KAPSYS develops multi-platform, voice controlled handheldGPS based navigation solutions designed for multi-mode(pedestrian, car, motorcycle & bicycle) and multi-segmentuse including public transportation as part of navigationsession. KAPSYS has quickly became the world’s leader inGPS navigation systems for blind people.91

KEYSAN CONSULTINGAddressContact19 Av. André Chamson Res. Saint Jean •13080 Luynes • FranceHERMITTE Laurence, GéranteE-mail: l.hermitte@keysan-consulting.comGSM: +33 (0) 6 03 60 55 02Web sitewww.keysan-consulting.comInformations Foundation 2007Employees 2KeywordsActivityKeysan is specialized in the consulting for developmentof innovative medical devices and other health products.We support our customers following their needs, fromfeasibility study until the achievement of technical files forCE marking and training of the sales forces.92

KHEOTEKCompaniesAddressContact145 Rue Clément ADER •34170 Castelnau-le-lez • FranceMESSAOUDI IMED, Technical ManagerE-mail: contact@kheotek.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 68 48 80Web sitewww.kheotek.comInformations Foundation 2010Employees 2KeywordsMotion analysis, Biomecanic, Informatic, 3DActivityKHEOTEK is a software company specialized on 3D motionanalysis. KHEOTEK provides Sophus, a software solutiondesigned to solve the most challenging needs of motionanalysis in spots, medical, industrial and military fields.Sophus allows motion capture simultaneously from multiplesproven sensors (Moven, i4Motion, data glove…).A data import feature also enables synchronization ofexternal sensor data with video data.The fundamental strength of Sophus is its ability to providerelevant measurements and to guide you to easily generatea full motion analysis study report.93

KIS-HealthcareAddressContactchurch Road, PMI • KT23 3EU Bookham •United KingdomNORREEL Jean-Chretien, General ManagerE-mail: jean-chretien.norreel@kis-healthcare.comGSM: +44 7980 870 274Web sitewww.kis-healthcare.comInformations Foundation 2012EmployeesKeywordsSequencing, Diagnostics, DNA, InvestmentActivityKIS Healthcare Ltd. is a subsidiary of the Photo-MeInternational group (PHTM: LSE).KIS Healthcare activities are mainly focused on: developinginnovative products such as the first DNA sampling kiosk,distributing medical and diagnostic devices, supportingthe breakthrough biotechnology companies that will be thesuccesses of tomorrow.94

Laboratoire CEVIDRACompaniesAddressContact34, Traverse de la Paoute • 06130 Grasse • FranceDESTAING Stéphane, CEOE-mail: stephane.destaing@cevidra.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 93 70 58 31Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 77 24 62Web sitewww.cevidra.comInformations Foundation 2006EmployeesKeywordsPharmaceutical laboratory, Orphan drugs, Medical devices,named patient programs, Wholesale medical services,Unlicensed medicine supply, Mitochondrial diseases,MELAS, MERRF, Coenzyme Q10 deficiency, Kearns SayreSyndrome, Leigh syndrome, Ataxia, CoQ10, Leber‘shereditary optic neuropathy, CPEO, Respiratory chain,Import, Storage, DistributionActivityLaboratory CEVIDRA is a French pharmaceutical companyspecialized in the import and commercialization of orphandrugs. Laboratory CEVIDRA works exclusively with hospitalsin France and Europe to provide a range of therapeuticproducts for treating some rare diseases.95

Laboratoire GlaxoSmithKlineAddressContactWeb site100 route de Versailles • 78163 Marly le Roi Cedex •FranceAntoun Zeina, Director, Clinical Research & ExternalScientific Collaborations, GSK FrancePhone: +33 (0) 1 39 17 89 45Fax: +33 (0) 1 39 17 84 82www.gsk.frInformations Foundation 2001Employees 1251KeywordsPharmaceutical, Research, DevelopmentActivityResearch & Development of medicinal products for HumanHealth.96

LORANGCompaniesAddressContact9, Montée de la Lauzière •34980 St Clement de Rivière • FranceLORANG Joseph, Associate DirectorE-mail: jo@lorang-innovation.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 03 40 99Web sitewww.lorang-innovation.comInformations Foundation 1996Employees 3KeywordsEuropean funding for innovation/project engineeringActivityLORANG Ltd is specialized in the engineering of innovativeprojects since 1996. LORANG’s experts provide supportto innovative enterprises willing to co-fund their R&Dactivities within the frame of European funding programs(EUROSTARS, EUREKA, FP7 of the European Commission,LIFE+, CIP …).It mainly consists in:• finding European partners,• setting up consortium agreements,• building up the project with the R&D team,• writing down the proposal and applying to the chosenfunding program,• negotiating with the relevant funding bodies when theproposal is selected for funding.LORANG’s offices are based in Montpellier and in Lyon.97

LPS-BiosciencesAddressContact5 rue Pierre Fontaine, Campus 3 •91058 Evry • FranceJOBIC-ELHAMIDI Asmaa, CSOE-mail: asmaa.jobic@lpsbiosciences.comWeb siteInformations Foundation 2011EmployeesKeywordsActivityLPS Biosciences is a leading French biotech companyproviding research laboratories, pharmaceutical, cosmetic,diagnostic and food industries with innovative endotoxin(lipopolysaccharides, LPS) customized services andproducts.98

LYOFALCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteZA la Gandonne, Rue du Rémoulaire •13300 Salon de Provence • FranceALLEMAND Jean-Luc, PresidentE-mail: lyofal@lyofal.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 90 53 57 58Fax: +33 (0) 4 90 53 62 08www.lyofal.comInformations Foundation 1984Employees 30Keywords Freeze-drying contract manufacturing, Freeze-dryingresearch & developmentActivity LYOFAL is providing LYOPHILISATION CONTRACTMANUFACTURING SERVICES Services offered: formulationand development, implementing parameters, lyophilizationof bulk (API) and of vials (pilot and industrial scale), diagnostickit manufacturing, sterile bottle filling. LYOFAL is producingaccording to cGMP standards for APIs. Our focus is to growthe site as a centre of excellence for freeze-drying services.We dedicate our knowledge to provide tailored solutions toour clients.99

MediaClinAddressContact10 rue Clapier • 13001 Marseille • FranceLUZERGUES Gérard, CEOE-mail: gerard.luzergues@mediaclin.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 86 77 81 26Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 07 54 40Web sitewww.mediaclin.comInformations Foundation 2010EmployeesKeywordsClinical Trial Management, Medical DevicesActivityWith over 20 years of experience in the field of medicaldevices regulation, the founders from Mediaclin providetheir know-how to serve each of their customers.Thanks to our experienced team, we approach clinicalresearch regulations in an efficient way. Relying on ourexperts, we take into account all requirements related toclinical trials: clinical research, safety studies aiming at CEmarking, clinical follow-up and reimbursement.Study Planning: Protocol and CRF Development ;Investigator’s Brochure writing; Investigators and siteselection Study Execution: Ethics and Regulatorysubmissions; Study Follow up; Contact with investigators;Sites visits, Monitoring; Data Management; StatisticalAnalyses; Final Report.100

MEDIAN TECHNOLOGIESCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteWTC Les 2 Arcs - Bât B, 1800 Route des Crêtes •06560 Valbonne • FranceLEYGUES Emmanuelle, Marketing ManagerE-mail: emmanuelle.leygues@mediantechnologies.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 90 65 85Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 90 65 99www.mediantechnologies.comInformations Foundation 2002Employees 45KeywordsOncology imaging, Clinical trials, Routine radiologicalpracticeActivityMEDIAN Technologies provides advanced medical imagingproducts and integrated services for diagnosing andmonitoring cancer patients in both routine clinical practiceand clinical drug development. Based on proprietary imageprocessing algorithms, our software products make theanalysis and interpretation of medical imaging data morereliable, less reader-dependent, and easier to accomplish.Our efficient imaging workflows optimize data sharingamong patient care specialists and the various stakeholdersinvolved in clinical trials. Our comprehensive services forclinical trial image management and our unique approachto conducting radiological reviews of image data providethe foundation for optimized oncology drug developmentand represent a significant paradigm shift in how oncologyclinical trials are conducted. Our goal is to transform imageinterpretation from an objective art to a quantitative scienceto facilitate better, more reliable outcomes for cancerpatients.101

MEDINCELLAddressContactWeb siteParc Clément Ader, 1, Avenue Charles CROS •34830 Jacou • FranceENAULT Sébastien, Directeur Business DevelopmentE-mail: sebastien.enault@medincell.euPhone: +33 (0) 9 50 51 81 61Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 02 13 67www.medincell.euInformations Foundation 2003Employees 30KeywordsDrug deliveryActivityThe MedinGel technology developed by Medincell canproduce monodispersed hydrogels that are soft injectablepreparations with a huge range of applications. These gelsare well suited for a number of sensitive molecules includingproteins, because of the mild gel formation conditionsand intra gel environment. Coupled with a quality releaseprofile, these features result in a high bioavailability oftrapped molecules. The polymers by themselves appearto be totally inert and have no known metabolic effects atdoses envisioned. The polymers are simple to manufacturefrom widely available inexpensive raw materials and have along shelf life.102

MERCODIA France S.A.SCompaniesAddressContact219 Rue st Honoré • 75001 Paris • FranceBENARD KACIMI Myriam, Sales & Scientific ManagerE-mail: myriam.bernard@mercodia.sePhone: +33 (0) 4 34 34 63 17Web sitewww.mercodia.seInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsDiabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Diagnostic, ELISA, Huma,Mouse and Rat, InsulinActivityMercodia is a Biotech developping and manufacturingELISA assays for Metabolic Disorder Diagnostic: Diabetes,Obesity and Cardiovascular diseases.The company wasfounded 1991 in Uppsala. The increased demand frompharmaceutical and academic research for reliable assaysthat ensure reproducible results created an interest fromresearchers around the world for Mercodias’s products.Today Mercodia is a world-leading developer, manufacturerand distributor and offers assays in both both human andanimal models. Mercodia is distributed over the world andour production is exported to more than 100 countries.103

METAFORA biosystemsAddressContactCap Alpha Avenue de l’Europe •34830 Clapiers • FranceD’Auriol Luc, CEOE-mail: luc.dauriol@metafora-biosystems.comGSM: +33 (0) 6 79 55 96 81Web siteInformations Foundation 2011EmployeesKeywordsCell metabolism biomarkersActivityMETAFORA biosystems is a biotechnology company whosemission is to discover and use metabolite transporters asbiomarkers of cellular metabolism for diagnostic markets aswell as for drug development.The Company has built a unique and innovative set of toolsthat allows cell physiology to be followed in a wide varietyof normal and pathological situations. A combination of 15ligands helps build a « picture » of a cell’s metabolic statusso as to distinguish and measure the effects of diseases,drugs or any enviromental modifications.104

MODUL-BIO SASCompaniesAddress 163, avenue de Luminy, Parc scientifique de Luminy -case 935 • 13288 Marseille Cedex 9 • FranceContact JACOTOT Laurent, CEOE-mail: l.jacotot@modul-bio.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 82 82 50Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 82 82 51Web sitewww.modul-bio.comInformations Foundation 2003Employees 14KeywordsTraceablity solutionsActivityModul-Bio’s products portfolio includes:• MBioLIMS®: a flexible Laboratory InformationManagement System based on MBioLIMS Core andPlug-in modules. Solutions specially designed for LifeScience Laboratories: HTS, BioBanking, Cell Therapy,Yeast Two-Hybrid, Monoclonal antibodies production andscreening.• MBioLABEL®: traceability solutions for Life Scienceslaboratories allowing biological samples identification forlong term storage, from labeling to scanning.• Bioinformatics databases: client-customized databases forlaboratory projects that require worldwide accessibility.• Robotics: Laboratory robot customization andprogramming.105

MYENTERIXAddressContactWeb siteBoulevard Pierre Dramard, Faculté de MédecineSecteur Nord • 13344 Marseille Cedex 15 • FranceFESCH Jonathan, CEOE-mail: jonathan.fesch@myenterix.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 42 20 01 38Fax: +33 (0) 4 88 71 40 34www.myenterix.comInformations Foundation 2012Employees 1KeywordsNeurons enteric, Gut human Model, Drug discovery,CRO, Inflammatory, Crohn, IBS, IBD, Parkinson,Neurodegenerescence, Myenterix, Fibrosis, Patch Clamp,ElectrophysiologyActivityMyEnterix is a biotechnology company that pioneered patchclamp recording on human enteric neurons. MyEnterixsupports human drug discovery in gastrointestinal andneuroscience fields by providing human biomaterials andpreclinical research services using a portfolio of characterized,functional human tissue samples. MyEnterix has developeda unique suite of electrophysiological techniques/platformsfor drug development and drug discovery. EnteroPatch isthe first solution allowing in situ recording of human neuronsfrom healthy and diseased tissues.106

NEOMAH Research in ToxicologyCompaniesAddressContactC/O Centre de Recherche INRA, 400, route desChappes - BP 167 • 06903 Sophia-Antipolis • FranceBARCELLINI-COUGET Sylvie, ManagerE-mail: s.barcellini@neomah-rt.comPhone: +33 (0) 6 61 87 33 89Web sitewww.neomah-rt.comInformations Foundation 2009Employees 5KeywordsPharmacology, Toxicology, Cellular studies, Alternativemethods, Real Time Cellular ImpedanceActivityIn vitro pharmaco-toxicology CRO Services ranging fromcellular standard assays to research programs: “PredictivePharmacology – Predictive Toxicology & Metabolism” built& performed for you.Our role: identifying the potential activity of your compoundsand diagnose as early as possible their potential hazards, inorder to secure their launch and reduce your R&D costs.We lead you to define the pharmaco-toxicological balanceall along your compound’s development and to undertakethe most appropriate investigations, according to yourspecific business goals.« Innovative tools in cellular biology for smart Science »:our activity is mainly focussed on Real Time CellularImpedance technology (RTCI) to perform both biologicalactivity screening and explanatory studies.107

NEURON EXPERTSAddressContactWeb site51, boulevard Pierre Dramard, Faculté de MédecineNord de Marseille • 13916 Marseille • FranceSTEINSCHNEIDER Rémy, CEOE-mail: contact@neuronexperts.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 69 89 67Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 69 87 14www.neuronexperts.comInformations Foundation 2008Employees 7KeywordsNeurodegenerative diseasesActivityNeuron Experts is a Contract Research Organisationspecialized in neurology for Pharmaceutical companies,Biotechs and Start-up specialized in studies of neuro-activecompounds, Neuron Experts uses its own tests based onprimary neuronal cell cultures modeling neurodegenerativediseases. Neuron Experts main activities :• Advisory: we assist and advise our customers in the choiceof a preclinical and clinical development (early stage) ofnew molecules.• R&D: Development of new neurodegenerativedisease models and “on demand” new models ofneurodegenerative pathologies in close collaborationwith our clients.• Bespoke solutions: A bespoke activity to demonstratea potential neurotrophic and/or neuroprotective effectof new drugs as well as the absence of neurotoxicity,using programs elaborated in collaboration with ourcustomers.108

NEUROSERVICECompaniesAddress Domaine de Saint Hilaire, 595, rue Pierre Berthier -CS 30531 • 13593 Aix en Provence Cedex 3 • FranceContact BUISSON Bruno, General ManagerE-mail: contact@neuroservice.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 42 99 12 20Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 64 34 09Web sitewww.neuroservice.comInformations Foundation 2006Employees 18KeywordsCNS CRO electrophysiology, In vitro assays, Multi electrodearray and patch clamp recordingsActivityNEUROSERVICE is a private CRO (Contract ResearchOrganization) focused exclusively on in vitroelectrophysiological recordings of the CNS.Our mission is to support our customers in the lead selectionand optimization phases of their CNS & PAIN R&D programs,thanks to our portfolio of reliable and reproducibleelectrophysiological assays, supported by a highlyexperienced team in neurophysiology, neuropharmacologyand neurotoxicology. Our state of the art facilities enableNeuroservice to meet each customer’s needs, fromstandardized to individually customized assays.NEUROSERVICE has unparalleled expertise inelectrophysiological assays performed with the Multielectrodearray (MEA) and Patch-clamp techniques.Scalable processes, ready channels of communication andattention to detail ensure the delivery of high quality datawith a global reach.109

NEXIALISTAddressContact8 avenue du Mont Fleuri • 13470 Carnoux • FranceCoste Julie, PartnerE-mail: j.coste@nexialist.frGSM: +33 (0) 6 83 97 63 03Web siteInformations Foundation 2012EmployeesKeywordsMedical Devices, IVD, Total Product Life Cycle, DesignControl, Regulatory Affairs, Quality Mangement System,Risk Management, Due Diligence, Post Market Surveillance,Audit, Technical File, Strategy, Health TechnologiesManagement, Focused Solutions for Medical DevicesActivity Nexialist is a consulting company specialized in the field ofmedical devices, which offers focused solutions for medicaldevices and healthcare innovative projects based on a totalproduct life cycle approach.Nexialist supports companies in the medical device and IVD medical devicesector willing to:• improve their quality management system,• refine their strategy,• develop their business activities, in order to optimize the time to marketin the highly regulated and competitive market of healthcare technologiesThanks to its comprehensive vision of the medical device business, Nexialistcan help companies and conduct audits at all stages of medical device’s life,including design control, regulatory affairs, risk management, due diligence,post market surveillance, technical file, etc.110

NICOXCompaniesAddress Les Taissounieres - HB4, 1681 route des Dolines -BP 313 • 06906 Sophia Antipolis • FranceContact SPENCER Gavin, Executive VP CorporateDevelopmentPhone: +33 (0) 4 97 24 53 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 97 24 53 99Web sitewww.nicox.comInformations Foundation 1996Employees 41KeywordsOphthalmologyActivityNicOx is building an international late-stage developmentand commercial ophthalmic group.NicOx is also developing New Molecular Entities throughthe application of its proprietary nitric oxide-donating R&Dplatform.NicOx is headquartered in France and is listed on EuronextParis.111

NOSOPHARMAddress 110 allée Charles Babbage, Espace Innovation 2,Parc Scientifique Georges Besse •30000 Nîmes Cedex 01 • FranceContact VILLAIN-GUILLOT Philippe, PresidentE-mail: p.villainguillot@nosopharm.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 26 53 21 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 86 55 63 42Web sitewww.nosopharm.comInformations Foundation 2009EmployeesKeywords Microbiology, Biodiversity, Secondary metabolites,Antibiotics, Drug discoveryActivityNosopharm is a biotech company dedicated to themedicinal mining of the microbial biodiversity. Nosopharmhas R&D programs in antibacterial drug discovery.112

OBELIACompaniesAddressContactWeb site2720, route de Saint Bernard •06220 Vallauris • FranceDIVOUX Jean-Louis, Projects managerE-mail: jldivoux@obelia.euPhone: +33 (0) 4 97 21 30 40Fax: +33 (0) 4 97 21 36 46www.obelia.euInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsActive implantable medical deviceActivitySubsidiary of MXM group, this SME is dedicated to R&D ofactive implantable medical devices (AIMD).Its activities focus on national and European researchprograms and aim to provide the market with high Techmedical devices to restore from handicap.113

OCTALIA TechnologiesAddressContactWeb site2323 Chemin St Bernard, Porte 15 Bât 2 •06220 Vallauris • FranceBOIX Michèle, CEOE-mail: boix.michele@octaliatechno.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 97 21 33 34Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 96 98 80www.octaliatechno.comInformations Foundation 2006Employees 5KeywordsFormulation, Ophthalmology, DermatologyActivityOCTALIA Technologies is a drug delivery companyspecialized in formulation for ophthalmology anddermatology.OCTALIA supports your R&D teams from the very earlystages of your therapeutic research programs with tailormadeservices combining formulation expertise, analysisand bench manufacturing for proof of concept studies.OCTALIA also offers scientific writing in pharmaceutical andmedical devices areas.114

OPTIMAL MEDICINECompaniesAddressContactIP group plc, 24 Cornhill • EC3V 3ND London •United KingdomMUNRO Janet, CEOE-mail: janet.munro@optimalmedicine.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 66 04 72Web sitewww.optimalmedicine.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsE-health, Telemedicine, Software, Personalised medicine,Genomics, Central nervous systemActivityOptimal Medicine is a personalised medicine companydeveloping clinical decision support software andpersonalised medicine tools for CNS disorders. Our clinicaldecision support system integrates the knowledge baseand the individual’s unique profile to create an evolving,evidence-based, personalised care pathway. Mobile deviceapplications are integrated into the system to enableremote self-monitoring between consultations. Personalisedmedicine diagnostics, developed in-house or licensed, maybe recommended at the relevant point in the care pathwayif the result could inform prescribing decisions. Our areasof focus include schizophrenia, depression, multiplesclerosis, Alzheimer’s and the psychological burden ofchronic physical disorders. We work with pharmaceuticalcompanies on clinical decision support and companiondiagnostic opportunities; the latter facilitated by our largegenomic and clinical datasets. Optimal Medicine - SimplyTreating Patients as Individuals.115

ORFAGENAddressContactWeb siteCRDPF LANGLADE, 3 Av Hubert Curien •31035 Toulouse • FranceLEFRANCOIS Pascal, PresidentE-mail: pascal.lefrançois@pierre-fabre.comPhone: +33 (0) 5 63 58 88 70Fax: +33 (0) 5 62 24 76 86www.orfagen.comInformations Foundation 2002Employees 8KeywordsOrphan drugs, Dermatology, Innovative therapiesActivityOrfagen develops pharmaceutical and biotechnologyproducts to treat patients suffering from skin disorders, andis particularly interested in the innovation of treatments forrare and serious skin conditions where treatment has not yetbeen provided.Orfagen was created in january 2002 with the Pierre Fabrelaboratories, whose interest and expertise in dermatology isworld renowned, as the main shareholder. Orfagen’s currentresearch portfolio has thus been carried out without theneed for supplementary outside funding.116

ORIBASE PHARMAAddressContactParc Euromédicine, Cap Gamma,1682 Rue de la Valsière - CS17383 •34189 Montpellier cedex 4 • FranceYASRI Aziz, CEOE-mail: ayasri@oribase-pharma.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 72 76 70Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 72 76 79CompaniesWeb sitewww.oribase-pharma.comInformations Foundation 2007EmployeesKeywordsMedicinal chemistry, Organic chemistry, Custom synthesis,Chemoinformatics, Molecular modelActivityOriBase PHARMA, entitled to FCPI, was created in early2010 from the merger of two startup Biotechs calledNOVA DECISION and AZASYNTH, both initially created inMontpellier in 2007.These companies have collaborated since 2007 on thedevelopment of the HitFast Discovery® technologyplatform, and decided to merge as of January 01, 2011.HitFast Discovery® is an innovative technology platformapplied to accelerate the process of discovery andoptimization of preclinical candidates. These candidatestarget protein kinases with pharmaceutical validation andimprovement in several human cancers.OriBase Pharma’s HitFast Discovery® technology platformgenerated several leads referred to cancer. Patent outlicensingon two patented drug candidates (a small moleculeand a biomolecule) is planned for 2014.117

ORKEOAddressContact310, rue du Vallon, Immeuble Atlas - Entrée B •06560 Sophia-Antipolis • FranceBEUVRY Vincent, Managing DirectorE-mail: vbeuvry@orkeo.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 90 66 90Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 90 66 99Web siteInformations Foundation 2004EmployeesKeywordsPharmaceutical development, GLP, Formulation, Analytical,Preclinical Regulatory, QA, Animal HealthActivityORKEO, creates, extends and defends your pharmaceuticalproducts.ORKEO is an independent CRO (Contract ResearchOrganization) complying with the best quality practices andregulatory requirements.Our in-house teams of dedicated experts carry outformulation, analytical, preclinical and clinical trials of yourproducts, including the conformance for regulations andquality assurance (GLP certified). We bring together theflexibility and performance to warrant the most appropriatepartnership to fulfill your complete requirements.ORKEO propose a simple and complete solution for itsclient to retain its market competitiveness.118

OXELTISCompaniesAddressContact1682 rue de la Valsiére, CS 27384 •34189 Montpellier cedex 4 • FranceALLAIRE Jean-Marc, CEOE-mail: allaire.jean-marc@oxeltis.comGSM: +33 (0) 6 76 05 40 56Web sitewww.oxeltis.comInformations Foundation 2010Employees 6KeywordsMedicinal chemistry, Custom synthesisActivityOxeltis is a medicinal chemistry oriented service companyfor managing and executing projects involving medicinaland fine organic chemistry in the fields of pharmaceutical,diagnostic and academic research.Oxeltis team expertise involves nucleos(t)ides, heterocyclesand macrocycles chemistry with applications in medicinalchemistry. Medchem services: patent environment analysis,hit to lead work, Iead optimization, smalI focused librarysets, SAR and biological data interpretation, back-upstrategies... Custom synthesis services: building blocks,scaffolds, intermediates, reference products...119

OZ BIOCIENCES SASAddressContactParc Scientifique de Luminy,163, avenue de Luminy - zone Entreprise, Case 922 •13288 Marseille cedex 9 • FranceZELPHATI Olivier, CEOE-mail: business@ozbiosciences.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 86 94 85 16Fax: +33 (0) 4 86 94 85 15Web sitewww.ozbiosciences.comInformations Foundation 2003EmployeesKeywordsTransfection, Gene therapy, Delivery systemsActivityOZ Biosciences is a product development company thatcreates, develops and commercializes delivery systems ofbioactive materials (DNA, siRNA, proteins, antibodies…),intended for the worldwide scientific community andpharmaceutical industries.Our mission is to assit scientists to accelerate the rhythmof discoveries by offering them technologically advancedtools such as transfection reagents and other life scienceresearch products.Principal innovations are based on proprietary technologiessuch as Magnetofection (magnetic-assisted transfectionor infection), Magneto-Biolistic and lipids-based deliverysystems.Specialized and expert in drug delivery systems, we alsoprovide custom transfection service and are involved inmany international research projects.120

PHYCO-BIOTECHCompaniesAddressContact188 Rue Maurice Béjart - CS57392 •34184 Montpellier Cedex 4 • FranceJOUY Nicolas, R&D ManagerE-mail: n.jouy@phyco-biotech.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 04 09 28Web sitewww.phyco-biotech.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywords Fluorescent tags, Pycobiliproteins, Allophycocyanin,crosslinked allophycocyanin, R-Phycoerythrin,B-PhycoerythrinActivity Phyco-Biotech is specialized in the production ofphycobiliproteins, natural fluorescent tags. We provideallophycocyanin (APC), crosslinked allophycocyanin(APCXL), R-Phycoerythrin (R-PE) and B-Phycoerythrin (B-PE). Typical application are flow cytometry, FRET and HTRFassays, antibody labelling for medical diagnosis, DNAmicoarrays....Phyco-Biotech is also a large scale producer of microalgaefor food supplements, pharmaceutical or cosmeticalapplications.121

PHYLOGENEAddressContact62, route Nationale 113 • 30620 Bernis • FranceSKORSKI Gilbert, CEOE-mail: gskorski@phylogene.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 04 77 99Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 04 77 97Web sitewww.phylogene.com; ms.phylogene.comInformations Foundation 1999Employees 9KeywordsAnalyticals, LC-MS/MS, PCR, ImmunochemistryActivityPhylogene is an R&D and testing company involved inanalytical techniques for identification of biological entities.R&D offer is mainly focused on perfecting of analyticaltechniques and diagnostics .Testing offer is mainly focused on detection, identificationand quantification of animal, vegetal and microbiologicalspecies, and also allergens. Mainly proteins and nucleicacids are used as biomarkers. Involved technologies areimmunochemistry, mass spectrometry, PCR, real time PCR,optical mapping and sequencing.Phylogene offers a high resolution LC-MS/MS platformfor applications development (proteomics, drugs,metabolomics).122

PIXINBIOCompaniesAddressContactWeb site100, route des Houillères, BP 2 •13590 Meyreuil • FranceCHAVE Jean-Louis, ceoE-mail: jean-louis.chave@pixinbio.Phone: +33 (0) 4 42 61 66 05Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 61 66 05www.pixinbio.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsCmos, DiagnosticActivityPixinbio develops diagnostic systems for on-field analysis todetect molecular targets and micro-organisms. The deviceis rapid, nomadic, versatile and automatised.Applications are aimed to environmental monitoring, inprocess control and clinical diagnostics.Pixinbio biochip technology is based on miniaturized opticalsensor allowing the multiplex detection of targets.The device allows the detection and quantification ofpathogens, biomarkers, medicines, drugs, toxins, GMO…Pixinbio will establish partnership agreements to developdiagnostic systems for specific uses in the following fields:- Industry / quality control: sanitation control (microbial,chemical or other contaminations): environmental testing,surface control or cosmetics and pharmaceutical controls- Healthcare / clinical diagnostic: pathogens and biomarkersdetection from raw or purified biological samples.123

Platine Pharma ServicesAddressContactWeb siteDomilyon, Centre d‘infectiologie, 321 Av Jean Jaures• 69007 Lyon • FranceHammel Frederic, CFOE-mail: info@platine-lab.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 37 70 87 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 37 70 67 98www.platine-lab.comInformations FoundationEmployees 19KeywordsActivityCharacterizing and monitoring the immune status ofpatients during the development of drug candidates iscritical for biopharmaceutical companies and regulatoryagencies. Indeed, this information(1) sheds light on the mechanism of action of investigationaldrugs and their impact on the immune system and(2) helps identify drug-response biomarkers in terms ofefficacy, safety and immunogenicity. Platine Pharma Servicesoffers a wide range of immunomonitoring applications forthe healthcare industry. These services cover both preclinicaland clinical development phases of drug candidates andare primarily, but not exclusively, directed to immunomodulatingtherapies, such as vaccines or monoclonalantibodies.124

PMBCompaniesAddressContactWeb sitecd56 rte des Michels, Lieu dit “la Corneirelle“ •13790 Peynier • FranceREIGNIER David, SalesE-mail: dreignier@pmb-alcen.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 42 53 53 67Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 53 30 83www.pmb-alcen.comInformations Foundation 1998Employees 100KeywordsX ray, Linac, Cyclotron, RadiotracersActivityPMB designs and produces particule accelerators devicessuch as X ray tubes for CTscan, LINAC for radiotherapy andcyclotrons.125

PRENYL BIOAddressContact2 Bis Rue Farges • 13008 Marseille • FranceBLANCHET Fiona, JuristE-mail: f.blanchet@prenylbio.comPhone: +33 (0) 9 88 99 48 80Fax: +33 (0) 9 75 92 81 29Web sitewww.prenylbio.comInformations Foundation 2009Employees 5KeywordsCosmeticActivityExploitation of the results on the research on the progeria,via for example marketing (by a subsidiary) of one antiagingcosmetic “NEOSTEM“ joining pharmaceutical assetspatented in the progeria by the universities of the foundingcreators.126

PRESTIZIACompaniesAddressContact5 rue de la Baume • 75008 Paris • FranceBLANCHARD Dominique, General DirectorE-mail: dbbio@orange.frGSM: +33 (0) 6 19 70 18 86Web siteInformations FoundationEmployees 5KeywordsActivityA collaboration between the CNRS, the UM2 andPrestizia SASU was established to value the recognizedskills of the institute of melecular Genetics ofMontpellier (IGMM) in the field of the viral tropism andin particular of the virus of human immunodefiency (VIH).The activity of the team, under the responsability of ValérieCOURGNAUD and of Charles LECELLIER, has for objectivethe development of tools of diagnosis based on theexpression of miRNA in the field of the viral infections andthe other human pathologies.127

PRIMADIAGAddressContactWeb site102, avenue Gaston Roussel •93230 Romainville • FranceL‘HERMITE Guillaume, CEOE-mail: glh@primadiag.comPhone: +33 (0) 1 71 89 52 40Fax: +33 (0) 1 71 89 52 44www.primadiag.comInformations Foundation 2007EmployeesKeywordsPlatform, PCR, Diagnostic, AutomatisationActivityPrimadiag is a start-up created in 2007 and based in theBiocitech science Park (Paris, France). We develop aversatile, modular and robust platform for Life Sciences.We offer several configurations of our platform for severalapplications from tube filling to PCR. Primadiag developsa strong R&D, allowing rapid customization of the systemto additional protocols. Due to its success with researchlaboratories, Primadiag expands its activity in the diagnosticfield. Primadiag is member of Medicen and EurobiomedBioclusters, has the label « Young Innovative Enterprise »and is involved in several consortia : OSEO, ANR, CFI andEU (FP7).128

PROTOMEDCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteFaculté de médecine nord, 51 bd Dramard •13916 Marseille Cedex 20 • FranceMOURET Frédéric, CEOE-mail: f.mouret@protomed.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 86 68 68 10Fax: +33 (0) 4 86 68 68 11www.protomed.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsMedical device R&D and testingActivityDesign and development of medical devices.129

PROVENCE TECHNOLOGIESAddressContactWeb siteTechnopôle de Château Gombert,45 rue Frédéric Joliot Curie - BP 100 •13382 Marseille Cedex 13 • FranceHUGON Julien, Business Development DirectorE-mail: jhugon@provetech.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 11 88 10Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 11 88 11www.provetech.comInformations Foundation 1998Employees 8KeywordsCustom synthesisActivityProvence Technologies SAS (Marseille – France) is a is aService Provider in fine Organic Chemistry partnering withmajor international pharmaceutical, agrochemical andcosmetic companies.Our Comprehensive chemistry platform provides ourcustomers with services in the field of custom synthesis,impurity characterization and re-synthesis, analytical methoddevelopment and difficult reaction step problem solving.Our experienced chemist team is handling over 50 clientprojects per year and managed to develop a unique andversatile access route leading to 4 and 7 azaindole moietiesthat are referenced in our catalogue which contains over2000 molecules among those 600 building blocks. ProvenceTechnologies’ R&D team also succeeded in making theWorld’s first pure Pharma grade methylene blue producedunder cGMP conditions: Proveblue®.130

PROVEPHARMCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteTechnopôle de Château Gombert, 45 rue FrédéricJoliot Curie • 13013 Marseille • FranceMARCHI HIDALGO Carine, Sales ManagerE-mail: carine.marchi@provepharm.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 11 87 59Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 11 88 11www.provepharm.comInformations Foundation 2007Employees 8KeywordsMethylene BlueActivityProvepharm is an affiliated company of the ProvenceTechnologies Group, devoted to developing and marketingpharmaceutical drug products from active pharmaceuticalingredients synthesized and patented by its parent company.Methylene blue is the first compound which went throughcomplete development and regulatory review programs.Provepharm provides the global pharmaceutical industrywith the only pharmaceutical grade methylene blue in theworld. Proveblue is compliant with the Monograph ofthe European Pharmacopoeia and exceeds other currentpharmaceutical requirements. The company intends also tobring the USP to revise methylene blue Monograph to morestringent requirements.Provepharm is seeking to confirm the properties ofmethylene blue in known indications. The company is alsocommitted to explore the molecule’s anticipated activityagainst life-threatening illnesses such as malaria.131

PUPPHARMAAddressContactWeb siteParc Biotech, 102 Avenue Gaston Roussel •93230 Romainville • FranceCHAUVIER David, CEO&CSOE-mail: dchauvier@puppharma.frPhone: +33 (0) 9 81 30 80 12Fax: +33 (0) 9 81 28 90 12www.puppharma.frInformations Foundation 2010EmployeesKeywordsPharmacology, Service provider, Precinical development,Neonatology, PaediatricsActivityIn the growing context of paediatric regulations, PUPHARMAS.A.S is a partnering research organization commited tobring solutions in research & preclinical development byproviding a complete range of customized services in thearea of paediatrics and perinatology.The company‘s foundations are based on extensive skillsin juvenile animal pharmacology and translational researchto pathologies of preterm, newborns and children. Troughpertinent animal models, PUPPHARMA investigates asservice provider the efficacy and/or safety of alreadymarketed or under development products, which may behelpful to the treatment of the unmet medical needs relativeto youngest patients.132

QUALISSIMACompaniesAddressContact10 rue Clapier • 13001 Marseille • FrancePITEL Séverine, Project managerE-mail: severine.pitel@qualissima.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 50 40 39Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 05 97 91Web sitewww.qualissima.comInformations Foundation 2001Employees 3KeywordsClinical studies, Public private partnershipsActivityQualissima is a Research as a Service Company (RaaS),founded in 2001. Qualissima leans on its expertise topropose a full range of research and clinical trial services forhealth industries, with 3 platforms: Clinical research (CROand SMO), Scientific & regulatory consulting and Web portal.Thanks to its « Research & Development » profil, Qualissimaproposes innovative concepts such as: « Patient-Leader »studies, Translational research studies (fMRI, modeling, ...),Behavioral parameters as biomarkers studies.Qualissima also proposes proof of concept studies, proof ofactivities studies and health technologies assessment. Ourmain area skills: Neurodegeneration, CNS, Orphan diseasesand Dermatology.Qualissima is part of several public-private collaborations:Pharmacog (drug and cognition), IMI, Europe, ECRIN-IA (Medical Device European Network), FP7, Europe,NeuroFGL (Alzheimer), FP7, Europe.133

REGIMBEAU CabinetAddressContactWeb siteLa Coupole Sud, 329 Rue Léon Blum •34000 Montpellier • FrancePERNELLE Michel, Head of Montpellier OfficeE-mail: montpellier@regimbeau.euPhone: +33 (0) 4 99 53 21 70Fax: +33 (0) 4 99 53 21 75www.regimbeau.euInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywords Innovations (patents, trademarks, design patents,copyrights, trade secrets, contracts, ect).ActivityRegimbeau Industrial Property Law Firm has supportedpublic and private sector companies and project owners formore than 80 years in protecting, strengthening and makingprofitable their innovations (patents (all technical domains),trademarks, design patents, copyrights, trade secrets,contracts, ect).The Chemistry/Life Science team of Regimbeau hasextensive experience in acquisition of patent rights in anychemical/life sciences domain (from preparation and filingof the application, to the grant of the patent, includingall prosecution steps) not only in Europe but also in anycountry where its clients are interested in producting theirinventions.The Paris main office and the 7 subsidiary offices inMontpellier, Lyon, Grenoble, Rennes, Caen, Toulouse andMunich provide high-quality, personalized relations.134

Sanofi R&D -Centre de MontpellierCompaniesAddressContactWeb site371, rue du Professeur Joseph Blayac •34814 Montpellier • FrancePIGNOL Regis, Scientific Director of Montpellierresearch centerE-mail: regis.pignol@sanofi.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 99 77 67 18www.sanofi-aventis.comInformations Foundation 1972EmployeesKeywordsPharmaceutical IndustryActivitySanofi research center in Montpellier is in charge of finding,developing and registering new innovative solutions forpeople‘s health.All the skills are there for these tasks: discovery, preclinicaldevelopment (chemistry, analysis, formulation, DSE, MPK andtoxicology ), clinical supplies and clinical development (datamanagement, biostatistics, clinical pharmacology, medicalwriting … ), project direction, quality and planning.135

SANTARELLIAddressContact146, rue Paradis • 13006 Marseille • FranceGALUP Cédric, Patent AttorneyE-mail: marseille@santarelli.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 96 10 21 10Fax: +33 (0) 4 96 10 21 15Web sitewww.santarelli.comInformations Foundation 1980Employees 3KeywordsIntellectual PropertyActivityOur primary mission is to establish and protect theIntellectual Property rights of our clients. The reputationof SANTARELLI is grounded in its expertise in defendingclient I.P. rights and in its multi-disciplinary approach to thedefense of:(i) patent rights (including drafting and prosecution of patentapplications, - bringing and defending oppositions,patent and related unfair competition litigation, validity/infringement opinion work, licensing and assignments),(ii) trademark rights (including clearance searching andopinions, drafting and prosecuting applications, bringingand defending oppositions, trademark and relatedcopyright and unfair competition litigation, licensing andassignments), as well as contentious and non-contentiousindustrial design, copyright, domain names - practiceand related computer and Internet law. SANTARELLI‘sattorneys practice in all areas of Intellectual Property.Among their specialties are litigation and disputeresolution.136

Scinopsis Medical WritingCompaniesAddressContact16 Rue Candolle • 83600 Fréjus • FranceBALDWIN Helen, Managing DirectorE-mail: helen.baldwin@scinopsis.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 94 83 90 20Fax: +33 (0) 4 89 73 23 32Web sitewww.scinopsis.comInformations Foundation 2006Employees 8KeywordsMedical writing, Clinical study report, Protocol, CTD,PublicationActivityScinopsis is a professional team of highly qualified medicalwriters providing high quality regulatory documents andmedical communications in all therapeutic areas. Ourclients include pharmaceutical companies, CROs anduniversities worldwide. Scinopsis has expertise in manytypes of documents including regulatory (clinical studyreports, protocols, CTD clinical modules, etc.) and medicalcommunications (scientific publications, posters, slidepresentations, etc.) Expertise, reliability, attention to detail,punctuality, flexibility and a friendly attitude: all of thesequalities combine to make Scinopsis a leading Europeanmedical writing provider.137

SensorionAddressContactWeb siteCap Alpha, Avenue de l‘Europe •34830 Clapiers • FranceNGUYEN Laurent, CEOE-mail: laurent.nguyen@sensorion-pharma.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 99 63 60 31Fax: +33 (0) 4 99 63 60 20www.sensorion-pharma.comInformations Foundation 2009Employees 7KeywordsVestibule, Innovation, ENTActivitySensorion is the first ENT Specialty Pharma focused ondeveloping innovative therapies for vestibular disordersleading to vertigos. Sensorion has discovered and patentedspecific pharmaceutical targets involved in the control andprotection of vestibular function.Sensorion has generated, using a unique in-vitro and in-vivotechnology platform, positive proof-of-concept data withactive compounds in animal models that have promisingscientific, clinical and commercial rationale for significantlyimproving the treatment of vertigos. Vestibular pathologiessuch as VPPB, Meniere‘s disease, migrainous vertigo andvestibular neuritis are debilitating conditions causingsevere to permanent disabilities, representing a truly unmetmedical need for which current available treatments areconsidered ineffective on vertigo symptoms.138

SIAMED‘XPRESSCompaniesAddressContact23 Rue Lamartine • 13960 Sausset les Pins • FranceRONIN Catherine, CEOE-mail: catherine.ronin@gmail.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 13 55 09 07Fax: +33 (0) 4 13 55 11 85Web sitewww.siamedxpress.comInformations Foundation 2010Employees 6Keywords Glycoengineering, Glycoproteins, Immunoassays,Therapeutic glycoproteinsActivitySiaMed’Xpress is a biotech spin off from the University ofProvence. The core competencies of the company reside inengineering human proteins of diagnostic and therapeuticinterest. It offers an innovative technology platform basedon a proprietary methodology for establishing highproducer clones equipped with human-like glycosylationand exploiting a major breakthrough in raising glycoformspecificantibodies. The company is a member of theIFCC-WG SFTFT and of JCTLM and actively participatesto standardization of hormone markers. The CEO has beenawarded the Trophees Nationaux de l’Innovation INPI in2008.139

SIMODORO-IPAddressContactWeb siteParc Césanne II Bât G, 290, Avenue Galilée •13857 Aix en Provence Cedex 3 • FranceBARBOT Willy, CEOE-mail: info@simodoro.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 42 59 61 35Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 12 11 87www.simodoro.comInformations Foundation 2009Employees 5KeywordsAudits, Patent Portfolio,LitigationActivityThe firm SIMODORO-IP offers counsel and asssistance inthe intellectual property field and is specialized in the lifesciences sector.Simodoro provides different types of tasks to its clients:• The acquisition and obtention of right,• Patent research / Technological and litigation,• Drafting and contract negociation,• Audit of patents portfolio.140

SKULDTECHCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteCap Delta - ZAC Euromedecine II, 1682, rue de laValsière • 34790 Grabels • FranceRITTER Didier, CEOE-mail: info@skuldtech.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 41 97 48Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 45 77 26www.skuldtech.comInformations Foundation 1999EmployeesKeywordsBiomarkers, Diagnostics, Genomics.ActivitySkuldtech is specialized in the discovery of biomarkers andthe development of diagnostics focused on personalizedmedicine applications. This expertise enables the companyto provide genomic and pharmacogenomic services, as wellas innovative diagnostics associated with new therapeuticsespecially in cancer, rare diseases and infectious diseases.Since 1999, Skuldtech has developed a technologicalplatform able to analyze transcriptomes and geneprofiles through “Digital Gene Expression“ method, NewGeneration Sequencing (NGS) technologies and qRT-PCRassociated with proprietary bioinformatic and biostatistictools.141

SOLAR GAMESAddressContactWeb siteZAC Nice la Plaine (Bâtiment F4), Avenue EmmanuelPontremoli • 06200 Nice • FranceBULLOCK Alexandre, Executive vice président (cofounder)E-mail: a.bullock@solargames.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 09 78 70www.solargames.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsAutism, ICT, Serious game, Social learning, Virtual world,simulationsActivitySolar Games S.A.S. is a young innovative company created inOctober 2011. We create and edit multimedia applicationsdedicated to professional and academic training programs.Our company is currently working on two innovativeprojects :• We are developing with our partners and customers(Orange Business Services) a framework able to createreal time virtual worlds dedicated to professional remotetraining programs. Those virtual worlds are based on threeaxes: social learning, peer learning and serious gaming.• Our second activity is an R&D workshop in the medicalfield. We are currently working with our partners (CHU deNice-Lenval & LAPCOS Laboratory) : To gain admittance toan Academic background with new kind of training system(reading-code is the first step) for a little or non-verbalunschooled Children with autism spectrum disorders.142

ST GEORGE MEDICAL FRANCEAddress 163 av. de Luminy Biotech -Grand Luminy Technopôle, Case 922 -Parc Scientifique et technologique de Luminy •13288 Marseille 9 • FranceContact AMALFI Stéphane, Director R&DE-mail: s.amalfi@st-georgemedical.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 86 94 85 11CompaniesWeb siteInformations Foundation 2012EmployeesKeywords Endovascular, Stent, Aortic, Coronary, Aneurysm,Interventional cardiovascularActivitySt George Medical SAS is a subsidiary of St George MedicalInc, Florida, USA. The company is dedicated to research anddevelopment within the Interventional Cardiovascular Field.Currently working on innovative solutions to Thoracic andAbdominal endovascular stent grafts as well as coronarystents.143

STERLABAddressContact2720 Chemin de st Bernard •06224 Sophia Antipolis • FranceCAPALLERE Christophe, Responsable CultureCellulaireE-mail: ccapallere@sterlab.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 97 24 58 52Fax: +33 (0) 4 97 24 58 59Web sitewww.sterlab.com/ingenierie_tissulaireInformations Foundation 2006Employees 30KeywordsHuman reconstructed tissue, Efficient test, Human tissue,Histology, qPCR cell cultureActivitySTERLAB, an independent French company specialized intissue engineering, produces human and animal 3D tissuesin a chemically defined medium.We can provide epidermis, gingival, oral, conjonctival,colon and vaginal tissue developed from primary cell or cellline. We sell human plasties (abdominal mammary plastieand scalp (hair foliicle). We can also manufacture tissues ondemand.Sterlab test directly your chemical product on our tissue oron your own cells (tissue or on monolayer cells).Moreover, our histology department visualizes the testedproduct effect.All Sterlab activity complies with ISO 9001 certification.Sterlab is certificated CIR agreement.144

SUPERSONIC IMAGINECompaniesAddressContactWeb siteLes jardins de la Duranne, 510, rue René Descartes.Bât E et F • 13857 Aix en Provence cedex • FranceSOUQUET Jacques, CEOE-mail: jacques.souquet@supersonicimagine.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 42 99 24 24Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 52 59 21www.supersonicimagine.frInformations Foundation 2005Employees 94Keywords Ultrasound, Shear Wave, Elastography, Diagnostic,UltrafastActivityFounded in 2005 by leaders in the ultrasound medicalimaging, SuperSonic Imagine is dedicated to developing aleading edge ultrasound system: the Aixplorer. This systemleverages a unique MultiWaveTM technology that providesimpeccable B-mode image quality as well as a revolutionarymode called ShearWaveTM Elastography. ShearWaveElastography enables users to measure true tissue elasticity,in real time, providing quantifiable, user-skill independentand reproducible results.145

SURGIMAB SASAddressContact10 Parc Club Millenaire, 1025 avenue HenriBecquerel • 34000 Montpellier • FranceBARBELANNE Michel, CFOE-mail: mbarbelanne@surgimab.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 61 24 36Web sitewww.surgimab.comInformations Foundation 2011Employees 3KeywordsImmuno Photo Detection, Diagnosis, Oncology, Antibodies,Fluorescence.ActivityThe aim of SurgiMAb is to provide oncology surgeons withan innovative real-time intraoperative diagnosis solution,based on the immunophotodetection (IPD) technique.IPD combines the specificity of monoclonal antibodies tothe sensitivity of fluorescence: a tumor-specific antibodyconjugated to a fluorescent dye is injected to patients.Forty-eight hours later, the patient undergoes surgery,and the surgeon takes off the primary tumor and all visiblenodules. He can then light up the operative field with theoptical device proposed by SurgiMAb and visualize inducedfluorescence. Infra-clinical size nodules, invisible even to theexpert eyes of well-trained surgeons, light up and can beresected, contributing to the improvement of the surgicalprocedure and to the completion of total resection of cancernodules. SurgiMAb has developed an injectable conjugateadapted to colorectal and digestive tumors visualization.Other conjugates will soon follow, targeting other cancers.146

SYNCROSOMECompaniesAddressContactWeb siteParc Luminy Entreprises - CP 908, 163, avenue deLuminy • 13288 Marseille Cedex 09 • FranceMITRY Richard, CEOE-mail: r.mitry@syncrosome.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 95 05 31 80Fax: +33 (0) 4 95 05 31 85www.syncrosome.comInformations Foundation 2000Employees 7KeywordsIn vivo, PharmacologyActivitySyncrosome is a Preclinical Drug evaluation Companyspecialised in human and animal health in vivopharmacological studies.Syncrosome has the professional expertise to completestudies independently or to work in parallel with in houseresearch teams, after preliminary in vivo screenings.Our expertise is centred on these 3 areas:• Proof of Concept in vivo or screening of molecule• General pharmacokinetics• CNS-PK with a high expertise in the assessment of theBlood Brain Barrier thanks to Microdialysis and CSFsampling.147

SYNPROSISAddressContactWeb siteZac St Charles, 59 avenue ste Victoire •13710 Fuveau • FranceSALLES Jean-Pierre, CEOE-mail: jpsalles@synprosis.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 42 60 82 86Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 59 11 73wwww.synprosis.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsPeptides, Proteines, Chemical synthesis, SPPS, GMPmanufacturing, Peptide design.ActivitySYNPROSIS is a CMO dedicated to GMP chemical synthesisof polypeptides or proteins as long as 300 mer. Theproprietary technology of synprosis can provide a largepanel of natural or modified polypeptides and proteinsas new biological products, biobetters or biosimilars.synprosis is spécialzed in vaccine development but canprovide API products in any therapeutic fields. synprosisis certified GMP since 2006 and located in 2500 sqm plantsince 2010.148

TELEMAQCompaniesAddressContactWeb site1180, route des Dolines, Athéna B •06560 Sophia-Antipolis • FranceSAUZADE Jean-Denis, Managing DirectorE-mail: sauzadejd@telemaq.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 28 05 16Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 75 53 08www.telemaq.euInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywords Medical Device, Nebulizer, Drug Delivery, Aerosol,Piezoelectric, ultrasonicActivityTELEMAQ is a private research contract organizationdedicated to medical devices development. Thispluridisciplinary team operates as a technical task forceallowing to develop very efficiently innovative medicalequipments and devices.These developments could be either upon request or in thescope of a partnership (co-development).Through its large customers, TELEMAQ is active in thearea of cochlear implants, pulmonary route drug delivery,diagnostic equipment, lab on a chip, micro fluidic, humidifier,dental tools, acoustic transducers, micro encapsulation…Having sound knowledge in piezoelectric and acousticsciences, TELEMAQ has developed its own products in codevelopment:Pocket size nebulizer for pulmonary routedrug delivery, dry powder inhaler, ultrasonic inhaler andhumidifier.149

THERADIS PHARMAAddressContact41 Chemin des Presses •06800 Cagnes-sur-Mer • FranceRAFFY Chantal, CEOE-mail: chantal.raffy@theradispharma.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 97 02 07 07Fax: +33 (0) 4 97 10 08 78Web sitewww.theradispharma.comInformations Foundation 2006EmployeesKeywordsLogistic support services, Importation, Secondary packaging,Labeling, Batch release, Storage, Distribution, Return anddestruction of the investigational medicinal productsActivityTheradis Pharma proposes to their clients logistic supportservices necessary in order to carry out a clinical trial: from themanagement of study material (sampling kits manufacturing)and documents to the centralisation of biological analyses.The Theradis Pharma team manage and coordinate all ofthe actors in the logistic chain (analytical platform, couriercompanies, material suppliers, ….) respecting the regulatoryrequirements as well as the budget allocated to the project.As a Pharmaceutical Company, Theradis Pharma puts at theirclient’s disposal, their expertise in importation, secondarypackaging, labeling, batch release, storage, distribution,return and destruction of the investigational medicinalproducts.150

THERALPHACompaniesAddressContact2229, route des Crêtes •06560 Valbonne - Sophia-Antipolis • FranceDELLAMONICA David, CEOE-mail: david@theralpha.comGSM: +33 (0) 6 25 18 32 39Web sitewww.theralpha.comInformations Foundation 2009EmployeesKeywordsCancer pain, Neuropathic pain, Inflammatory pain, Acutepain, Acid sensing ion channels, Nav1.8, POPActivityTheralpha is a specialty pharmaceutical company focusedon the development and commercialization of innovativetherapies for the treatment pain. Our Lead product,THA903, is designed to address acute pain by sublingualadministration. We have three additional productcandidates in preclinical development. We are advancingnext generation pain drugs based on scientifically validatedAcid Sensing Ion Channel (ASIC) pathways.The Company’s founding assets originate from worldwideexclusive licenses from IPMC (Institut de PharmacologieMoleculaire, CNRS, Sophia Antipolis, France) and -Singapore University. Specifically, the IPMC-originatingassets represent discoveries made by Professor M. Lazdunskiand his team at IPMC, who have pioneered for more than 10years the discovery of peptides found in animal venoms thatselectively inhibit Acid Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs) whichare directly implicated in pain signal transmission.151

THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFICCEZANNEAddressContactWeb site280, Allée Graham Bell, Parc scientifique GeorgesBesse • 30035 Nîmes Cedex 1 • FranceBOIS Emmanuel, Directeur GénéralE-mail: info.cezanne@thermofisher.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 36 52 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 36 52 75www.cezanne.frInformations Foundation 2001Employees 104KeywordsDiagnostics, Analyser, BiomarkerActivityCezanne develops and manufactures medical diagnosticsystems, instruments and reagents. Cezanne productsinclude the KRYPTOR analyser and a family of diagnosticparameters used in testing a wide range of immunologymarkers.152

Toppan Photomasks FranceCompaniesAddressContact118 avenue Francis Perrin, Rousset Parc CLub •13106 Rousset • FranceLARTIGUE Roland, Business Development DirectorE-mail: Roland.Lartigue@photomask.comPhone: +33 (0) 1 64 93 75 99Web sitewww.photomask.comInformations Foundation 2005Employees 150KeywordsLithography, Photomask, Design, Microfluidics, Sensors,Turnkey solutionsActivityToppan Photomasks offers a comprehensive range ofmicrotechnology technologies, and research/developmentcapabilities: Toppan Photomasks France SAS business visionis to capitalize on our existing printing and miniaturizationtechnologies to develop an industrial contribution formicrotechnology manufacturing of Medical Device andmore generally to Life Science including specific sensorsand microfluidics.153

TROPHOSAddressContactParc Scientifique de Luminy, Luminy BiotechEntreprises - Case 931 •13288 Marseille Cedex 09 • FrancePLACET Christine, CEOE-mail: info@trophos.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 82 82 82Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 82 82 89Web sitewww.trophos.comInformations Foundation 2000Employees 29KeywordsActivityTrophos is a clinical stage pharmaceutical companydeveloping innovative therapeutics for indications withunder-served needs in neurology and cardiology.The company has a novel and proprietary cholesteroloxime based chemistry platform generating a pipeline ofdrug candidates. The lead product, olesoxime (TRO19622),is in a pivotal clinical study for Spinal Muscular Atrophy(substantially funded by the AFM patient association).A second product, TRO40303, is in phase 2 clinicaldevelopment to treat cardiac reperfusion injury (as part ofan EU funded project, MitoCare).154

TxCELLCompaniesAddressContactWeb siteAllée de la Nertière, Les Cardoulines •06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis • FranceMEYER François, CEOE-mail: info@txcell.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 97 21 83 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 64 15 80www.txcell.comInformations Foundation 2001Employees 28KeywordsActivityTxCell is a privately owned biotechnology company basedin Sophia Antipolis which has been incorporated in 2001as a spin off from an INSERM laboratory. The technologydeveloped by TxCell uses the immuno-modulatoryproperties of peripheral blood antigen-specific Type 1regulatory cells. These cells are naturally occuring bloodcells specialized to induce tolerance against environmentalforeign antigens taken up by inhalation, ingestion or contactand certain tissue specific self-antigens.Type 1 Treg cells are impaired in patients suffering fromchronic inflammatory diseases and TxCell is dedicated tothe development of Type 1 Treg cells-based products forsevere chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases withhight unmet medical need, including inflammatory boweldiseases, inflammatory joint diseases, multiple sclerosis andpsoriasis.155

VadequaAddress Cap Oméga, Rond-point Benjamin Franklin CS 39521• 34960 Montpellier Cedex 2 • FranceContact KNOBLOCH Arnaud, CEOE-mail: arnaud@vadequa.comGSM: +33 (0) 6 32 52 05 43Web sitewww.vadequa.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsAssessment, Screening, HR, Culture, Recruitment, SourcingActivityAssessment & Screening Tools for Culture-Fit.156

VECT-HORUSAddressContact51, boulevard Pierre Dramard,Faculté de Médecine Nord de Marseille •13344 Marseille cedex 15 • FranceTOKAY Alexandre, CEOE-mail: alexandre.tokay@vect-horus.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 69 87 81Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 25 89 70CompaniesWeb sitewww.vect-horus.comInformations Foundation 2005Employees 9KeywordsVectorization, Drug targeting, CNS, Drug deliveryActivityVECT-HORUS is a biotechnology company focused on drugtargeting to the CNS. Vect-Horus’ mission is to offer to its(bio) pharmaceutical partners the possibility to reduce theirattrition rate during CNS drug development by discoveringand developing unique vectors and vector-drug conjugatesthat cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB).VECT-HORUS proposes partnership agreements in theform of R&D contracts (preclinical stage), based on itstechnological platform and its families of vectors for BBBtargeting and delivery of drugs to the CNS. These vectorscan also find applications in other fields, both therapeuticand diagnostic, and in particular in oncology and brainimaging.157

VENOMETECHAddressContactWeb site473, routes des Dolines, Villa 3 •06560 Valbonne • FranceESCOUBAS Pierre, PrésidentE-mail: escoubas@venometech.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 96 03 11Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 96 07 44www.venometech.comInformations Foundation 2009Employees 5KeywordsTherapeutic peptides, Venom, Pharmacology, BiochemistryActivityVenomeTech develops innovative therapeutics based onvenom peptides.The company leverages its extensive know-how in venomand peptide biochemistry, unique biological resources andan innovative technology platform for deep mining of thepharmacological potential of animal venoms.The novel molecules that comprise VenomeTech’s initialpipeline will be developed for applications in the treatmentof pain and cancer.158

VIRBACCompaniesAddressContactWeb site1 ère avenue, 2065 M - LID • 06516 Carros • FranceMARC Jean-Pascal, Corporate Product InnovationDirectorE-mail: jean-pascal.marc@virbac.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 08 73 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 08 73 09www.virbac.comInformations Foundation 1968Employees 2880KeywordsDermatology, Vaccines, Anti-infectious, Bacteria, Viruses,Parasites, Pet-food, Pain, Diagnostics,ActivityFounded in 1968 by a French veterinarian, Virbac is the firstindependent laboratory worldwide, exclusively dedicatedto animal health. 8th veterinary pharmaceutical companyin the world and present on the five continents through 26affiliates, Virbac commercializes its products in more than100 countries around the world and approximately 79 % ofits sales generated outside France.The company develops, makes and distributes the widestrange of products and services intended for the preventionand treatment of the main pathologies in companion andfood producing animals.Developing innovative solutions that meet the needsof users, veterinarians, breeders and/or owners, that isVirbac’s innovation policy. For the Group, progress is notonly synonymous with new active ingredients but is alsobased on the original combination of existing molecules,on innovation in terms in formulation or also on packaging.159

Research andEducation

CENRobAddressContactWeb sitewww.cenrob.orgInformations Foundation 2011Employees 6KeywordsActivityLes Athamantes Bât 2, 740 avenue des Apothicaires• 34090 Montpellier • FranceEMICA Christine, Managing DirectorE-mail: c.emica@cenrob.orgPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 72 40 68Assistive Robotics, Disability, RobotsThe field of Assistive robotics now has the means to providerelevant technological answers to the needs of persons withdisabilities and loss of autonomy. Robotic devices can helpusers perform in total autonomy various tasks of daily livingthat they couldn‘t complete before without the assistanceof a third party. Assistive robotics can help caregivers byhaving them contribute to other tasks more relevant to theperson with impairments.Finally, assistive robotics provide rehabilitation professionalsnew great ways to improve their patients‘ care management.The objectives of CENRob are to improve the autonomyand quality of life of persons with disabilities and/or loss ofautonomy with the use of assistive robotics by promotinginnovative projects in this field and also train and educateon the use of these technologies.CENRob is part of a national approach involving thevarious actors in Assistive Robotics in France but also in anInternational Expertise Network.Research and Education163

CHRU de MontpellierAddressContactWeb site191, avenue du Doyen Gaston Giraud •34295 Montpellier cedex 5 • FranceViseur Jean-Christophe, Director of the departmentof research networks and partnerships, universityrelationsE-mail: jc-viseur@chu-montpellier.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 33 09 31Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 33 08 64www.chu-montpellier.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsActivityWith a capacity of 2800 beds, the Montpellier UniversityRegional Hospital (CHRU MPL) is organised around 13medical departments closely connected with organisationalservices to carry out its 3 essential missions: health care,medical education and clinical research. CHRU MTP is alsoinvolved in social aspects and public health.In 2010, the CHRU gathers 1344 physicians involved in1000 biomedical studies in partnership with national orEuropean academic and industrial actors, particularly intranslational projects (from fundamental research to clinicalapplications).The main research topics include cancer, neurosciences,infectious and inflammatory diseases, cardiovasculardiseases and diabetes, metabolism and nutrition.CHRU MTP is classified among the group of FrenchUniversity Hospitals with high research production (ranked7th out of 22) with 3534 publications accepted in peerreviewedinternational journals between 2005 and 2009(38% of them at A or B levels).164

CHU de NiceAddressContactWeb sitewww.chu-nice.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsActivity4 avenue Reine Victoria, Hôpital de Cimiez •06003 Nice 01 • FranceDELLAMONICA Pierre, DoctorE-mail: dellamonica.p@chu-nice. frUniversity hospital of NiceUniversity hospital of Nice.Research and Education165

CHU de NimesAddressContactWeb sitePlace du Professeur Robert Debré •30029 Nîmes Cedex 9 • FranceBEST Nicolas, Deputy CEOE-mail: nicolas.best@chu-nimes.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 68 42 36Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 68 34 00www.chu-nimes.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywords Public-private collaborations, Medical devicesdevelopmentActivityCare, education and research are the three missions ofthe University Hospital of Nîmes. Situated in the heartof Mediterranean research at the crossroads of theLanguedoc-Roussillon and PACA regions, the UniversityHospital of Nîmes is an active member of Eurobiomedand also participates in two further inter-regional researchinitiatives:• By regrouping the University Hospitals of Nîmes, Nice,Marseille and Montpellier, the DIRC “Sud-Méditerranée”has become the second largest French pole for clinicalresearch trials• The Cancéropôle “Grand Sud-Ouest” brings togetherBordeaux, Limoges, Toulouse and Montpellier to helpsupport the fight against cancer.166

CIRADAddressContactWeb sitewww.cirad.frInformations Foundation 1984Employees 1800KeywordsTA 181/04, Avenue Agropolis •34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 • FranceHUGON Rémy, Déléguée ValorisationE-mail: remy.hugon@cirad.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 61 55 77Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 61 75 37Research, Development, Animal disease, Tropical, HealthecologyResearch and EducationActivityThe CIRAD leads actions of research and developmenton tropical or emergent animal diseases of which someare transmissible to humans. Among those the study ofthe vectorial diseases, very sensitive to the environmentalfactors is of a major importance. Research is undertakenaccording to approaches of health ecology, associating thefield studies in regional networks and observatories, withtop level analytical and experimental capacities.167

CNAM LRAddressContactWeb site989 rue de la Croix verte, Parc euromedecine •34093 Montpellier cedex 5 • FranceBECSEI Laurent, Managing DirectorE-mail: laurent.becsei@cnam.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 63 63 40Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 54 08 36www.cnam-lr.frInformations Foundation 1964Employees 30KeywordsDiagnosticActivityThe CNAM is a Public Scientific, Cultural and ProfessionalNational Institution, classed as a “grand établissement“among France’s top higher education establishments. TheCNAM aims at teaching everyone, everywhere, at any timein the career, offers a wide range of training programs fromundergraduate to graduate, through to doctoral levels.Training programs are taught by teachers, universitylecturers and professionals. 80 000 adults are in trainingevery year (1 000 engineers) and 40 % of our studentsare trained via distance learning programs, aimed atmaintening and promoting employability and improvingthe competitiveness and efficiency of organizations.168

CNRSDélégation Provence et Corse en association avecles Délégations Languedoc-Roussillon et Côte d’AzurAddressContactWeb sitewww.provence-corse.cnrs.frwww.cnrs.fr/languedoc-roussillonwww.cote-azur.cnrs.frInformations Foundation 1939Employees 1900Keywords31, chemin Joseph Aiguier •13402 Marseille • FranceYOUNIS HermèsE-mail: delegue@dr12.cnrs.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 16 40 25Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 77 93 04Research and EducationActivityAs principal French research organization, the CNRS is ableto support innovative interdisciplinary projects in which itsteams join forces across a broad range of scientific fields.CNRS encourages collaboration between specialistsfrom different disciplines in particular with the universitythus opening up new fields of enquiry to meet social andeconomic needs.CNRS has developed interdisciplinary programs whichbring together various CNRS institutes as well as otherresearch institutions and industry. CNRS Regional Officein Provence and Corsica, Côte d’Azur and Languedoc-Roussillon represents more than 4000 persons working inapproximately 190 research units, most of them administeredjointly with universities.169

CPPM (Centre for ParticlePhysics of Marseille)AddressContactWeb siteCase 902, 163, avenue de Luminy •13288 Marseille Cedex 9 • FrancePOTHEAU Rémy, Technical DirectorE-mail: potheau@cppm.in2p3.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 82 72 36Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 82 6058marwww.in2p3.frInformations Foundation 1982Employees 150KeywordsParticle physics, Astroparticle, Cosmology, BiomedicalimagingActivityThe CPPM mission is to understand how our Universe worksusing Particle Physics, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology.CPPM takes part in large international experimentscomprising several hundred collaborators.These experiments are installed at the largest particlecolliders in Europe and in the USA, and at large terrestrial orspace telescopes. CPPM is the host laboratory and the projectinitiator for the ANTARES experiment, the first underseaneutrino telescope, located on the Mediterranean seabed.CPPM participates in technology transfers to industry andother scientific fields like, for example, biomedical imagingand deep sea environmental studies.170

Ecole de l‘ADNAddressContactWeb sitewww.ecole-adn.frInformations Foundation 1998EmployeesKeywordsActivity19, grand rue • 30000 Nîmes • FranceSIATKA Christian, General ManagerE-mail: siatka@ecole-adn.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 67 82 29Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 67 82 29Biotechnology, Genetic engineering, Kits« Ecole de l’ADN » (DNA Learning Centre) in Nîmes,France, provides free specialist education and informationin biotechnology to the scientific community and to<strong>members</strong> of public who are already familiar with genetics.We teach through experiments in molecular biology andmany of those we train are under-graduates. We do notrequire participants to have any training in life sciences toparticipate.We have developed ‘DNA Tools’ (registered trade mark):kits for practical work in primary, secondary and highereducation to introduce students to bio-technology. Thesekits are designed to encourage problem solving, activeparticipation and, of course, comply with safety regulations.We provide continuing education for people in otherprofessions such as IT, health, law, and the media.The school also acts as a catalyst creating a francophonenetwork of other DNA institutes: 8 other schools have openedwith our support since 2002 in France and elsewhere.Research and Education171

Ecole des Mines d’AlèsAddressContactWeb site6 Avenue de Clavières • 30319 Ales Cedex • FranceLOPEZ-FERBER Miguel, Director of EngineeringLaboratoryE-mail: miguel.lopez-ferber@mines-ales.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 78 27 04Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 78 27 01www.ema.frInformations Foundation 1991EmployeesKeywordsInstitute of Engineering, Research, Technological IncubatorActivity The Ecole des Mines d‘Ales is a French Institute forEngineering and Applied Science under the tutelage ofthe French Ministry of Industry. The Research developed inbiotechnology concerns:(i) biodetection (microbiological and molecular diagnostic, biosensors fortoxins, organic contaminants and pathogens),(ii) modification and conditioning of natural biopolymers for medical applicationsand/or devices (capillary, hollow fiber, membrane, tube),(iii) biomedical engineering applied to handicap and ageing,(iv) data analyses,(v) bioprocesses (nano and micro) for - effluent treatment. - Moreover, the Ecoledes Mines d’Ales is involved in the coordination of a “Master Biologie Santé”(more specifically, the “parcours Bioingénierie”) with the Universities ofMontpellier and Nîmes. The EMA included a technological incubator namedInnov’Up dedicated to support the creation and development of innovativeSMEs. The Ecole des Mines d‘Alès belongs to the Mines-Telecom Institute.172

ENSCM - Ecole NationaleSupérieure de Chimie deMontpellierAddressContactWeb sitewww.enscm.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywords8, rue de l‘Ecole Normale •34296 Montpellier Cedex 5 • FranceCOQUELET Claude, industrial relationshipsE-mail: claude.coquelet@enscm.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 14 43 74Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 14 43 53Fine org chemistry, Chemistry materials, Environ, HealthScience and sustainable environResearch and EducationActivityFollowing a long and rich tradition in Chemistry at Montpellier,the ENSCM is a teaching and research academic institution,part of the University of Montpellier with high level researchlaboratories involved in most fields of chemistry and inprocess engineering. The ENSCM delivers a degree of“Ingenieur chimiste”.The ENSCM training provides futureengineers with skills allowing them to work in the fields ofFine Organic Chemistry and Health Science, Chemistry ofMaterials, Environment and Sustainable Development.173

ENSM SE - CentreMicroélectronique de ProvenceAddressContact880, avenue de Mimet • 13541 Gardanne • FranceOWENS Roisin, Associate professorE-mail: owens@emse.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 53 61 66 45Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 61 65 97Web sitewww.emse.fr/spip/-CMPInformations Foundation 2002Employees 96Keywords Bioelectronics, Microelectronics, Logistics, Security,Communication, Neural probesActivityThe Microelectronics Centre of Provence is one of sixeducation and research centres of the “Ecole NationaleSupérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne”. The researchactivity is focused in four areas: secure systems andarchitectures, science and logistics of manufacturing,flexible microelectronics and bioelectronics with significantcontributions from industrial partners.The Department of Bioelectronics at CMP was createdin 2009 to support the convergence of information andcommunication technologies with the world of health.Bioelectronics deals with the coupling of the worlds ofelectronics and biology. Technologies generated in thisarena, such as medical diagnostics and bioelectronicimplants, will dominate the future of healthcare.Our - Department combines expertise in organic electronicsand biology. Our research aims to elucidate the fundamentalsof the electronic materials/biology interface and to launchnew - bioelectronic technologies.174

INRIAAddressContactWeb siteInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywords2004, route des Lucioles, BP 93 •06902 Sophia-Antipolis • FranceBARRET Marc, Head of Technology Transfer andexternal Affairs DepartmentE-mail: marc.barret@inria.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 38 50 30 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 32 38 76 33www.inria.fr/sophia et www.inria.fr/Biomechanics Simulation-Biological models, ComputerVision, Computational biology, image analysis.Research and EducationActivityEstablished in 1967, Inria is the only public research bodyfully dedicated to computational sciences. Combiningcomputer sciences with mathematics, Inria’s researchersstrive to invent the digital technologies of the future.Educated at leading international universities, they creativelyintegrate basic research with applied research and dedicatethemselves to solving real problems, collaborating with themain players in public and private research in France andabroad and transferring the fruits of their work to innovativecompanies.175

INSCB - Institut Nord Sud deCoopération BiopharmaceutiqueAddressContact1919 route de mende •34293 Montpellier Cedex 5 • FranceBREUL Thierry, General ManagerE-mail: contact@inscb.orgPhone: +33 (0) 4 99 13 69 40Web sitewww.inscb.orgInformations Foundation 1992Employees 5Keywords Osteotropic drug delivery system by oral route,Hypercalcemia, Multiple myeloma, OncologyActivityConsulting, Continuing Education and Project Managementin Pharmaceutical Sciences and PharmaceuticalDevelopment Pharmaceutical Development of DrugDelivery Systems, Clinical Trial Management of pilot « proofof concept » clinical studies: Osteotropic Drug deliverysystem by oral route available for out licensing. New drug inpreclinical development in hypercalcemia.Taste assessment trials for sensory analysis of oralpharmaceutical products (tasteful tests). Expertise ofpharmaceutical development part of registration file forANSM.176

INSERMDélégations régionales PACA et Corse /Languedoc-RoussillonAddressContactWeb siteInformations FoundationEmployeesPaca: 18, avenue Mozart • 13008 Marseille • FranceLR: 60, rue de Navacelles • 34394 Montpelliercedex 5 • FrancePaca: NOBILE Dominique, Regional AdministratorE-mail: secretariat.dr-marseille@inserm.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 82 70 00LR : CAVAILLE Jacques, Regional AdministratorE-mail: valorisation.montpellier@inserm.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 63 61 34www.paca.inserm.frwww.languedoc-roussillon.inserm.frResearch and EducationKeywordsHealth, Research, Medical, Institute, Public administrationActivityThe Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicaleis the only French public research organization totallydedicated to the health sciences with a responsibility toassure the strategic, scientific and operational coordinationof biomedical research in France.It is structured around 10 thematic institutes and has a closepartnership with other research establishments, Universitiesand hospitals. Inserm in the PACA region includes 22laboratories and 2 centres for clinical investigation inMarseille and Nice with research fields ranging fromcancer and immunology to metabolic disorders and theneurosciences. Inserm in the Languedoc-Roussillon regionincludes 12 laboratories and 1 centre for clinical investigationin Montpellier.177

IRD - Institut de Recherchepour le DéveloppementAddressContactWeb site44 Bd de Dunkerque - CS 90009 •13572 Marseille Cedex 02 • FranceRAUD Stéphane, Director - Technology TransferDepartmentE-mail: stephane.raud@ird.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 99 95 26www.ird.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsViral infection, Nutritional vulnerability, Malaria, AIDS,Chikungunya, LleishmaniosisActivityThanks to its collaborative activities in research, educationand innovation, it works in more than 50countries in Africa,in Asia, Latin America and overseas.Based on interdisciplinarity, the projects conducted jointlyhandle issues crucial for the South: tropical diseases andcivilisation, relationships between health and environment,climate change, water resources, food security, tropicaland Mediterranean ecosystems, natural hazards, poverty,vulnerability and social inequality, migration, changes in thelabour market ...178

ISEN ToulonAddressContactWeb sitewww.isen.frInformations Foundation 1991Employees 32KeywordsMaison des technologies, Place Georges Pompidou• 83000 Toulon • FranceVERA Stéphane, Technical managerE-mail: stephane.vera@isen.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 94 03 89 95Fax: +33 (0) 4 94 03 89 51Electronics, IT, Networking, Telecoms, Nanotechnolgies,Bio ingeneeringResearch and EducationActivityEngineering school in Electonics.IT-Networking Telecommunications.Nanotechnologies.179

Observatoire Océanologiquede Banyuls/MerAddressContactAvenue du Fontaulé • 66650 Banyuls/ Mer • FranceLEBARON Philippe, DirectorE-mail: directeur@obs-banyuls.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 68 88 73 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 68 88 16 99Web sitewww.obs-banuls.frInformations Foundation 1882Employees 163KeywordsActivityThe laboratory is one of the oldest marine station inEurope and has three main activities: research, trainingand outreach, long-term monitoring of the environment.Research activities concern marine biology, microbiology,ecology and integrative biology.The Biodiversity and Biotechnology research team is wellrecognized at the international level. This team works onthe diversity of aquatic bacteria and has developed oneof the best collection of environmental bacteria in Europecontaining more than 2.000 species.We are searching for bioactive molecules that are producedby these bacteria for applications in pharmacology anddermo-cosmetics.180

Université d‘Aix-MarseilleAddressContactWeb sitewww.univ-amu.frInformations Foundation 2012Employees 7500KeywordsActivityJardin du Pharo, 58 Bd Charles Livon •13284 Marseille 07 • FranceBUCQUET Delphine, Director of CommunicationE-mail: delphine.bucquet@univ-amu.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 39 65 66Aix-Marseille University, a university of excellence firmlyrooted in its territory The university gathers 71,000 studentsin undergraduate, graduate and continuing education andmore than 7,500 personnel.All disciplines of knowledge are covered: art, literature,languages and social science; law and political science;economics and management; health; and sciences andtechnology.Aix-Marseille University brings together 132 researchstructures, often in partnership with national researchorganizations. Five major areas of research are addressed:energy; environmental sciences, earth sciences andastronomy; life and health sciences; advanced sciencesand technology; and the humanities and social sciences.Interdisciplinary studies and knowledge developmentare the main axes of growth for Aix-Marseille University, auniversity with international ambitions as well as rooted inits territory.Research and Education181

Université de Montpellier 1AddressContactWeb site5 boulevard Henri IV, CS 19044 •34967 Montpellier cedex2 • FranceMERCIER Jacques, Vice-president in charge ofresearchE-mail: jacques.mercier@univ-montp1.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 41 75 27 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 41 75 26www.univ-montp1.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywords Multidisciplinary, Health biology, Chemestry, Law,Economics, ManagementActivityUniversity Montpellier 1 is a multidisciplinary Universitycovering the fields of Health-Biology and Chemistry(medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical activities andsports) as well as Law, Economics and Management.Research at the University Montpellier 1 is performed byapproximately 1000 teacher-researchers and researchers aswell as 180 PhD students and Post-doc within 37 laboratories,9 institutes and 6 technologies facilities.In the field of Health-Biology and Chemistry, the strengthsare neurosciences, infectiology, cancerology, genomicand fundamental biology, experimental and regenerativemedicine, development of biomolecules and biomaterials.182

Université de Nice-SophiaAntipolisAddressContactWeb sitewww.unice.frInformations Foundation 1965EmployeesKeywordsActivity28, avenue Valrose • 06103 Nice Cedex 2 • FranceDAHL Sarah, Technology Transfert ManagerE-mail: sarah.dahl@unice.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 07 66 21Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 07 66 23Technology transferThe University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis has clearly adoptedthe politics of developing a more open relationship towardsthe industrial and economic environment, in parallel ofrespecting the specifications and multidisciplinary nature ofthe University. The University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis hascreated a technology Transfer Office under the Researchdepartment and is engaged in the SATT Paca Corse.Research and Education183

Université de NîmesAddressContactRue du docteur Georges Salan •30021 Nîmes • FranceBERTA Philippe, Professor of BiotechnologyE-mail: philippe.berta@unimes.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 27 95 58Web sitewww.unimes.frInformations Foundation 2007Employees 400KeywordsBiology, Environment, Biotechnology, Licence, MasterActivityNîmes university is a professional university, unique in thisform in France, and partially dedicated to biotechnologycourses in tight relationship with companies from the field.Courses include the diverse degrees of the LMD Europeansystem, including licence of Biology, licence of Environment,licence of Biotechnology and Biotechnology masterdegree developed in tight connection with the Montpellieruniversities, the Ecole des Mines from Alès, Polytech, theCEA, and supported by all the main research institutes fromLanguedoc-Roussillon.184


APPROCHE AssociationAddressContact263 Rue Caducée • 34090 Montpellier • FranceFATTAL Charles, PresidentE-mail: delegation@approche-asso.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 04 67 04Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 04 68 91Web sitewww.approche-asso.comInformations Foundation 1992EmployeesKeywordsDisability, Robotics, New technologies, RehabilitationcentersActivity APPROCHE is a non-profit association funded in 1992 thatinitiates, supports and ensures the promotion, research anddesign high-technology aids for peoples with disabilities.APPROCHE groups together 14 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Centersin France with multidisciplinary teams (physicians, occupational therapists,biomedical engineers) in charge of:• Putting together the requirements and specifications on targeted products(manipulation robotic arms, gaitassisting robots)• Clinical and technical evaluation of the projects by people with disabilities;• Putting together synthesis reports with evaluations results andrecommendations to improve the technical aids tested.APPROCHE collaborates with privileged partners (research Labs, manufacturers)that trust the expertise of the APPROCHE teams to drive and manage projectsfor persons with Loss of autonomy.Handicap, autonomy, dependance, technology, evaluation, assistive technology,robotic, specifications.Partners187

BIOMERIDIESAddressContactWeb site318 boulevard de la République •34400 Lunel • FranceFLORENTIN Didier, PresidentE-mail: animation@biomeridies.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 15 08 37Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 79 56 76www.biomeridies.comInformations Foundation 2004EmployeesKeywordsBiotechnology, Business, Cluster, SME, Entrepreneur,Languedoc RoussillonActivityFor enhanced visibility and exchange, the biotechnologyfirms of the Languedoc-Roussillon region have createdBiomeridies. This multi-sector organisation (health, food,environnement) driven by entrepreneurs, has a clear goal toact as a true business stimulator.188

Cancéropôle Grand Sud-OuestAddressContactWeb siteCHU- Hôpital de la Grave, TSA 60033 •31059 Toulouse cedex 9 • FranceMARENDZIAK Karine, Project ManagerE-mail: karine.marendziak@canceropole-gso.orgPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 61 24 13Fax: +33 (0) 5 82 95 13 93www.canceropole-gso.orgInformations Foundation 2003Employees 8KeywordsBiobank, Experimental models, Genomic instability, CellSignalling, SHS-epidemiology, ImagingActivity Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest (CGSO) is a public consortiumgathering about 400 scientific and medical research teamsin 4 regions (Aquitaine, Limousin, Languedoc-Roussillon,Midi-Pyrénées).Its mission: to foster interactions between researchers and clinicians, to promotepartnerships and the development of structuring projects, to encourage skillsand tools sharing across the 4 regions, to fight cancer. CGSO supports dynamicnetworks by the animation of research axis, interdisciplinary disease-orientedconsortia and working groups sharing technological approaches:• Disease-focused approaches: malignant blood disorders, breast cancers,digestive cancer, melanoma, glioma…• Fundamental issues: genetic instability, chromatin and epigenetics,cell signalling and therapeutic targets, tumour microenvironment,pharmacogenetics…Social and public Health mobilization: the individual and collective challenges interms of social inequality, rehabilitation procedures & new care organization.Partners189

Cancéropole PACAAddressContactWeb siteFaculté de Médécine - Site Timone, 27, BoulevardJean Moulin • 13385 Marseille cedex 05 • FranceDUCORD Clara, General secretaryE-mail: canceropole-paca@medecine.univmed.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 32 47 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 32 47 01www.canceropole-paca.frInformations Foundation 2011EmployeesKeywordsCancer, Research, Coordination, PACAActivityCanceropôle PACA is one of the 7 french research regionalnetworks which aim to impulse the quality of science,medecine and innovation in the field of cancerology.Canceropôle PACA grew up around the major universityhospitals, comprehensive research centres, research unitsand biotech companies of the Provence-Alpes-Côted’Azur Region. Its activities help in sharing technological(platforms) and biological (biobanks) resources, in promotingexcellence and innovation in cognitive and clinical research,in promoting translational research by linking skills anddisciplines from cognitive and clinical research, and indriving scientific cooperation through scientific researchtopics. The main research topics in Canceropôle PACAare :• Bringing together clinical teams and biological platformsto improve cancer diagnosis and adapted therapy• Describing molecular alterations and identifying promisingtargets in oncogenesis• Understanding tumour growth and aggressiveness.190

CARMA - Centre d’AnimationRégional en Matériaux AvancésAddressContactWeb siteAREP Center, 1, traverse des Brucs •06560 Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis • FranceLENOTRE Christian, PresidentE-mail: lenotre@carma.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 93 00 43 80Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 98 98www.materiatech-carma.netInformations Foundation 1994Employees 7KeywordsMaterials, Ecodesign, Development of new productsActivityCARMA is a research and innovation center, specialized inthe development of innovative products and ecodesign,incorporating components/materials of organic, recycledorigin. Others activities include training, technologiestransfert and promotion of the plastics and compositematerial industry Carma‘s business is articulated around 3pillars:• Networking and promotion of the plastics and compositematerial industry• Cooperative projects• New products development.Partners191

Chambre de Commerce etd’Industrie Régionale - LRAddressContactWeb site273, avenue de la Pompignane •34961 Montpellier Cedex 2 • FranceFOURCADE Bernard, PresidentE-mail: f.fourcade@languedoc-roussillon.cci.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 13 68 00Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 13 68 10www.languedoc-roussillon.cci.frInformations FoundationEmployees 32Keywords Innovation, Patents, Europe, Intellectual property,InternationalActivityBased in Montpellier, the Languedoc-Roussillon RegionalChamber of Trade and Industry contributes to theeconomical developement of territories companies and theirassociations. The CCIR LR offers to labs and companies fromLanguedoc-Roussillon its skills and experience in variousdomains : support for industrial property, particularly throughpatent and technological transfer matters, organization ofcompany mission and workshop. It owns a great experiencein technological transfer and is collaborating with labs andcompanies from biotech sector sector for many years.192

Fédération RégionaleCrédit Agricole Mutuel PACAAddressContact25, chemin des Trois cyprès •13097 Aix en Provence cedex 2 • FranceILLOUZ Patrice, DirectorE-mail: patrice.illouz@ca-alpesprovence.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 13 51 80Web siteInformations Foundation 1969EmployeesKeywordsBankActivityBeing involved in the regional development besides theclusters and their compagnies. Federation Regionale duCredit Agricole Mutuel spreads on the whole territory of theRegion Provence Alpes Cote d’Azur.Partners193

FNSIP - Fédération Nationaledes Syndicats d’Internes enPharmacieAddressContactC/O FAGE, 5 Rue Frédérick Lemaitre •75020 Paris • FranceLE ROY Aude, ResidentE-mail: aude-le-roy@wanadoo.frPhone: +33 (0) 6 15 88 42 91Web sitewww.fnsip.frInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsActivityA trade union with 1800 pharmacist residents with nopolitical or religious preferences. We are a driving forcewith the objective to improve public health by promotingthe pharmacist’s role and place in our healthcare system(hospital, pharmaceutical industry, clinical biology).Being medical specialists with a wide scope of qualificationsranging from drug design to its delivery, we are targetingcareers in drugs medical devices and widely in health fields:pharmacokinetic, clinical research, analytical development,formulation, marketing authorization, project management,quality control, drug regulations, post market follow-up….194

GRAND LUMINY TechnopôleAddressContactWeb siteZone Luminy Entreprises - Case 922, 163 avenue deLuminy • 13288 Marseille Cedex 9 • FranceLEDOUX Marjorie, communication managerE-mail: marjorie.ledoux@grandluminy.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 82 84 84Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 82 84 85www.grandluminy.comInformations Foundation 1985Employees 6KeywordsBiotech, Incubator, Med tech, Diagnostic, ImmunologyActivitySince 1985 Grand Luminy Technopôle is dedicated tothe development and enhancement of the Science andTechnology Park of Luminy, Marseilles.To reach this objective, Grand Luminy follows up 3complementary missions: Communication & Promotion;Science Park development; Entrepreneurship & biotech. In2008, Grand Luminy Technopôle opened a 1500 m² biotechbusiness center including laboratories, shared facilities,consulting... six biotech companies are already installed inthis business center: AB Science, Avantage nutrition, CoralBiome, Dynabio, St George Medical, OZ Biosciences.Partners195

IMPULSE IncubateurAddressContactWeb siteMaison du Développement Industriel,Technopôle de Château-Gombert •13452 Marseille Cedex 13 • FranceDEFOUS Maxime, Executive DirectorE-mail: contact@incubateur-impulse.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 10 01 45Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 10 01 43www.incubateur-impulse.comInformations Foundation 2000Employees 6KeywordsActivityIMPULSE supports, funds and promotes the setting up ofcompanies which are linked with public research. Support:project management and guidelines, patent right, decisionsupportschemes, support in raising capital.Fund: refundable loan from 40 000 $ to 45 000 $ per project.Educate: training courses ‘à la carte’ for project managers.Promote: fairs and websites dedicated to promote eachincubated project.196

INCUBATEUR PACA-ESTAddressContactWeb siteC/O CICA, 2229 Route des Crêtes •06560 Valbonne • FranceLABAT André, General ManagerE-mail: labat@incubateurpacaest.orgPhone: +33 (0) 4 89 73 02 45Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 91 94 89www.incubateurpacaest.orgInformations Foundation 2001Employees 5KeywordsIncubatorActivityGrounded on the site of Sophia Antipolis and Toulon, it’s areception structure and a place where every people, whowant to create a company can find help founds. Indeed theincubator offers a support to set off their projects, and toperfect their business plan, thanks to professional’s report,training, and advices, paid by the incubator during theirincubation.The incubator supports researchers eager to start innovativenew business: training, advice and funding,… until the startupis ready to launch its commercial activity.The mission of the Incubator Paca-Est, supported by theFrench Research Ministry, and the ESF and founded by theuniversities of Nice Sophia-Antipolis and Toulon-Var, by theINRIA and by the general councils of Alpes-Maritimes andVar, is to enhance and promote innovation developmentand technology transfer from university laboratories andpublic research institutes.Partners197

INNOV‘UPAddress PARC GEORGES BESSE –Site Nîmois de l’Ecole des Mines d’Alès,69, Rue Georges Besse • 30035 Nîmes • FranceContact REINHALTER Alix, DirectorE-mail: contact@innovup.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 38 40 89Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 04 73 24Web sitewww.innovup.comInformations Foundation 2007Employees 12KeywordsSupport, Training, Incubator, Business Plan, TechnologySupportActivityInnov’up, gathers the incubator of the “Ecole des Minesd’Ales” (a french institute for engineering and appliedscience) and the BIC of the Chamber of Commerce ofNîmes, his target is to support and promote the creationand the development of innovative SMEs. Innov’up offersa complete set of services for the entrepreneur in order tohelp him to launch and develop his project.198

INVEST Languedoc-RoussillonAddressContactWeb site980 av. Jean Mermoz, CS80553 •34960 Montpellier Cedex 2 • FranceFAIVRE Frédéric, Project ManagerE-mail: faivre@invest-lr.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 22 94 80Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 22 94 90www.invest-lr.comInformations Foundation 1988Employees 9KeywordsDiagnostics, Medtech, Medical devices, ICT, BiotechActivityInward investment agency which coordinates the economicdevelopment policy of the Languedoc-Roussillon,encouraging and assisting foreign investment in industry,technology and logistics.Our service includes:• Identification of premises or real estate suited to yourneeds• Access to a network of regional competences• Partner search• Financial engineering - All our services are entirely freeof charge and, naturally, fully confidential. Your one-stopshop for business development in France‘s Languedoc-Roussillon region. Working in close partnership withnational bodies, local authorities and developmentagencies, technology transfer centers, investmentcompanies, trade associations as well as the region‘sscientific and economic community.Partners199

Languedoc Roussillon IncubationAddressContactWeb siteUM2, cc 483, Place Eugène Bataillon •34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 • FranceKARBOUCH Geraldine, DirectorE-mail: geraIdine.karbouch@lr-incubation.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 14 49 85Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 02 05 51www.Ir-incubation.comInformations Foundation 2000Employees 5KeywordsAssistance to entrepreneurs to create an innovative startupActivityLanguedoc-Roussillon Incubation promotes the creationof startup companies whose founders are able to leverageresearch results from post-graduate projects, or fromresearch related to technologies with high growth potentialby public institutions. Along with collaboration from variouspartners, Languedoc-Roussillon Incubation offers a widerange of services to help entrepreneurs prepare their startupprojects in the most efficient way possible. Languedoc-Roussillon Incubation offers a sanctuary for futureentrepreneurs to benefit from solid logistical assistance fortheir projects from the very start: Consulting and guidance,Professional training, Financing, Office space.200

Marseille congrèsAddressContact2, rue Beauvau • 13001 Marseille • FranceVLASTO Dominique, ChairmanE-mail: ccastiglia@marseille-tourisme.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 13 99 75Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 33 00 47Web sitewww.marseille-congres.comInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsCongress, ConventionsActivity• Promotion of the destination Marseille by highlighting theoffer of the Phocaean city for organizers of events.• Advice to organizers and interface services linking service- providers and local authorities.• Prepare, study and present the applications of Marseille« Marseille Candidate »• Creation and distribution of the congress promotioninstruments of the City.• Representation of the destination Marseille on the nationaland international level.• Follow-up of the quality of the services offered by theprofessionals of Marseille by a close relationship withorganizers.Partners201

Méditerranée TechnologiesAddressContactWeb site22 rue Sainte barbe, BP 92018 •13201 Marseille cedex 01 • FrancePEREZ Philippe, Acting General ManagerE-mail: perez@mediterranee-technologies.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 14 05 64Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 14 05 64www.mediterranee-technologies.comInformations Foundation 1999Employees 16KeywordsSME‘s & Innovation projects supportActivity Participation in the Regional Innovation Networkimplementation and animation of the Network. The RINmanages the technological offer of the PACA Region andaims to enhance the portfolio and quality of services offeredto the innovative project managers.Coordination of the Technology Development Networkwhich supports the SMEs of PACA.Promotion of European networking through EEN(Enterprise Europe Network) and support actions in favourof laboratories and SMEs access to European funding (FP7,Europe) and coordination of european innovation projects.Implementation of a regional innovation observatory.Management of a regional innovation portal.202

MontBiotechAddressContact1 Rue Guillaume de Nogaret •34070 Montpellier • FranceSCOTTO DI CARLO Gilles, PrésidentE-mail: gilscotto@gmail.comGSM: +33 (0) 6 09 70 89 03Web sitewww.montbiotech.comInformations Foundation 2010EmployeesKeywordsMedtech, Medical Device, Economic Development, SME,InnovationActivity Association promoting Montbiotech, economicdevelopment hub for medical devices companies.A clustering initiative bringing together all talented peoplefrom universities, research and innovation centers, hospitalsand MD SMEs.Our goal: implementing actions, equipments and servicesfor economic development of medical devices companies,by involving all the needed partners. Another goal for theassociation is: promotion of education and research in thefield of medical sciences and health.Partners203

NRC TechnopoleAddressContactCCI de Nîmes, 12 Rue de la République •30032 Nîmes Cedex 1 • FranceVIANNAY Florent, Chargé de développementéconomiqueE-mail: fv@nrct.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 66 87 96 43Web siteInformations Foundation 1998Employees 5KeywordsSetting-up, Networking, Business developmentActivityNRC Technopole favours the development of life sciencesin the region of Nîmes providing an essential supportthroughout the creation, setting-up and development ofnew companies thanks to:• Personalized support,• Financial solutions,• Real estate solutions (incubators, science parks...),• Training courses,• Active networking.204

Ophta BiotechAddressContact148 Avenue G. Guynemer •06700 Saint-Laurent du Var • FranceCLARET Claude, Horus Pharma CEOE-mail: contact@ophtabiotech.asso.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 93 19 54 03Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 19 54 09Web siteInformations FoundationEmployeesKeywordsActivityOphta Biotech is a French organization which aims atgathering the French Riviera, Corsica and Monacobasedexperts, doctors, industries, researchers, patientsorganizations and others who have a concern inophthalmology to better promote the local expertise andknow-how in this field around the world.Ophta Biotech has been created by four major specialistsin ophtalmology: Pr. Pierre Gastaud (Nice, CHU), Dr. ClaudeClaret (Horus Pharma), Dr. Pierre-Paul Elena (Iris Pharma)and Dr. Loïc Lozivit (ophthalmologist, Nice).Partners205

OrphandevAddress Hôpital de la Timone CIC CPCET Bât F,264 Rue St Pierre • 13385 Marseille cedex 5 • FranceContact ADJIBI Yolande, Project ManagerE-mail: yolande.adjibi@ap-hm.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 38 75 63Web siteInformations Foundation 2010Employees 2KeywordsRare diseases, Clinical trials, Orphan drugsActivityOrphandev is a network dedicated to clinical trials in thefield of rare diseases. Thanks to its team constituted of aPharmacologist, a Project Manager and Study Manager itaims at increasing the quality of rare disease clinical trialsand thus accelerating access to treatments for patients.Orphandev offers a wide range of services for thesettlement and conduction of rare diseases clinical trials(methodological support and advices in transposition ofpre clinical trials to human being, study design, protocolredaction, constitution of the study expert panels, researchand choice of investigators centers, regulatory aspects, andlogistical support for patients’ recruitment...). Orphandevworks with public academic partners as well as withindustries and private partners.206

OTECIAddressContactWeb site10, rue du Havre • 75009 Paris • FranceROCHE Gilles, Founder of the Languedoc-Roussillondelegation and Board memberE-mail: gillesroche@free.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 47 98 32Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 47 98 32www.oteci-asso.frInformations Foundation 1979EmployeesKeywordsManagement, Production, Quality, Development, Commercial,Marketing, HSE, Legal, HR, InternationalActivityA NGO, created in 1979, affording advises and coaching tosmall scale companies mainly, but also to large companies,as well as to large NGOs, national and internationalorganisations and schools. Activity is done through itsvolunteer <strong>members</strong> in various sectors:• from a variety of industries: food, oil, chemicals, health,metals, electronics…• in various areas: production, HSE, quality, marketing, sales,finance and legal sectors, etc.Partners207

PAYS D‘AIX DEVELOPPEMENTAddressContactWeb siteLes Patios de Forbin, 9 Bis place John Rewald •13100 Aix en Provence • FranceMINASSIAN Lionel, ManagerE-mail: info@Provence-pad.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 42 17 02 32Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 17 02 33www.provence-pad.comInformations Foundation 1995Employees 6KeywordsEconomic development agencyActivityPays d’Aix Développement is the economic developmentagency created by the Pays d’Aix metropolitan district toassist current or future company directors in each stepof their project – giving them the key to a successfulestablishment. Services include:• Site, office and building searches• Site visiting• Applications for subsidies• Recruitment assistance• Information about general economic environment• Investor information• To favour the area’s capacity to innovate, Pays d’AixDéveloppement also runs the «Dispositif d’Amorçagede Provence» (DAP). This system provides extra help totechnological or innovative project leaders wishing to setuptheir business in the Provençal mining area, south-eastof Aix-en-Provence.208

POPSud / OPTITECAddressContactWeb siteC/O OAMP - Technopole de Château Gombert,38, rue F. Joliot Curie •13388 Marseille Cedex 13 • FranceMIROCHNITCHENKO Katia, DirectorE-mail: katia.mirochni@popsud.orgPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 05 59 69Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 05 69 84www.Popsud.orgInformations Foundation 2000Employees 10KeywordsOptics, Photonics and image processingActivityPOPSUD, an association founded in 2000 at the initiative ofindustry and research organization, is today a communitywith more than 170 deeply committed <strong>members</strong>, involvedin industrial development, research and higher education inoptics, photonics and image processing.Partners209

Provence PromotionAddress Atrium 10.5 - Les Docks, 10 place de la Joliette -BP 45607 • 13002 Marseille • FranceContact VIS Matthieu, Business Development ManagerE-mail: m.vis@provence-promotion.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 96 11 60 25Fax: +33 (0) 4 96 11 60 11Web sitewww.theprovencepartnership.comInformations Foundation 1997Employees 28KeywordsEconomic Development, Inward InvestmentActivityProvence Promotion is the Official Inward lnvestmentagency of Marseille-Provence area.Created by the Marseille-Provence Chamber of Commerce& lndustry and the Bouches-du-Rhône County Council(Conseil Général), we provide free and confidential supportto companies and individuals who seek to invest in thisMediterranean area.We will accompany you throughout your project: helpwith relocating, financing, HR engineering, real estateengineering, referring to our commercial, industrial andscientific partners.The Provence Partnership is your unique partner for buildingand growing a business in Provence while making the mostof everything the region has to offer.We are ISO 9001:2000 certified.210

SATT AxLRAddressContactPLace Eugene Bataillon, Universite des Sciences etTechniques • 34000 Montpellier • FranceNERIN Philippe, CEOE-mail: axlr-president@sfr.frGSM: +33 (0) 6 3412 6949Web siteInformations Foundation 2012Employees 9KeywordsResearch and Innovation with business developmentActivityFunding of Innovation & Business development.Partners211

SATT Sud EstAddressContactWeb site8 rue Sainte Barbe • 13001 Marseille • FranceBARTH Philippe, Senior Business Development &Licensing Manager, Health & Life TechnologiesE-mail: philippe.barth@sattse.comPhone: +33 (0) 4 13 24 66 21Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 31 71 77www.sattse.comInformations Foundation 2012Employees 32KeywordsOncology, Infectious & metabolic diseases, CNS disorders,diagnostics, Medical deviceActivitySATT Sud Est is focused on turning the discoveries and skillsof public research into solutions for the industrial sector.Reciprocally, SATT fulfills the needs of companies providingthem with skills and technologies stemming from regionallaboratories.Its core business involves bringing high-potential inventionsdeveloped by regional laboratories to readiness on legal(intellectual property), economic (market) and technical(proof of concept) levels. SATT supports the developmentof companies, particularly regional SMEs. It fosters anentrepreneurial mind-set by creating innovative businessesin the PACA region and Corsica.Stemming from the French Investments for the Futureprogram, strengthened by the excellence in regionalresearch, together with the skills and expertise of itsbusiness teams specialized in technology transfer and startup& business development, SATT intends to become a keyplayer in regional economic development associated withinnovation.212

SORIDECAddressContactWeb siteRésidence l‘Acropole, 954, Avenue Jean Mermoz •34000 Montpellier • FranceBLANC GenevièveE-mail: gblanc@soridec.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 99 23 32 40Fax: +33 (0) 4 99 23 32 41www.soridec.frInformations Foundation 1983Employees 6KeywordsFinanceActivitySORIDEC is a local Venture Capital Company based inLanguedoc-Roussillon. We invest in seed capital, start-up,development capital and LBO with tickets between 100 Keand 1,5 Me in shares and bonds in Industry and industryservices.We are always a minority position in the share capital.We are 4 investors based in Montpellier and we have aportfolio of 60 companies.Partners213

TEAM COTE D‘AZURAddressContactWeb site400 Promenade des Anglais, BP 3185 •06204 Nice • FranceJACQUET Céline, B.U. ManagerE-mail: cjacquet@teamcotedazur.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 92 17 51 85Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 80 05 76www.investincotedazur.comInformations Foundation 2005EmployeesKeywordsActivityThe Côte d‘Azur economic development agency TeamCôte d’Azur provides companies with free and confidentialassistance for their investment project: feasibility study,identification and follow-up of financial subsidies if eligibleto, help in the transfer of teams and recruitment of localcompetences, local networking.214

Toulon Var Technologies (TVT)AddressContactWeb siteMaison des Technologies, Place Georges Pompidou– Quartier Mayol • 83000 Toulon • FranceVALVERDE Patrick, Managing DirectorE-mail: tvt@tvt.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 94 03 89 07Fax: +33 (0) 4 94 03 89 14www.tvt.frInformations Foundation 1988Employees 26KeywordsAccompaniement, Support, Development, Innovation,ProjectActivityTechnopole (labelled by RETIS), Business Innovation Centre(BIC, labelled by EBN) and member of PACA Innovation,CURIE network and IASP, TVT Innovation accompanies theindividual innovative projects (creation, development, ..)and collective ones (clusters, collaborative and collectiveprojects, ...) with many tools as the SME incubators Cre@tvt,the economic intelligence, the European projects and theSoftLanding activities.TVT is also the supporting & managing structure of theInternationally-oriented marine innovative cluster “PôleMer PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur)“. TVT workswithin a network with the whole of the partners of the VarDepartment and the PACA Region.Partners215

Transferts LRAddressContactWeb siteL‘Acropole, 954, avenue Jean Mermoz •34000 Montpellier • FranceLICHTENBERGER Anne, Health DepartmentManagerE-mail: direction@transferts-lr.orgPhone: +33 (0) 4 67 85 69 61 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 67 85 69 69www.transferts-lr.orgInformations Foundation 2005Employees 33KeywordsInnovation technology transferActivityTRANSFERTS LR is an organization specialized in innovationand technology transfer. Our technological advisers’team (15 people) provides assistance to small business inLanguedoc-Roussillon to develop their innovating and/orR&D projects:• Health, pharmaceutical, biotechnology• Environment, energy• ITC, multimedia• Automation, electronics• Food industry.216

VIVERIS MANAGEMENTAddressContact6, allée Turcat Mery • 13008 Marseille • FranceVILLECROZE MarcE-mail: marc.villecroze@viverismanagement.frPhone: +33 (0) 4 91 29 41 66Fax: +33 (0) 4 91 29 41 51Web sitewww.viverismanagement.comInformations Foundation 2000EmployeesKeywordsActivityInvestment bank.Partners217

Liste des annonceurs2MT....................................................186ADN....................................................186ALTERA..............................................219AMYLGEN..........................................218APOH.................................................186ARS.....................................................186cabinet regimbeau.....................220CALLIMEDIA......................................218CISBIO................................................162CREG MEDICAL................................186EFS..........................................................7EUROFINS.........................................218GALDERMA.......................................186HORIBA................................................14HORUS...............................................186IDENIX..................................................14INSTRULAB........................................218IPSOGEN...........................................162IRIS........................................................12LE CNAM...............................................6LYOFAL...............................................162NEURO SERVICE...............................162NEURON EXPERTS...............................6ORFAGEN............................................12PUPPHARMA.......................................14SANOFI.....................2 ème de couvertureSIMODORO.......................................219THERADIS..........................................219We would like to thank the advertisers for their contribution.We wish them to find profitable contracts with the help of this publishing.LES EDITIONS D’ILE DE FRANCE - EDIF102, avenue Georges Clemenceau - 94700 Maisons-AlfortTél. : 01 43 53 64 00 - Fax : 01 43 53 48 00edition@edif.fr - www.edif.frEditorial Director : Emilie RoyèreEurobiomed seeks to reduce the environmental impact of its paper-baseddocumentation and only uses printers and service providers which meet stringentprocessing and recycling standards. This document complies with the IMPRIMVERTenvironmental quality charter (Oct. 2012)

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