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The Blue Voyage - S&M Publication ltd


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Germanwings LaunchesDortmund - Istanbul FlightsGermanwings starts flights betweenDortmund and Istanbul on June. <strong>The</strong>company will also launch flights betweenDortmund and Vienna, Palma deMallorca, Ibiza and Faro. Germanwingsalready flies to Istanbul from Cologne/Bonn, Stuttgart, Hamburg and Berlin. Itwill add Ankara, Izmir, Antalya to itsdestinations later in the summer. Germanwingsflies between Dortmund andIstanbul with prices starting from 19 euros.Celebi to Bid in Ground HandlingTender for Athens AirportCelebi Ground Handling, jointly withCelebi Tanacsado Kft, its subsidiary inHungary, will submit offer to the Groundhandling and Cargo services tenderopened for Athens International Airport.According to a statement issued by theCelebi Ground Handling Inc., Celebidecided to submit an offer for the tenderregarding operation of ground handlingand cargo services in Athens InternationalAirport SA, between March 28th,2008 and March 27th 2015.Delta Keeps Growing in<strong>The</strong> CaribbeanDelta Air Lines will continue its rapid expansionin the Caribbean with a newroute between Hartsfield-Jackson AtlantaInternational Airport and the islandof Curacao, effective Dec. 22, 2007*.Curacao, located in the NetherlandsAntilles off the coast of Venezuela, isbest known for crystal clear waters,long sandy beaches and picture-perfectweather. “Delta is proud to be the fastestgrowing airline to the Caribbean – nowwith more than ten destinations addedin the last two years,” said Glen Hauenstein,Delta’s executive vice president ofNetwork Planning and Revenue Management.“Our global customers continueto benefit from the central locationand convenience of world’s largest airlinehub in Atlanta, which has becomea preferred gateway to the islands andbusiness centers of the Caribbean.”Gulf Air Worldwide Call Centre Named“Middle East Call Centre of the Year”SkyTeam carriers AirFrance, Alitalia, CSACzech Airlines, DeltaAir Lines, KLM RoyalDutch Airlines andNorthwest Airlines(NYSE: NWA) hadapplied with the U.S. Department ofTransportation (DOT) for antitrust immunityfor transatlantic routings. Deltacurrently has antitrust immunity with AirFrance, Alitalia and CSA, while Northwesthas antitrust immunity with KLM.Included in the application is a jointventure agreement between Air France,Delta, KLM and Northwest that wouldcreate a comprehensive and integratedGulf Air’sWorldwideCall Centre(WWCC) isthe top playerin the region.This was establishedwhen Gulf Air WWCC wasnamed as the “Middle East Call Centreof the Year” at a glittering awardceremony at the Insights Middle EastContact Centre World Forum 2007 inDubai. <strong>The</strong> CCWF, is one of the significantevents dedicated to the rapidlygrowing call centre business in the MiddleEast . <strong>The</strong> event, organised by Insights_ the only Call Centre-dedicated,professional services organisation in theMiddle East region, attracts call centresin the region as well as professionalsand agents from leading organisationsworldwide. <strong>The</strong>re are about 500 callcentres in the Middle East and the GulfAir call centre was chosen from among25 entries from the region. <strong>The</strong> event,which is considered a benchmark forthe region’s call centres, was held atthe Crowne Plaza hotel in Dubai. “Thisis a wonderful achievement and suchprestigious recognition is a testament toour unwavering dedication and commitmentto serve our customers better in anextremely competitive and ever moredemanding environment,” says Gulf AirExecutive Vice President Marketing andSales, Lee Shave. “We will continue totoil to deliver on the world class standardsthat we have set for ourselves,”adds Mr. Shave. <strong>The</strong> call centre handlesmore than 125,000 calls a monthon an average and employs more than180 staff members, 98% of whom areOmani nationals. “This is a proud momentfor Gulf Air and reflects a tremendousamount of dedication, persistenceand people skills to deliver a serviceon demand. It’s a great team effort,”says Gulf Air World Wide Call CentreManager Ruth Birkin who received theaward on behalf of the airline. “Wewill go on to represent the region at theAnnual Call Centre Exhibition in SanDiego , California in September,” saysMrs. Birkin, who was named ‘Call CentreManager of the Year - Middle East‘ at the same event last year. <strong>The</strong> GulfAir Worldwide Contact Centre in Muscatwas opened in September 2003to meet the significantly increasingdemands of the Gulf Air customers. Locatedin the Knowledge Oasis, Muscat(KOM), it is the first international callcentre ever opened in Oman, cateringto customers 24 hours a day, sevendays a week using some of the most sophisticatedtelephony in the market. <strong>The</strong>centre handles calls from the Kingdomof Bahrain , the Sultanate of Oman, theUnited Arab Emirates , the Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia , the United Kingdom ,Kuwait and North America helping customerswith all elements of their travelplans. In addition, a dedicated GulfAir Holidays team handles tailor-madeholiday packages throughout Gulf Airworldwide network.Six SkyTeam Carriers File Expanded AntitrustImmunity Application with U.S. Dotpartnership among the four SkyTeammembers across the Atlantic.A more integrated SkyTeam allianceoffers significant advantages to consumers,including more choice in flightschedules, travel times, services andfares. <strong>The</strong> DOT has approved morethan 20 applications for antitrust immunityin the past, including the recentapproval of immunity for nine Star Alliancemembers. This application isthe first under the landmark EuropeanUnion-U.S. open skies treaty which createsthe largest, most important, andfully liberalized air transport marketplacein the world.

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