180 Brockley Road SE4 PDF 306 KB - Council meetings

180 Brockley Road SE4 PDF 306 KB - Council meetings

180 Brockley Road SE4 PDF 306 KB - Council meetings


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Noise, fumes and air quality6.64 Policy ENV.PRO 11 Noise Generating Development of the UDP states that wherenoise-sensitive development is proposed close to an existing source of noise, orwhere noise generating uses are proposed, the <strong>Council</strong> may require thedevelopers to have prepared a detailed noise impact survey outlining possibleattenuation measures.6.65 The applicant has submitted a noise assessment in support of the applicationwhich assesses the effects of <strong>Brockley</strong> <strong>Road</strong> and the railway line and concludesthat a suitable internal noise environment can be achieved in the residential unitsthrough the specification of high performance glazing and whole house ventilation.The <strong>Council</strong>’s Environmental Health team have accepted the findings of theassessment and recommended that a suitable noise mitigation scheme can besecured by condition. Environmental Health have noted that the noiseassessment does not assess night time noise from the nearby <strong>Brockley</strong> Barge.Any application to discharge this condition will need to address this consideration.6.66 There may be an opportunity for the transmission of noise from the proposed A3use to the residential units within the proposed development. A condition istherefore proposed requiring details of a scheme of soundproofing betweenproperties to be submitted.6.67 The Environmental Health team have noted that fumes and smells from any futureA3 use would need to be discharged at a high level to avoid loss of amenity toneighbouring occupiers. A condition is recommended requiring details of anyfuture ventilation scheme to be submitted prior to the commencement of any A3use.6.68 An Air Quality Assessment has been submitted in support of the planningapplication. The document is dated 2008 and the <strong>Council</strong>’s Air Quality Officer hasraised concerns that there is more up to date air quality data available whichsuggests that there might be an air quality impact on the development given theproximity of <strong>Brockley</strong> <strong>Road</strong> where nitrogen dioxide concentrations exceed thenational air quality objectives. However, the scheme proposes mechanicalventilation for all units which would mitigate against exposure to high levels of airbournpollutants from <strong>Brockley</strong> <strong>Road</strong>. The Air Quality Officer has confirmed thatthis would address his concerns provided that the point of intake for themechanical ventilation system is situated so that the system will not be drawing inpolluted air. A condition is therefore recommended requiring details to besubmitted and approved of the location of the air intake for the mechanicalventilation system.6.69 The Air Quality Officer also raised concerns about the use of the ground floorcommercial as street cafes as there may be exposure of customers toexceedences of the hourly objective for nitrogen dioxide. However, the pavementfronting <strong>Brockley</strong> <strong>Road</strong> is too narrow to provide spill out space and so any caféspaces along the roadside will be limited to along Coulgate Street which is somedistance from the <strong>Brockley</strong> <strong>Road</strong> with its higher traffic flows. The proposal isconsidered to be acceptable in terms of air quality.

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