PROPOSAL FOR MALI - Adaptation Fund

PROPOSAL FOR MALI - Adaptation Fund

PROPOSAL FOR MALI - Adaptation Fund


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3. Has the designated governmentauthority for the <strong>Adaptation</strong> <strong>Fund</strong>endorsed theproject/programme?4. Does the project / programmesupport concrete adaptationactions to assist the country inaddressing adaptive capacity tothe adverse effects of climatechange and build in climateresilience?Yes. Letter dated April 10, 2012.Yes.Project Eligibility5. Does the project / programmeprovide economic, social andenvironmental benefits,particularly to vulnerablecommunities, including genderconsiderations?The socio-economic benefits are quiteclear, but the proposal is still not clearon how the issue of tradeoffs forensuring long-term sustainability ofthose benefits and resilience ofFaguibine system. The consultationprocess (Annex 5) highlighted bothpositive and negative perceptions of thecommunities toward proposedadaptation actions. To claim that suchactions “are unlikely to have anysignificant trade-offs on the Faguibinesystem” implies that concerns have notbeen taken into account, furtherconfirming the Top down” approach ofthe project. CR1: Please provide aclear framework that outlines potentialtradeoffs (both positive and negative)and how they will be managed duringproject implementation.CR1: Addressed. A table presentingthe measures the programme willimplement to prevent and /or tomitigate trade-offs was added in theproposal (pp. 26-28).6. Is the project / programme costeffective?Not clear. The detailed budget provideddoes not support cost effectiveness andhardly justifies the costs incurred by theproject (See CR5 below).

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