Power System Reliability Report - RTE

Power System Reliability Report - RTE

Power System Reliability Report - RTE

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R-AUDIT-SG-DAR-MAS-11-2011/022010 <strong>Reliability</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Page : 27/408 juillet 2011New training courses were set up: network studies with Convergence, including dynamicstudies on voltage stability and short term consumption forecasts (particularly on a regionallevel), connection to the network, etc.After the experience of 2009, joint training for substation group operators and dispatcherswas set up to develop understanding of their interaction, with a session in every region.The professional capacity-building syllabus for substation group employees who can provideaided-operation services for dispatchers has been restructured to adapt to the changes intheir activity caused by changes in the control systems (remote control using SRC, carryingout periodic operations from the dispatching centre, increasing needs for rapid incidentdiagnoses, etc.). It will be implemented as of 2011.A new skills reference guide has been drawn up, shared by control, forecast management andnetwork development activities; its use should allow homogeneous identification of individualskills and a stronger overall vision of available skills and their management.<strong>Reliability</strong> cultureSeveral reliability audits have highlighted, more especially for the DTE Units‟ regional teams, aninsufficient perception –at least in the long term following initial awareness- of the strong, directpotential impact of their activities on reliability, particularly certain tasks (calculations, maintenance,and tests). Certain regions show more concern about it, such as the Rhône-Alpes region which hasdeveloped a specific awareness programme. It must be a shared concern, resulting in regularrefresher actions, for which many opportunities exist: professional activities, using feedback, specificincidents, etc.<strong>RTE</strong> organised, as it does every year, regional training sessions "Ensuring reliability together" forexternal companies (particularly producers and distributors). Even if other occasions to raiseawareness exist (operator meetings, contract monitoring meetings, etc.), these training sessions arethe main vector for strengthening their understanding of reliability stakes and the phenomenaoccurring during incidents that affect the electrical system. Participation remains fairly unbalanced, asin past years: 0 to 3 sessions according to regions, with in addition a trend to hold specific sessions,particularly for new producers. It‟s unfortunate that some companies refuse to participate because thetraining is not free.We also note awareness raising actions with different State technical departments, in operationalliaison with <strong>RTE</strong>: training sessions for DREAL employees, meetings with departments in the southeastand southwest that fight forest fires.5.2 Steering, management system<strong>RTE</strong>‟s general management has committed the entire company to their "industrial project forsustainable performance". Different elements of the project concern reliability control, particularlythrough the themes of the durability and renewal of industrial facilities, preparation of innovativetechnical solutions for tomorrow‟s network and R&D for the electrical system, management evolutionand development of the European dimension.Alongside the implementation of this project, the identification of company internal control as a tool tomanage and check process efficiency is being significantly developed. Every year, each Unit reexaminesits main risks and associated control actions and then updates the list of control measures,on every level, that should be applied. <strong>Reliability</strong> issues and black-out occurrence are clearly part ofthe main risks examined by managers and their operational Units during this process.Within this context, <strong>RTE</strong> has stopped trying to get ISO 9001 certification for its activities since 2010.At that time and during the establishment of <strong>RTE</strong>, the certification process made it possible toreinforce the control over activities impacting reliability. It is important to verify over time that thecompany‟s new direction and the internal control system are building on these assets and reinforcingreliability control.Copyright <strong>RTE</strong>. This document is the property of <strong>RTE</strong>. Any communication, reproduction, publication even partial is forbidden without the express written authorisationElectricity Transmission <strong>System</strong> operator (<strong>RTE</strong>)

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