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RADM (NS) Lui Tuck Yew<br />

Acting Minister for Information,<br />

Communications and the Arts<br />

Member of Parliament for Tanjong Pagar<br />

GRC (<strong>Moulmein</strong>)<br />

Adviser to Tanjong Pagar GRC Grassroots<br />

Organisations<br />

Meet-the-People Session<br />

Blk 10 Gloucester Road, #01-53<br />

Every Monday from 8pm onwards (except<br />

Public Holidays)<br />

吕德耀少将<br />

新闻, 通讯及艺术部代部长<br />

丹戎巴葛集选区国会议员(摩绵)<br />

丹戎巴葛集选区基层组织顾问<br />

接见民众时段<br />

格罗士特路大牌10号<br />

门牌 #01-53<br />

每逢星期一晚上8时开始(公共假日除外)<br />

亲爱的摩绵区居民:<br />

我们很庆幸新加坡的经济增长强力<br />

回弹.今年上半年的经济和2009年同<br />

时期比较, 我们取得可观的18% 增<br />

长. 在经济增长强劲带动下, 我们<br />

创造了更多的就业机会给居民, 与<br />

此同时工人的薪酬也提高了. 从今<br />

年九月起,雇主公積金缴交率将提<br />

高.<br />

这些可喜可贺的消息值得我们欢<br />

庆.说到欢庆, 我们有十三组不同社<br />

区背景的印族同胞,首次在小印度一<br />

起庆祝新年. 参与者难得有机会分<br />

享不同文化和美食.<br />

2 >> <strong>Moulmein</strong> News September 2010<br />

MP’s Message<br />

My Dear <strong>Moulmein</strong> Residents<br />

It is heartening that Singapore’s<br />

economy has rebounded strongly.<br />

In the first half of this year, the<br />

economy grew by an impressive<br />

18% over the equivalent period<br />

of 2009. Our strong economic<br />

performance has translated into<br />

more job opportunities and better<br />

wage prospects for Singaporeans.<br />

The employers’ contribution to CPF<br />

will also be increased starting in Sep<br />

2010.<br />

So there is cause for celebration.<br />

Speaking of celebrations, thirteen<br />

groups, representing many of<br />

the diverse Indian community in<br />

Singapore, came together for the<br />

first time to celebrate the Indian New<br />

Year at Little India and to showcase<br />

their diverse culture and cuisine. The<br />

CCC, Grassroots’ teams and the<br />

Hindu Endowments Board helped<br />

organize the joyous festivities.<br />

This event was well attended by<br />

Singaporeans and visitors. Such<br />

events help to enhance community<br />

b o n d i n g a n d i n t e r - c u l t u r a l<br />

appreciation. Through such sharing<br />

and coming together, we grow<br />

stronger as a multi-racial nation.<br />

这项活动吸引了不少本地人和访客<br />

参与. 各种族借此机会加深彼此之<br />

间的沟通和欣赏对方的文化, 这将<br />

有助于巩固国家多元种族和谐与和<br />

睦共处. 我鼓励居民多多主办和参<br />

与这类活动.<br />

今年六月和七月,我的选区受到淹水<br />

的影响. 我们主办了一个对话会.<br />

大约有一百位居民和公用事业局高<br />

层官员进行了90分钟的对话. 公用<br />

事业局官员分享了沟渠改善计划和<br />

提出一些对屋主和私人住宅管委会<br />

可採取的方案.他们也很耐心的回答<br />

居民的询问. 总的来说, 这是个有<br />

意义的对话会.<br />

On a more sombre note, several<br />

areas in our constituency were<br />

affected by the floods in June<br />

and July. Recently, one hundred<br />

of our residents had a 90 minute<br />

dialogue with senior representatives<br />

from PUB. PUB shared with us their<br />

plan to improve drainage and the<br />

various measures that Management<br />

Committees and house owners can<br />

take. They patiently addressed<br />

many of the issues and questions<br />

raised by residents. Overall, it was<br />

useful and beneficial session.<br />

Finally, even as Singapore’s<br />

economy continues to grow, I am<br />

mindful that there are residents who<br />

still require some level of community<br />

support. Hence, if you or anyone<br />

you know requires assistance, please<br />

do not hesitate to contact me<br />

through the <strong>Moulmein</strong> website at<br />

or at my<br />

weekly Meet-the-People Session<br />

every Monday night. In the past, we<br />

had provided short term financial<br />

aid and meal vouchers to needy<br />

residents. We can join hands to<br />

make our constituency an even<br />

better home for all.<br />

With best regards<br />

在我国经济持续增长的同时,我也<br />

了解到有些居民仍须耍接受某方<br />

面 的 社 区 福 利 的 协 助 . 在 此 我 呼<br />

吁 那 些 须 要 协 助 的 居 民 , 可 直 接<br />

通 过 摩 绵 網 址 和 我 联 络 . 網 址 是 :<br />

www.moulmein.org.sg. 你也可以<br />

在每星期一接见民众处和我详谈.<br />

我们一路耒有为须要帮助的居民提<br />

供短期财务协助和食物固本. 希望<br />

我们大家齐心协力把选区打造成更<br />

美好的家园.<br />


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