Final Technical Report part 3 - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report part 3 - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report part 3 - ACP Fish II


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Aquaculture Development Strategy for St. Kitts and NevisAnnex: Action PlanStrategy axesActionsResources(IndicativeEstimate)ResponsibilityPhase I1.1.3 Establish aquaculturezones (AZ) on each island.a) Identify aquaculture zones and havethem ‘pre-approved’ by relevantministry de<strong>part</strong>ments andorganisations.DMR/DFb) Perform carrying capacity analysesand environmental impactassessments for the AZs.Consultancy EUR50,000c) Establish an AZ Management Boardand AZ Companies.d) Develop management rules/bylawsfor the AZs.Consultancy EUR15,000e) Develop business plans for theAZCs.1.1.5 Human resourcedevelopment.a) Recruit three persons to each pilotfarm: a pilot farm manager, a landbasedproduction manager and asea-based production manager. Allshould contribute to production andextension.b) Send above six staff for overseastraining in production and extension(three months).Direct/reimbursable: EUR 120,000including tickets,tuition fees andper diemsDMR/DFc) Identify or recruit two DMR/DF staffmembers to be trained inaquaculture governance andproduction (one+one months)d) Arrange a two-week aquaculturestudy tour for six persons:permanent secretaries, DMR/DFdirectors, and above two staff fromDMR/DF to relevant countries tolearn about livelihoods andcorporate farming in aquaculture.Direct/reimbursable: EUR 30,000including tickets,tuition fees andper diemsDirect/reimbursable:EUR 42,000including ticketsand per diems1.1.6 Assess mullet juvenilestock in brackish waterpondsa) Make estimate of maximumsustainable harvest of mulletjuveniles in the brackish water pondsConsultancy:EUR 15,000DMR1.2: Develop the necessaryregulatory frameworka) Make procedures for applicationswithin preapproved AZs and outsideNot assessed atthis stageDMR1.3.4 Establish twodemonstration, training andtest (pilot) farms in the (first)a) Design two pilot farms includingland- and sea-based activities forboth islands.Consultancy:EUR 100,000DMR/DFProject funded by the European Union A project implemented by pg. 19RTF pg. 170/204

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