January 2013 - Informatics

January 2013 - Informatics

January 2013 - Informatics

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From the StatesSh. A.K.Somasekhar, TD receiving PM award forexcellence in public administrationpurchase facility for contractors by usingpayment gateway of Punjab NationalBank. The URL to access the software ishttp://cg.nic.in/csbc.COMPUTERIZED FOOD GRAINSUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTn Awards Receivedn National eGovernace Award 2008(Bronze)n eIndia 2008 Award (Best Project ineAgriculture Track)n eIndia 2008 Award (Best ICT enableddepartment)n Manthan South Asia Award 2008n CSI-Nihilent Award 2008- BesteGoverned Departmentn National eGovernance Award 2009(Gold)n Over All Best IT implementation ofthe year 2012n Prime Minister Award for excellencein Public Administration - 2008n sKoch Digital Inclusion award 2012n CSI-Nihillent Award 2012Chhattisgarh has been operatingcomputerized food grain supply chainstarting with paddy procurement fromfarmers, its storage, milling anddistribution of rice and othercommodities to 3.4 million ration cardholders through 10,800 Fair Price Shops.As a part of this project, 1800 Paddyprocurement centres, 60 storage centres,all district offices concerned, 120 CivilSupplies Corporation distributioncentres and 35 FCI rice receiving centreshave been computerized covering sixdifferent organizations involved in foodgrain management. Purchase and issueat paddy procurement centres includinggeneration of cheques has beencomputerized. Miller’s registration,Agreement with millers and generationof Delivery Orders etc. arecomputerized. 3.4 Million Ration cardholders database has been prepared.Calculation of monthly allotment to FPShas been automated. Call centre with atoll free number 1800-233-3663 isoperational from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM.Citizen interface web site is hosted toincrease the citizen participation incontrolling diversion of PDScommodities.COREPDSChhattisgarh has successfully launchedFPS automation under the nameCOREPDS which expands asCentralised Online Real-time ElectronicPDS. COREPDS has introducedmechanical authentication of beneficiaryat the time of service delivery to checkproxy issues and empoweringbeneficiary with the right to chose FPSby offering portability of FPS, toimprove service delivery. InCOREPDS, FPS’ are equipped with aPOS device with GPRS connectivity.Each BPL beneficiary is provided with aSmart Ration Card (SRC). APLbeneficiaries have been registered withtheir mobile numbers. PDScommodities are delivered to BPLbeneficiary with Smart Cardauthentication and to APL beneficiarywith OTP (One Time Pin)authentication. They can now go to anyFPS to claim their entitlements.Portability introduced fear of losingcustomer in FPSs and competitionamong FPSs, giving a reason to improveservice delivery, in terms of not onlyquality and quantity of commodities butin the behaviour and treatment with thebeneficiaries at FPS.MAHATMA GANDHI NATIONALRURAL EMPLOYMENTGUARANTEE ACT(http://nrega.nic.in)The MGNREGA is beingimplemented in all 27 districts of thestate through the web enabled softwareNREGAsoft. The electronic fundmanagement system (e -FMS) and e-Muster roll are being implemented inpilot in district Dhamtari.MGNREGACall centres have been established atvarious locations in the state(http://cg.nic.in/epanchayat/nregacall).e-WORKS: WORKS &ACCOUNTING SYSTEM OF RURALENGINEERING SERVICE (RES)(http://www.cg.nic.in/resworks)RES is responsible for carrying outvarious kinds of works in rural areasunder various schemes, entrusted to it bythe Panchayats. Web enabled softwarecaptures the entire process flow of thedepartment and has the feature of onlinecheque printing to the contractors oragencies.e-PANCHAYAT –http://cgpanchayat.gov.inUnder e-Panchayat project themodules PRIAsoft, Planplus, LocalGovernment Directory, Actionsoft andArea profiler of the Panchayat EnterpriseSuite [PES] have been implemented inthe state.The state was awarded the secondprize in the national e Panchayat awardsfor the implementation of e Panchayatduring the FY 2011-12, by the Ministryof Panchayati Raj.28 | informatics.nic.in | <strong>January</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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