January 2013 - Informatics

January 2013 - Informatics

January 2013 - Informatics

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District <strong>Informatics</strong>The system works on open sourcetechnology using Wamp Server – thewindows web developemnt environmentthat allows to create applications withApache2, PHP and MySQL database.The e-Panjeeyan helps in registering newdeeds with details of applicants, witnessalong with photographs, thumbimpression, scanned copy of deeds etc –all in digital format.VIEW OF SUB REGISTRAR OFFICEe-Court : Under the e-Court projectthree judiciary Court Complex havebeen included viz. District & SessionsJudge, Sub-Divisional Judicial Magistrate(Abhayapuri) and Sub-DivisionalJudicial Magistrate(Bijni). Necessary ICTinfrastructure like LAN, Judicial ServiceCenter(JSC), etc. have been establishedThe Case Information System (CIS) hasbeen implemented which facilitates e-Filing of cases, case registration, dailyproceedings, statistical reports, query,preparation of the master data,generation of cause list which is in turnuploaded on the judiciary web site -http://bongaigaonjudiciary.gov.in alongwith the judgments.The system uses open source technologyLAMP - Linux, Apache, My SQL, &PHP /Perl - an ideal platform for rapiddevelopment of web based applications.Bakijai (Loan Recovery): For smoothmonitoring of BAKIJAI system, anapplication has been developed in Visualbasic & SQL Server 2008 database asbackend and implemented in the district.The application has the facility to storethe details of all debtors and their detailsregarding issue of NOC, notice, arrestwarrant etc as per the rules of ‘BengalInformation and CommunicationTechnology (ICT) has the potential inproviding important information anddelivery of public services in aneffective and efficient manner.In this scenario, NIC, Bongaigaon isplaying an important role in promotingthe benefits of ICT by disseminatingaccurate information in transparentmanner which has changed the way ofproviding services to the citizen in thePublic Demands Recovery Act, 1913’. Ithelps to track Debtor details, amount tobe recovered, Bank name etc. The detailsof Debtor are published on the DistrictWeb Site http://bongaigaon.gov.in.Public Distribution System (PDS): Anapplication has been developed towardscomputerization of Ration Cardincorporating features to capture thebasic details of the beneficiary, printingof Cover Page, generating differentreports for final print out of the PlasticSmart Card with family details etc.Approximately, details of 50,000beneficiaries have already been enteredand all have been uploaded on thesecurity audited website -http://pds.bongaigaon.gov.inSAMPLE PLASTIC CARD ISSUEDTO CONSUMERElections: For proper tracking of votersdetails, Electoral Roll ManagementSystem (ERMS) developed by the StateCentre has been implemented and datais captured in both Assamese andEnglish. Summary Revision, SpecialSummary Revisions and Continuousupdate of Electoral Data and generationof final Electoral Rolls/ supplements etc.district by the administration.I appreciate the efforts made byofficials of NIC, Bongaigaon District fortheir active participation and regularcontribution in promoting ICT culturein the district and in making e-governance a true success.S P NandyDeputy CommissionerBongaigaon, Assamare generated.National Animal Diseases ReportingSystem (NADRS): Under NADRS,necessary set up was done for onlinedata entry through the centralized webapplication. Training programs wereconducted on Computer Basic and onthe application software for theparticipants.Transport: Issue of RegistrationCertificate (RC) and Driving License(DL) from the ‘District Transport Office’have been computerized which gave thebenefit of e governance to the citizens intrue sense. Approximately 200Registration Certificates and DrivingLicenses are issued every month.District Website: The district websitehttp://bongaigaon.nic.in is a repositoryof important information about districtadministration including district profile,history, organizational structure, who iswho, phone no. as well as various egovernance initiatives undertaken by thedistrict administration. The section oncitizen centric services is useful and givesdetails of circle wise census data,panchayat & village names, formsrelated to old age pension, PMRYscheme, pre & post matric scholarships,etc.FOR FURTHER INFORMATIONBIJOY MAZUMDERDistrict <strong>Informatics</strong> OfficerNIC, DC Office, Bongaigaon-783380Phone:03664 225020,e-mail:bongaiga@nic.in40 | informatics.nic.in | <strong>January</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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