A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali


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338. impartial adj. Not favouring one person or thingmore than another; fair and neutral339. impeachment* adj. Process under which charges arebrought in Parliament against a highconstitutional authority, public <strong>of</strong>ficialor judge340. impede vt. To delay or stop the progress ormovement <strong>of</strong> somebody/something341. implement* vt. To put something into effect; to carrysomething out342. implicit adj. Implied, though not directlyexpressed; inherent in the nature <strong>of</strong>something343. impose vt. Place a burden on: 'impose taxes';'impose punishment'lg:kIf-jf e]befj/lxt_dxfle<strong>of</strong>]uafwf Jojwfg v8fug'{ -jf /f]Sg'_sf<strong>of</strong>{Gjog ug'{ -jfnfu' ug'{_cJoQm -jf ;ª\s]tul/Psf]_nufpg'-jf Nffu' ug'{_I{344. imposition n. The act <strong>of</strong> imposing something nufpg] sfd, yf]kg]sfd345. impunity n. Exemption from punishment whichought to be imposed, <strong>of</strong>ten used torefer to the failure <strong>of</strong> government totake serious steps against crimeb08xLgtf43A <strong>Glossary</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Constitutional</strong> <strong>Terms</strong>

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