A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali


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593. reservations n. In India, the act <strong>of</strong> reserving acertain number <strong>of</strong> positions forspecific groups: 'reservations <strong>of</strong> seatsfor minorities in Parliament'; in Celsewhere, more likely means doubts:'if the president has reservationsabout a bill…'594. reside vi. In C, usually means to live: 'reside inthe country'595. residual power n.phrasePower (usually to make laws, etc.) leftafter others have been allocated596. resignation* n. The act <strong>of</strong> resigning (from a post orposition)597. resolution n. A formal decision made by a body likeParliament; determining a matter <strong>of</strong>dispute: 'resolution <strong>of</strong> a dispute'598. resolve vt. Reach a conclusion after a discussionor deliberation599. respect n. and vt. (n.) 'Respect for human rights, etc.'means observance <strong>of</strong> and regard for;'in respect <strong>of</strong>' means in relation to; (vt)to honour (e.g. rights)cf/If0f -jf z+sf_a;f]af; ug'{cjlzi6 clwsf//flhgfdflg0f{o jf cfb]z,;ª\sNklg0f{o ug'{ -jf;dfwfg ug'{_cfb/ -jf ;Ddfg_-gf=_, cfb/ ug'{ -jf;Ddfg ug'{_ -lqm=_75RA <strong>Glossary</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Constitutional</strong> <strong>Terms</strong>

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