A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali

A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English / Nepali


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553. pursue vt. Carry further or advance cjnDag ug'{554. quorate adj. Having a quorum present u0fk"/s ;+V<strong>of</strong>/x]sf]QR70555. quorum n. The minimum number <strong>of</strong> members<strong>of</strong> an organization ( e.g. Parliament)needed to conduct business556. race n. People who belong to the samegenetic stock557. racial adj. Of or related to geneticallydistinguished groups <strong>of</strong> people558. ratification* n. Making something valid by formallyapproving or confirming it: 'areferendum may ratify a constitution';'Parliament may ratify a treaty'559. reasonable adj. Showing reason or sound judgment;meeting generally acceptablestandards: 'reasonable measures' (note:latter does not necessarily say anythingabout a person's state <strong>of</strong> mind)560. recess n. A temporary cessation <strong>of</strong> thecustomary activities <strong>of</strong> a body likeParliament561. recognize vt. Accept (someone) to be what isclaimed; accept (his/her) power andauthorityu0fk"/s ;+V<strong>of</strong>j0f{hftLocg'df]bgts{;ª\ut-jf cf}lrTok"0f{ jfdfGo_lj>fd -;+;b\ jfcbftnt cflbsf]lj>fd_dfGotf lbg'-jf :jLsf/ ug'{_A <strong>Glossary</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Constitutional</strong> <strong>Terms</strong>

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