Rally Organiser's Handbook - MotorSport New Zealand

Rally Organiser's Handbook - MotorSport New Zealand

Rally Organiser's Handbook - MotorSport New Zealand


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As a consequence of the above, it is important that you gain a clear understanding fromyour Road Authority which method of road closure they intend using and work with themto ensure all the information required is given to their appointed officer in sufficient time.Applications must be made within the time frame dictated by the Road Authority. Theauthority will consider the application and so long as there is no foreseen difficulty, mayadvertise the application in a local newspaper.Request that they advise you of any objections received in advance of any hearing ormeeting so that you can attempt to placate the concerns of the objector(s).Be ready to have a representative of the rally committee attending the Council meetingto answer any questions that may arise.Ensure that you receive a letter from the Council giving permission for theclosure. This is your evidence in the event of enquiries from public or any of theauthorities, e.g. Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance service.You will provide copies of this letter to all block marshals, post chiefs andassistant Clerks of the Course.ROAD DAMAGE BONDReferences to this subjectForm AO14- Road Damage bond DocumentChapter Eight of this BookletFrom time to time the road authorities may request prepayment against projected roaddamage. You are urged not to enter into any such arrangement without:(a)(b)Consulting with the <strong>MotorSport</strong> NZ Administration, andOffering to arrange a <strong>MotorSport</strong> NZ guaranteed bond in lieu of anyprepayment.<strong>MotorSport</strong> NZ, in conjunction with its legal advisors, have developed a Road DamageBond for member clubs to utilize with Road Authorities and Forest Owners.To utilise the Bond, the following steps need close attention:1. Allow 3-4 weeks as a minimum for putting the Bond in place.2. Forward a draft copy of the document to the Road Authorities or Forest Ownersfor approval in principle of the conditions of the bond and to settle on the dollaramount of the bond. There may be some aspect that requires clarification oramendment. Should they wish to change the document we recommend you fax<strong>MotorSport</strong> NZ for approval before preparing the formal copies.3. Complete three formal copies under seal by the Club. The signatories to theCommon Seal should also initial the second page headed “schedule”. Check yourconstitution regarding use of seal and number of signatures required.PAGE 15RALLY ORGANISERS HANDBOOK2009 Edition

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