Rally Organiser's Handbook - MotorSport New Zealand

Rally Organiser's Handbook - MotorSport New Zealand

Rally Organiser's Handbook - MotorSport New Zealand


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TECHNICAL OFFICERReferences to this subjectNational Sporting Code Article 85Appendix One Schedule L Part Two, Article 2.4Appendix Three Schedule R Section 1, Article 8.2Appendix Three Schedule R Section 2, Article 2.3T021 – Technical Officers Closing Report – <strong>MotorSport</strong> NZ websiteGenerally the only events that will be attended by a <strong>MotorSport</strong> NZ Technical Officer(s)are rounds of the NZ <strong>Rally</strong> Championships.Technical Officers have two main roles:• To ensure the event Scrutineers undertake the appropriate vehicle safety audits• To ensure the eligibility of competing cars for competition in the classes for whichthey have entered.For this latter role the organising club is required to supply the Technical Officer(s) with anaccurate list of Championship entries, including details of the car and class. They shouldalso have access to the entry forms.During the event the Technical Officer(s) will carry out random inspections on competingcars looking for any irregularities.Towards the finish of the event (usually immediately prior to the final Special Stage) theTechnical Officer(s) will require progress results of the placing of Championship entries.They will use this to determine which cars to impound for post-rally scrutineering.In a situation where the Technical Officer(s) has reason to consider that a competing caris not eligible for its class of competition or has breached the technical regulations, thenthe matter must be placed before the Clerk of the Course with all parties being given theopportunity to be heard.OBSERVERSReferences to this subjectNational Sporting Code Article 66Appendix Three Schedule R Section 2, Article 2.2 & 2.6RY035 – <strong>Rally</strong> Observers Report – <strong>MotorSport</strong> NZ websiteThe role of the <strong>MotorSport</strong> NZ observer(s) is to provide event organisers and <strong>MotorSport</strong>NZ with a report that will assist to improve the overall standard of their rally by constructivecriticism. They will gather information on the event by personal observation (this usuallyinvolves driving through at least one Special Stage prior to the competing cars),interviewing marshals and competitors and discussions with the organisers.It is important that <strong>Rally</strong> organisers hold a review session with the Observer at aprearranged time immediately after the event and preferably before the observation reportis finalised so that any misconceptions can be addressed. This session should be treatedas a positive exercise where any problems or comments are discussed with a view toimprovements for future events.RALLY ORGANISERS HANDBOOK2009 EditionPAGE 48

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