Rally Organiser's Handbook - MotorSport New Zealand

Rally Organiser's Handbook - MotorSport New Zealand

Rally Organiser's Handbook - MotorSport New Zealand


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Setting up a special stage should be in the hands of a reliable person who understandsthe safety requirements for rallies.The placing of all signs and arrows is critical for the safety of competitors and spectators.It is important to remember that the competing cars will be travelling at high speeds and allof the signs must be in clear view of the drivers. While this particularly relates to the signsat the finish area all signs are important.The crew that is given the task of setting up the stages should be given a schedule, whichallows them ample time to get through each stage at a comfortable pace. If they areforced to rush through a stage it is inevitable that mistakes will happen.Normally an arrowing party should go through the stage first setting out a pair of arrows ateach intersection for which there is an instruction in the road book. The arrows should beas shown in Appendix 3 Schedule R(3). The two colour, warning arrow should be 100metres before the intersection and the single colour arrow at the intersection. There is adefinite need for consistency in the placement of all arrows and signs.The arrowing party should also erect warning signs where a hazard exists on the route.An important duty of the arrow party is to ensure that all gates are securely shut.All sidetracks joining the rally route which do not have a gate should be taped off withplastic tape, securely erected to warn any vehicles that may attempt to exit that sidetrack.All taping must be carried out in accordance with the policy established in the Safety Plan.In addition to the taping all gates or sidetracks, which appear as if they could have regularuse, should have laminated notices attached in warning of the event and stating that novehicle should proceed until the road closure has expired.All signs and tape should be mounted on stout stakes firmly driven into the ground. Theymust be capable of staying in place for the whole event.The Control signs should be erected by the respective marshal group at the start andfinish venues. These signs should be placed in accordance with those shown in ChapterEight item 4 of this booklet.One of the key concerns is the possibility of a stage breach at either the start, but moreparticularly the finish of a stage between the time the Safety Car has cleared the stageand the arrival of the first competing car. Both the start and finish control areas should beprotected during this period by parking one of the marshals vehicles across the road or bythe placement of a physical barrier across the road so that it is extremely difficult for amember of the public to drive through and onto the stage.RALLY ORGANISERS HANDBOOK2009 EditionPAGE 50

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