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QUY HUYNHHome Mortgage ConsultantBy Lalaena Gonzalez-FigueroaAnative of Vietnam, QuyHuynh embodies theAmerican Dream: hardworking, determined and driven,he has earned every ounce ofhis success. By the time hewas just six years old, Quy hadexperienced a lifetime of hardshipand adversity before starting a newlife in the United States. Despiteoppressive odds against his favor,he has triumphed again and again,proving that he is truly capable ofaccomplishing anything he sets hismind to.If there’s one word in the Englishlanguage that Quy is determinednot to learn, it’s “no.” His arrival intothe US came after a failed attemptat emigrating from Vietnam; hisfamily was captured by Communistsoldiers and imprisoned in a rusticjail. Their second attempt, thoughsuccessful, was far from easy.Thai pirates were known to scoutfor immigrant boats, pillaging themeager possessions that fleeingVietnamese had. Still, the familybraved the obstacles that presentedthemselves, foraging towards a better life filled with opportunities. Quy’s outlook saysit all: “I don’t worry about whether the glass is half full or half empty,” he explains. “I’mjust happy to have a glass.”A turbulent adolescence finally gave way to a better understanding of what his truepotential was. As a young man working in retail, Quy stood out for his ability to getthe job done. By 20 years old he had been promoted to a supervisory position, butfound that the day-to-day work didn’t suit his forward-thinking nature. “I felt like Icould do better for myself,” he recalls. With no experience in real estate or finance,he contacted a relative who helped him secure a position as a processor with oneof the region’s top-producing loan officers. In less than six months, Quy was readyto embark upon a new career as a lending professional with a wholesale lender. “Irecognized the opportunity to service the Vietnamese community, which was reallycoming into its own at the time,” he recalls. “I was incredibly fortunate to have theguidance and mentorship of an excellent loan officer, who took me into the fieldand gave me hands-on experience.”<strong>Executive</strong><strong>Agent</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

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