In-plane cavity-backed coplanar waveguide to rectangular ...

In-plane cavity-backed coplanar waveguide to rectangular ...

In-plane cavity-backed coplanar waveguide to rectangular ...


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www.ietdl.orglow-cost microfabrication techniques such as lithography [17,18]. However, in these techniques, the height of the<strong>waveguide</strong> is limited by the maximum thickness of the spunpho<strong>to</strong>resist, limiting the fabrication <strong>to</strong> the reduced-height<strong>waveguide</strong>s which suffer from high attenuation. Takingadvantage of the ‘snap-<strong>to</strong>gether’ technique, a <strong>rectangular</strong><strong>waveguide</strong> was fabricated in two halves and then the halveswere put <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> form a complete <strong>waveguide</strong> [19–21].An alternate technique <strong>to</strong> etch the <strong>waveguide</strong> is deepreactive ion etching (DRIE) of silicon. Unlike wet etchingwhich is dependent on the crystal <strong>plane</strong>s of silicon, DRIE isisotropic and provides vertical sidewalls. Hence, DRIE is aviable approach for fabrication of a high-performancemicromachined <strong>waveguide</strong> structure. <strong>In</strong> [22, 23], a transitionusing microfabrication processes with separately fabricatedand assembled probe has been reported for both diamondand <strong>rectangular</strong> <strong>waveguide</strong> with 20% bandwidth. Anotherhigh-precision silicon micromachined transition with acapability <strong>to</strong> integrate filters has been proposed in [24, 25]and shows wideband characteristics at the same frequencyrange. However, limitations of microfabrication processesdo not allow fabricating many of the aforementionedtransitions because of the complexity of the geometriesand the number of steps needed in their assembly.<strong>In</strong> this study, we propose an in-<strong>plane</strong> <strong>cavity</strong>-<strong>backed</strong><strong>coplanar</strong> <strong>waveguide</strong> (CBCPW) line-<strong>to</strong>-<strong>rectangular</strong> <strong>waveguide</strong>transition with prismatic features that does not requiremultiple parts and complex assembly. <strong>In</strong> this approach, theneed for fabricating suspended probe is eliminated andeffective transition is achieved using two resonant structures,namely, shorted CPW line over the <strong>waveguide</strong> followed by anE-<strong>plane</strong> step discontinuity. Since the design is very simplewith the features aligned with the Cartesian coordinate <strong>plane</strong>s,it is highly compatible with microfabrication processes.However, it should be mentioned that since the design isusing short-circuited pin, the transition bandwidth issomewhat limited. The transition is modelled by an equivalentcircuit <strong>to</strong> help with the initial design which is then optimisedusing a full-wave analysis. To demonstrate the validity of thetransition and its model, a back-<strong>to</strong>-back structure is fabricatedby conventional machining methods at Ka-band and themeasurement results are compared <strong>to</strong> the simulations.1 Design considerations of <strong>waveguide</strong>transitionsTraditional transitions based on E-<strong>plane</strong> probe excitation ofthe <strong>waveguide</strong> mode involve attaching a suspended probe<strong>to</strong> the centre conduc<strong>to</strong>r of CPW or coaxial linesperpendicular <strong>to</strong> the broad wall of <strong>waveguide</strong>s as shown inFig. 1a. The suspended probes in <strong>waveguide</strong> can be viewedas an infinite array of dipoles and thus can be matched rathereasily <strong>to</strong> a coaxial line and provide octave bandwidth.The coaxial line-<strong>to</strong>-<strong>waveguide</strong> transitions are commonlyused at microwave frequencies since fabrication andassembly is rather straightforward. At high millimetre-waveand submillimetre-wave frequencies where dimensions arevery small, suspending small metalised probes and assemblywith the required <strong>to</strong>lerance is a challenging task. If the probeis extended, all the way <strong>to</strong> the lower plate of the <strong>waveguide</strong><strong>to</strong> form a shorting pin then the pin can be formed on samesubstrate and can be bonded <strong>to</strong> a <strong>to</strong>p substrate <strong>to</strong> make therequired electric connection. However, a short-circuitedprobe is not resonant, acts purely reactive and cannot bematched <strong>to</strong> the CPW line directly. <strong>In</strong> the next section, thearchitecture needed for making the transition from CPW <strong>to</strong><strong>rectangular</strong> <strong>waveguide</strong> using a shorting pin is described.2 Transition using a shorting pinTo properly excite a <strong>waveguide</strong> with a shorting pin, a resonantcondition must be achieved <strong>to</strong> eliminate the reactance of thepin. It is well known that a pin terminated by the broadwall of a <strong>rectangular</strong> <strong>waveguide</strong> acts as an inductiveelement whose inductance is inversely proportional <strong>to</strong> itsdiameter and the <strong>waveguide</strong> dimensions [26]. The geometryand the equivalent circuit model of a shorting pin areshown in Fig. 1b. For this case the transformer turn ratiocan be calculated from [27]√( )2a tan ka 2n =b ka(1)Fig. 1Design considerations of <strong>waveguide</strong> transitionsa Traditional resonant probe excitation for <strong>waveguide</strong>b Probe is terminated by the broad wall of the <strong>waveguide</strong>. <strong>In</strong> the equivalent circuit mode, L p is the equivalent inductance (X p ), C b is the series capacitance of theshort-circuited probe (X b ) [26] and Z 0 is the characteristic impedance of the <strong>waveguide</strong>c E-<strong>plane</strong> step discontinuity generates capacitances required for resonance needed for the mode conversion c the equivalent circuit model for the proposedresonanced The equivalent circuit model for the proposed resonance, X step is the equivalent capacitance of the step discontinuity444 IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 4, pp. 443–449& The <strong>In</strong>stitution of Engineering and Technology 2012doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2011.0194

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