Financial Year - GMM Pfaudler Ltd

Financial Year - GMM Pfaudler Ltd

Financial Year - GMM Pfaudler Ltd


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SCHEDULES FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AS AT MARCH 31, 2011SCHEDULE 8CASH AND BANK BALANCESAs atAs at31.03.11 31.03.10` ‘000’ ` ‘000’Cash on hand 879 282Balances with scheduled banks– in current accounts 6,110 12,853– in deposit accounts – 17,3006,989 30,435SCHEDULE 9LOANS AND ADVANCES(Unsecured and considered good)Loans to subsidiaries 6,500 158,375Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for valueto be received (including ` 1,293 thousand, 37,143 31,141previous year ` 4,797 thousand considered doubtful)Deposits (including ` 608 thousand, 20,153 19,711previous year ` 1,473 thousand considered doubtful)Balance with central excise authorities 10,076 3,834Advance payment of taxes 4,703 –(Net of provision for tax ` 119,475 thousand)78,575 213,061Less: Provision for doubtful advances/deposits 1,901 6,27076,674 206,791SCHEDULE 10CURRENT LIABILITIESSundry creditors– Outstanding dues of micro, small and medium enterprises 55 665– Other creditors 229,743 191,213Advances from customers 194,264 95,605Investor Education and Protection Fund *Unclaimed dividend 1,955 1,757Unclaimed matured deposits 6 6Other liabilities 65,179 59,589Interim dividend payable 10,232 10,232* The said fund will be credited with the amounts outstanding and unclaimed on therespective due dates.501,434 359,067SCHEDULE 11PROVISIONSProvision for tax on distributed profits 1,739 1,739Provision for Compensated absences 5,758 4,864Provision for unexpired warranty 6,628 7,931Provision for taxes – 4,673(Previous year Net of advance tax ` 65,972 thousand)14,125 19,20727

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