American Handgunner July/August 1977

American Handgunner July/August 1977

American Handgunner July/August 1977


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The best personalprotectiona youcan buy, nowwith afour-inch barrel.If you ever have to use your-personal handgun, you can't affordto miss. That's why you need all thebuilt-in accuracy you can get in alightweight .38. That is exactlywhat the new Colt Police Positivedelivers. On or off duty.Now aColt is evensafer. Foryears, thesafety leverin Coltrevolvers hasserved toassure thatthe firingpin cannotaccidentallystrike theNew Colt safety lever (right)assures greater margin of safety.primer.Now, an irnprovea, noicnea leverin the new Police Positive providesmore contact area to perform thissafety function even more effectively.But to fully understand what setsthe Diamondback apart, you have toshoot it. You have to feel its almostliquid smoothness - completelyforeign to any other gun of its caliber.Yet, like the new four-inchPolice Positive, the DiamondbackColt Diamondback .38 Special. 4"(shy1) or 2%"barrel. Target grips target hammer adjustable rearsight, velvet yxmothaction. Optionh nickel finish.Also available m .22 L.R. with4"bmel.Â¥Col Police Positive .38 Specialh 4e?*rnTz.A more accurate .38.The Police Positive has a four-inchbarrel. Those extra two inches meanmore weight up front, less muzzlejump, better overall balance andgreater confidence. The PolicePositive also'has a new gripdesigned to fit more comfortably inany size hand. Its "teardrop" shapebetter accommodates a smallerman's or a woman's hand, while anincrease in the gri s length createsa more certain fee f in even thelargest hand.Compare Colt quality. Manycompetitive .38's are made withaluminum alloy. The Colt PolicePositive is all steel. Some otherrevolvers have only a five-roundcylinder. A Colt cylinder always hassix chambers. The ejector rod onmany guns is exposed and can getsnagged on your holster or clothing.The shrouded Colt ejector rod completelyeliminates that problem.Naturally, anything less thanperfect alignment between barreland cylinder can impair a gun'saccuracy. That's why the advancinghand on the Colt Police Positiveholds the cylinder rigidly in linewith the barrel. There is absolutelyno play in the cylinder at the criticalmoment of fire. On most corn titiverevolvers, however, you will 7 eel acertain amount of cylinder slack.-Only Colt hat -of the tireless engineeringthat makes Colt the revolverother gun makers try tolive up to.Another safety design exclusiveto Colt: the loaded cylindercannot be closed with the hammercocked. This is a s*ple feature,to be sure. Which iftight lead you towonder why so many other gunmakers don't off r it.For additio 1 a1 facts onthe safety and use of handguns,send for Colt's freebooklet, "Handlin theHandgun." write &ItFirearms, Department 7 J ,Hartford, CT. 06102.Naturally, there is noobligation.The best .38 &all. Atfirst glance, the ColtEvery ~olt revolver mustpass several rigidDiamondback (inset photoabove) may seem like other"target-style" -38's. True, it hasthe wide target hammer,ramp front sight andadjustable rear sight,all of which unquestionablenhance comfortan J accuracy.inspections, All are doneby expens, by hand.offers the compact portabilityof a handgun weighing lessthan two pounds. As well asthe confidence that comeswith owning the finest .38money can buy.<strong>American</strong>heritage

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