American Handgunner July/August 1977

American Handgunner July/August 1977

American Handgunner July/August 1977


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..duces ricochet probability. Thus, this is afine bullet for defense. A slower, 140-150grain, JSP bullet of heavier constructionexpands less and more slowly, therefore,penetration is deeper and so is more likelyto reach the vitals of a large animal. Thesecharacteristics make it a better, big-gamebullet.Regardless of bullet, the slow-burningpowders needed for maximum velocity requireheavy and consistent bullet pull.This means very tight case/bullet assembly,a deep crimping cannelure, and a veryheavy roll crimp. The expander plug mayrequire reduction in diameter to obtain atight enough case neck. In some instances,a tighter resizing may be neededfor the same reason. Because of the soft,fragile nature of such bullet noses, carefully-fittedseating stems are necessary toprevent deformation under seating pressure.Because of changes in case-mouth hardnesswith each firing, velocity tends todrop with each successive use of a givencase. A case fired several times with thesame load will produce significantly lessvelocity (we are talking about top loads)than it did when new. For this reason, seriousdefense and hunting loads should beassembled in new, unfired cases. Firedcases are okay for practice, but for thereal thing, use new ones. This isn't reallythe economic burden one might think, forrelatively few shots will be fired at big -game, and even fewer at people.Defense and big-game loads should alwaysbe run through the gun after assemblyjust to make absolutely certain there isno external defect that might interferewith functioning. When facing a woundedbear or an angry man is no time to findout that you have a dented case or thickrim that locks up the gun.Sure, there are countless other .357loads which you might find interesting.Every loading manual is full of them, andthey represent the pet ideas of dozens ofshooters. Yet, the loads we've described,and also listed in our table, cover justabout every real or imagined needa modern pistolero might have.1 THEBELT SLIDE 1This hand-crafted holster, a favorite of 1law officers is now available to thepublic Your gun rides high and out of theway but there when you need it Wetshaping of leather insures a perfect fitThe BELT SLIDE is designed for men whoinsist on maximum comfort and utilitySpecify pistol modelBLACK ONLY IS6 50 POSTPAIDUTISFKTION GUARANTEED.belt slide,inc.'Did AH8 PO Boa15303,Austin,Texas78761Dealers & Reps inquiries invitedAMERICAN HANDGUNNERJULY/AUGUSTIBill Jordan tells it like it is in 0 GUNShis fascinating book about gunfighting, how to do it and what LEATHERFAST DRAWequipment to use. InformativeCOMBAT SHOOTING1 sfiectat &W4 - All GUNS readers will receive aI personally autographed copy. Order yours today, and, 1I order one for a friend! Please send me __ copy(ies) @ $6.50. plus 500 (perbook) for postage and handling.Ii Name -Ii.- IIAddresscity State -Zip GUNS MAGAZINE 8150 N. Central Pk., Skokie, Ill. 60076 - IIl-ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ-ÑÃ97759i

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