American Handgunner July/August 1977

American Handgunner July/August 1977

American Handgunner July/August 1977


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~ ~-nate that the phrase, combat shooting, hasbeen so watered down in recent years thatthe connotation ceases to mean what itquite different from anything 1 had donebefore." Not only is the style of firing considerablydifferent, but the handguns andrect methods of fire control, stance andtwo-handed firing. All this is covered infascinating detail. Much of the informashould.their ammunition must be completely re- tion is applicable to both defense andRegardless, Jim Mason has explored valued because what works in traditional hunting, even though the book has as itsthe entire field of combat shooting as it match competition will often get the base or purpose the study of combatexists today and he has done a remarkable shooter nowhere in combat shooting. Jim shooting. Combat shooting is a very pracjob.This is a book of facts. The pros andcons are all there. The decisions are up tothe reader. Jim Mason has not attemptedto produce solutions to anything. He haslaid out the facts. The reader must makehis own decisions. He must evaluate. Hemust chew and worry facts and then decide.This is one of the major assets of thisbook. It is fascinating and stimulating. Itis fortunate that a man like Jim Masonwrote this book. Most so-called authorsMason devotes a lot of space to combatammunition plus handgun alterations. Allof it a must for the potential combatshooter.He also gets into the physiology and psychologyof shooting. These areas havebeen overlooked by most handgunnersbut are vital to anyone learning the use ofthe handgun for hunting or self defense.The match attitude of "relax, stand easy,take your time, take a deep breath" has notical business, just as are fencing or horsebackriding, because both have evolvedfrom self defense, martial arts and the desireto stay alive. The rapier and the cavalryhave gone their way, but the lessonsthey taught the human race continue tolive on in world wide sports.I could continue indefinitely extollingthe virtues of this book. Instead, let memerely advise40 out and buy it. If youare willing to acknowledge that there is awould have turned the book into a dis- place in even the most rudimentary type lot more to handgun shooting thanaster.of combat shooting or hunting.registered match shooting under NRAI am an old time pistol shooter. There- Hunting places a premium upon and ISU controls, then read this book andfore, I read the section on Revolver vs.Pistol with interest This is about as imparmuscularcontrol, top physical condition,complete physical coordination and inlearnthe challenges of an entirely newphase of the handgun shooting game. Thistial and factual an evaluation as I have stant reflexes. These, in turn, are activated book is for both the novice andever read. Even I cannot fault the author's by training and by having learned the cor- the professional.-G. C. Nontelogic. Which is better? Read the book andthen make up vour own mind. I IThe matchtarget shooter will need a lotof orientation when he gets into this bookIM5OO CHRONOGRAPHbecause this world of combat shooting is VELOCITY TEST YOUR RELOADS¥printed/lighmcompldo systçman entirely different ball came from con-$78cnçn avaltabla from Iventional ' NRA matchesand registered WRITE FOR FREE nil,REPORT AND DATA SHEETS:competition. As Bill McMillan states inCUSTOM CHRONOGRAPH CO.his introduction, "The competition was 3518-A 1st Av NW Seattle Wa.98107tough and the style of pistol shooting wasISIX SECONDREVOLVER RELOADER(Patente- FASTA reliable device that reloads arevolver in as little as 3% secondsEASY TO USEInserts easily into the revolver cylinder and a slight turn of the knobreleases cartridgesDEPENDABLE - SAFEWill not spill ammo. even if dropped or thrown. Cartridges are heldin by strong metal cam points that prevent accidental release.STURDYConstructed of tough, non-corrosive parts that should last for years.(Loader is guaranteed one full year).POPULAR ' (Favorite of champions)Used by numerous first place winners at the National Combat CompetionChampionship Matches at Jackson Miss. (Wad cutter ammo.)Ed byLabs.Spring loaded movement (A) betweenthe cross pin and bottom of cylinderactually absorbs shock when the loaderis dropped on the bottom end, minimizingdamage to loader and cartrldges.(This movement can be felt by pushingon bottom end of knob at point (C).When dropped on the other end theforce Is transmitted thru the knob tosolid surface of counter-bore, point(B) and no damage will result.Cut away view (below) showing howrim of metal on top of cartridge head(D) and metal cam points below (El,positively retain cartrldges until knobis turned.Full line of finest Quality leather carrying cases available-(singles-doubles, plain-basketweave, tan-black-brown)* See your local dealer * If he doesn't carry them yet, ask him to order them for youWrite for free ,lOL PRODUt 2 Fifth St., Dayton, Ky. 41074literatureD~WON-~ 1-800-354-9814.. . .. . . . .AFRICAN HANDGUNNER JULY/AUGUST <strong>1977</strong> . . . . . . 69

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