American Handgunner July/August 1977

American Handgunner July/August 1977

American Handgunner July/August 1977


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Here's Jordan's Combat Magnum,Serial No. 260,001, presentedto him by Carl Hellstrom of S&W.only, with other handguns available forsporting requirements, I would havespecified fixed sights. Although lacking inflexibility, adjusted to the load whichwould be carried for defense, fixed sightswould he preferable for their ruggednessand reliability.While actively engaged in enforcementduties with the Border Patrol, althoughexperimenting with other models as thevbecame available, I always came back tothe Combat Magnum. With the exceptionof some smoothing of the action, theseguns were carried as issued except forthree minor modifications. first, the hammerspur was cut off. This operation was rumors of the rear sight were roundeddesigned to remove a projection which and 31nootlied. Tliese niodifications werecould possibly become caught in clothing of special value when the gun was worn' or could cut the hand if hard hit in the art undrr a coat or shirt in plain clothes asofdrawing. For the same reasons, outside signinents.The third alteration was the thinningand tapering of the trigger guard on thefront of the right side,(l am right handed).This allows the trigger finger to slip easilyinto the trigger guard without any possibilityof being bruised by hitting the sharpedge of the guard. While not needed forsmall hands, this alteration is of great advantageto the man with oversized handsand a long forefinger.The 357 Magnum cartridge, whilenever the powerhouse it was originally acclaimed,is the logical choice for law enforcementagencies and a good choice forthe individual. As such, it has become thepreferred caliber for most enforcementagencies. It is actually more potent todaythan it was in the thirties due to the im-proved, jacketed bullets now available.r .1 hese have solved the problem of excessiveleading and have improved the lethalpotential of the caliber. Its adaptability tolight .38 Special target loads is a trainingadvantage to a department and to an individual.As for the Combat Magnum? Now 21years old, it has surely come ofage. That ithas proved itself is evident in its predominantpopularity with police and civilianalike. There have been changes since thefirst gun came to me. Some eood andc,some not so good. The best was its introductionin stainless steel as the Model 66.The worst are the dropping off of thequality only hand finishing could maintainand the price escalation from about $85to an even hundred more.However, in that twenty-one yearsnothing has changed my thinking. It is stillthe answer to a PeaceOfficer's Dream.As mentioned in the text, thecorners of rear sight have beenrounded and the hammer bobbed.

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