THE WILL TO LOVE - Vital Christianity

THE WILL TO LOVE - Vital Christianity

THE WILL TO LOVE - Vital Christianity


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54At creation, God was pleased with His work—especially with the crown of His creation:man and woman. They were a delight to Him. Even after the Fall, God came looking for man torestore him to fellowship.According to the Bible, each one of us is unique, special to God. David, the psalmist,testifies,“You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’swomb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; yourworks are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden fromYou when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together inthe depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the daysordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”(Ps 139:13-16)God has made us just the way we are because He wants us that way, to play a uniquerole in the work of His kingdom. And no one can take our place.This truth is beautifully expressed by James McConkey:“Every life is a fresh thought from God to the world. Every jewel gleams withits own radiance. Every flower distills its own fragrance. Every Christian hashis own particular bit of Christ’s radiance and Christ’s fragrance which Godwould pass through him to others.”We are unique. There is no other person just like us in the entire world. Our Creatornever makes two leaves or two lives the same. Every star, every snowflake, every human beingis different.God is interested in our outward appearance. Our bodies are temples of God, so we needto take care of them (1 Co 6:19-20). How we eat, exercise and dress is important to our wellbeing.We ought to do the best with what we have. I believe we should strive to improve ourappearance wherever possible. We ought to use braces, for example, if that will straighten ourcrooked teeth. However, with regard to those things we cannot change, we must learn to acceptthem and go on living with a positive attitude towards ourselves and towards life in general.Let us accept our gender, our age, our height or lace of it, our big nose, our freckles orwhatever. God made us the way we are for a purpose. We cannot legitimately complain to God.Jeremiah, the prophet, warns,

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