Relatório técnico Final - ACP Fish II

Relatório técnico Final - ACP Fish II

Relatório técnico Final - ACP Fish II


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4. SCOPE OF THE WORK4.1 General4.1.1 Project descriptionThe Zambezi Basin comprises some of Southern Africa’s most important water and fishery resources andprovides economic, food security, social and environmental benefits to about 40 million people living inthe Basin and for many others. The entire fishery system is very sensible and exposed to drivers ofchange related to economic activities developed in the area (fishing, agriculture, aquaculture,hydropower, etc), growing populations and urbanizations, changing of climatic conditions, etc.Therefore, there is a need to identify the conditions for the system being resilient and able to adapt tosuch change and to trigger economically and socially suitable development processes for the fisheries ofthis region.The project will support the start up operations of the SADC initiative called “Strengthening comanagementand value chains of shared fisheries resources in the Zambezi basin”, within the Subprogramme1, the first one in which the initial RTP has been split. Previous studies have been carried outfor the identification phase of the RTP initiative, concerning the main existing drivers of change, under anational and regional approach. During that phase, a pre-selection of the main stakeholders in the variouscountries has been done as well but it will have to be confirmed, according to the relevance of thedifferent concerned actors in each country.Starting the Sub-programme nº1, after proper funding is assured, will require an initial workplan for theimplementation stage. During the implementation, the previous identified drivers will be confirmed andthe way they will influence the environmental conditions in the basin will be thoroughly studied and theconclusions shared with the relevant stakeholders.The aim of the present project is therefore the preparation, discussion and devising of a LogicalFramework and Concept Note and a Work plan, which: sets up the Sub-programme development framework and rationale, identifies key stakeholders to be involved in the management of the shared fisheries resources and develops a workplan and a timeline for the start up and implementation of activities.The beneficiaries will be all the concerned <strong>Fish</strong>eries Administrations, authorities/agencies involved in thefisheries planning and management in the region as well as the resources users of the basin as a whole(fishermen, fish traders, local communities, concerned association, etc).The project includes the provision of Technical Assistance (TA) for (a) the proposal of a workplan forthe RTP implementation, , and (b) the organization of an identification workshop gathering regionalstakeholders and aiming at discussing a proposed work plan for the start up phase of the SADC Subprogrammenº1 for the Zambezi River basin. The TA will be delivered by a team of experts composed ofan Inland <strong>Fish</strong>eries Expert (Team leader) in charge of devising the required work plan and of theworkshop facilitation and an Events Coordinator to support the logistics for the organization of theworkshop.Page 6 of 14

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