Relatório técnico Final - ACP Fish II

Relatório técnico Final - ACP Fish II

Relatório técnico Final - ACP Fish II


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Wednesday 29 August9.00‐10.30Sixth Session ‐ Updating and Outputs (identification, assessment and prioritisation) Introduction to Session ‐ Facilitator Identifying and validating the outputs results ‐ Plenary discussion Summary of outputs ‐ Facilitator10.00‐10.30 Break10.30‐12.30Seven Session ‐ Detail activities by output/result with inputs required Introduction to Session ‐ Facilitator Identifying the activities to accompany each output/result and the resourcesneeded ‐ Breakout Groups12.30‐ 14.00 Lunch14.00‐15.30Seven Session ‐ continued Identifying the activities to accompany each output/result and the resourcesneeded ‐ Breakout Groups CONTINUED Report to Plenary ‐ Group Facilitators15.30‐16.00 Break16.00‐17.00Eighth Session ‐ indicators for success, risks and assumptions Introduction to Session ‐ Facilitator Identifying and validating indicators for success ‐ Plenary discussion Summary of indicators ‐ Facilitator Summary of day ‐ Facilitator

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