Retrofitting Historic Buildings - Westminster City Council

Retrofitting Historic Buildings - Westminster City Council

Retrofitting Historic Buildings - Westminster City Council


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Solar PV panels convertenergy from the sun intoelectricity. The installation ofPV panels can significantlyreduce CO 2 emissions, andhelp to reduce energy bills.The orientation of the roof isthe critical factor indetermining maximumoperational efficiency of solarPanels on a roof at New CavendishStreetPV panels. They should be as close to south facing as possible,and work best at an angle of 30˚ to the horizontal. They shouldnot be shaded by trees or neighbouring buildings.An alternative to conventional solar PV panels are solar roof tiles,which are designed to look similar to normal slate roofing tiles.These may be appropriate where the roof is not original – asthey would replace existing roof fabric. Where historic fabric isretained solar panels would involve less loss of original roof tiles.For many properties, even flats in a conservation area this willbe permitted development and will not require planningpermission, although if you live in a listed building, this is not thecase.Costs: The original Feed in Tariff rates introduced in April 2010,offered a payback period of around 10-15 years for solar PVpanels and the chance to generate income through sellingexcess electricity back to the national grid. Under this schemeenergy suppliers make regular payments to householders andcommunities who generate their own electricity from renewableor low carbon sources such as solar PV panels. The schemeguarantees a minimum payment for all electricity exported to thegrid, which is in addition to the bill savings made by using theelectricity generated on site.The Government has announced a significant reduction in Feedin Tariff rates, which cuts payments by around 50%. For moreinformation see:http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/Generate-your-ownenergy/Financial-incentives/Feed-In-Tariffs-scheme-FITsandfurther information available at Department of Energy andClimate Change website:http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/meeting_energy/Renewable_ener/feedin_tariff/feedin_tariff.aspxSolarcentury.co.uk48

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