Hallways Handbook - Kent State University

Hallways Handbook - Kent State University

Hallways Handbook - Kent State University


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3 - Residence Hall Policies:Resident Privacy and BehaviorThe following policies are in effect to promote a harmonious and fulfilling living-learningexperience in the residence halls. They also serve to provide safety and security measures for allresidents, guests and the local community.3.1 Complying with a Reasonable Request from StaffStaff members are present and available in the residence halls to assist with students’transition, provide resources and to promote the safety of the hall community. On occasionit may be necessary for staff to approach for a policy violation (i.e., noise). If this occurs, it isexpected that students are respectful and that they comply with reasonable requests made byuniversity officials (i.e., opening the room door upon request, providing photo identification forall individuals in the room, etc.).Failure to comply with a reasonable request of a university official can be an additional policyviolation. <strong>University</strong> officials include but are not limited to: a <strong>University</strong> Police Officer,Resident Assistant, Security Aide, Residence Hall Director, and other members of theuniversity staff carrying out their duties and responsibilities.163.11 IdentificationResident identity is established by the university FLASHcard and/or a valid license orstate identification card establishing age. For safety reasons, residents may be asked toidentify themselves or to verify their residence status at any time.3.12 Prohibited UsesFLASHcards may not be borrowed or loaned.3.13 Duty to IdentifyResidents must identify themselves and produce a FLASHcard when it is requested byresidence hall staff or other university officials.3.2 Noise PoliciesThe residence hall community is made up of many people living together within closeproximity. Policies have been established to help create an environment that is conducive tostudying, sleeping and other quiet activities. Individual residents must be aware that othersliving around them might be disturbed by different levels of noise and take precautions toeliminate such disruptions.3.21 Resident ResponsibilitiesIf a resident is disturbed by unreasonable noise in the hall, it is his/her responsibility asa member of the community to request to the source(s) of the noise that the noise level

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