Hallways Handbook - Kent State University

Hallways Handbook - Kent State University

Hallways Handbook - Kent State University


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6 - Administrative Procedures6.1 Laundry CartsEach area desk has a limited number of laundry carts that can be borrowed for up to one hourduring move-in, move-out, and during room changes (if available). Residence hall students whowould like to borrow a laundry cart must follow the terms of use to ensure that it is returnedand available for use by other students.Anyone checking out a laundry cart must: be a residence hall student, provide their driver’slicense (alternate IDs may be approved with CC approval), and a cell phone number. Thisinformation must be provided when the item is checked out. The area desk staff will record thisinformation at the time of checkout. The student’s driver’s license will be returned after thecart is checked back in. The student checking out the cart is responsible for its return and is notpermitted to transfer it to another person.After one hour, the cart should be returned to the area desk, so other residents may use it. Inthe event, the student would like to use the cart for a second time he/she will need to repeat theprocess. If the cart is not returned within the designated time, the Area Desk staff will contactthe cell phone number provided. If the cart is not returned after the call is made, there will be a$10 per hour late fee assessed (late fee will not to exceed the replacement cost of the cart). If thecart is not returned, the cart replacement fee ($110), may be charged to the student’s account.6.2 Loss of KeysA lost room or building entrance key card should be reported immediately to the Area Desk.This will give Residence Services personnel permission to enter the room and re-program thelock. Residents are responsible for the cost of re-programming and for the replacement of alllost key cards (and stolen key cards if claimed, but not reported to the campus police).Rooms may also be re-programmed if a temporary key card has not been returned to the areadesk by 11 p.m. of the day in which it was obtained (see Temporary Key policy below) andappropriate charges to the resident will result. Duplicate room or hall key cards are notpermitted and will result in disciplinary action. Please refer to the controlled access policy foradditional information.406.21 Lock Out Policy/Temporary Key/KeycardsThe safety and security of residents is of paramount importance to the Department ofResidence Services. Students also collectively share in the responsibility of taking steps toensure the safety of themselves and fellow residents. The safe-guarding of the hall or roomkey card is a critical component of the overall safety and security plan for the department.There are at times residents will need to utilize a temporary key in order to gain access totheir room (for purposes of clarity, a key is defined as a key card). The resident may

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