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WWW.YPSPATIALA.IN…OTHER ROUND SQUARE CONFERENCES ATTENDED-THE SENIOR ROUND SQUARECONFERENCE -24TH TO 28TH APRIL-This Round Square Regional Conference, 2012 ,was held at Lawrence School, Sanawar, which wasattended by six students from our school –ArshBansal, Parampal, Nanakdeep, Hashneen ,RiyaS<strong>in</strong>gla and Dayanit Kaur. Over 16 schools from theSouth Asia region attended the conference and thetheme of the conference was ‘Serve and F<strong>in</strong>d’.This conference was a five day affair. The Key notespeaker was Mrs. PK S<strong>in</strong>gh, Headmaster , VivekHigh School, Chandigarh. A theme -based culturalperformance was showcased where our schoolpresented a skit on how college students raisefunds to help victims of a flood. The performancewas appreciated by one and all. The service project<strong>in</strong>cluded visit to an orphanage and to learn how touse waste products and make eco-friendly th<strong>in</strong>gs.School team with em<strong>in</strong>ent educationist, Dr. HS DhillonVisits to IGMC, Shimla, where we planted sapl<strong>in</strong>gsoutside the hospital and then <strong>in</strong>ter-acted with cancerpatients there which also <strong>in</strong>cluded small children,and Kasauli were also undertaken.The Clos<strong>in</strong>g ceremony had Dr.HS Dhillon ,a wellknowneducationist and former Pr<strong>in</strong>cipal, YPS,Patiala, and YPS, Mohali, as the Chief guest. TheChief Guest <strong>in</strong>ter-acted with the delegates and gaveaway the prizes.THE SENIOR ROUND SQAURECONFERENCE AT ASSAM VALLEYSCHOOL, ASSAM (10TH -15THDECEMBER)A group of six students –Akshita, Manpreet, Rabani,Manleen, Akshit and Nakul- attended the SeniorRound Square Conference at Assam Valley School,Assam, from 10th December to 15th December.The theme of the conference was –Bridges, notBoundaries’The activities , dur<strong>in</strong>g the conference, <strong>in</strong>cluded theCommunity Service project taken up <strong>in</strong> the formof health camp, renovation and whitewash<strong>in</strong>gof a school build<strong>in</strong>g and Sports’ gala for underprivilegedchildren. Besides rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g engaged <strong>in</strong>these activities, the group also got the opportunity tovisit famous places such as the Kaziranga NationalPark, Pygmy Hog Centre and Paboi Greens ,wherethey witnessed useful and <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g activitieslike organic farm<strong>in</strong>g , plantation and fish<strong>in</strong>g tak<strong>in</strong>gplace.THE JUNIOR ROUND SQUARECONFERENCE AT MAHARANI GAYATRIDEVI SCHOOL , JAIPURA group of six students from the Middle school,Arjun, Rana, Veerpartap, Chhavi, Sachkiran andMannat , visited Maharani Gayatri Devi School,Jaipur, to attend the Junior Round Conference <strong>in</strong>January , this year.The conference was an engag<strong>in</strong>g and fruitfulaffair with the delegates tak<strong>in</strong>g part <strong>in</strong> barazasessions, where some healthy and constructivediscussion was done, a walk to Samriti Van foryoga ‘asanas’ quizzes and excit<strong>in</strong>g Treasure hunts.A cultural even<strong>in</strong>g was also organized dur<strong>in</strong>g thestay Our school delegates be<strong>in</strong>g from Punjab,naturally, chose to perform ‘Bhangra’ ,which wasappreciated by all. A visit to the famous JantarMantar of Jaipur was also taken up.It proved to be an <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g and wholesome trip.39

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