1942 - Digifind-It.com

1942 - Digifind-It.com

1942 - Digifind-It.com


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JE S S E I. TA Y LO RW esleyan U niversity, B.S.(A ssistant Principal)Columbia U niversity. M.A.( M athematics)A R N E R L. T E R W I L L IG E RColgate U niversity, B.S.(Chem istry)M r. Law rencc Knows.A T W E L L T H O M A SLafayette College, A.B.(English)Cornell U niversity, M.A.T H E L M A O.W E IS S E N BOR XAllegheny College, A.B.(English)H A RRY W E N N E RBucknell U niversity, B.S.(Physiography, U. S. H istory)E T H E L G. W IL S O NW est Virginia W esleyanA.B. (E nglish)Columbia U niversity, M.A.W E N D E L L W . W EA RPennsylvania State CollegeB.S. (Sociology)W. DONALD W A L L IN GUnion College. A.B.(M athem atics)Teachers CollegeColumbia U niversity, A.M .R U TH W O E L F L EW aynesburg College, A.E.(E nglish)A L IC E D. W R IG G IN SNew Jersey College forWomen, B.S.(Home Economics) 31

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