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1942 - Digifind-It.com

1942 - Digifind-It.com


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LUKE CIAMBOLI“ Champ**“ Why worry? Why hurry?”Band III, IV ; Interclass BaseballIII, IV ; Interclass Basketball III,IV ; C aptain G ym Class III, IV.N oted For: H is tru m p et solosU sually Seen: In Bob’s carSecret A m bition: To ow n a '*42”W eakness: Those sandwichesFRANKLIN CLOSE“ Jill”“ A mother’s pride, a father’sjoy.”Interclass Baseball II, III, IV ;V arsity Basketball III, IV ; V arsityFootball IV ; Ju n io r V arsityFootball III.N oted For: His rem arks?U sually Seen: Looking fo r hisgold footballSecret A m bition: T o find a truegirlW eakness: SportsW IL L IA M COCAN“ B ill”“ He w ill never be depressedby cares.”N oted For: His draw lU sually Seen: Ju st strolling alongSecret A m bition: T o be a successW eakness: I t’s a secret!EARL COLLINSON“ Collie"“ I say little, but I knowa lot.”Interclass Baseball III, IV ; In te r­class Basketball III, IV ; C aptainG ym Class III, IV.N oted For: His boxing abilityU sually Seen: W ith the boysSecret A m bition: T o out-dribbleBob DaviesW eak ness :SportsRICHARD CRATE“ Dick”“ I have learned nothing andforgotten nothing.”N oted For: Rem iniscingU sually Seen: R iding ’round and’round T ory C ornerSecret A m bition: T o "fin ish ” beingeducatedW eakness: T h a t inevitable ’’pigskin”CEORCE CROSS“ Geo”“ We that are true lovers runinto strange capers.”Intercless Baseball II, III, IV; IntcrclassBasketball II, III, IV;C aptain G ym Class II, III, IV.N oted For: Being Chanley’s copilotU sually Seen: W ith his armaround some girlSecret A m bition: T o be g rad u ­atedWeakness: A udreySTEPHEN CRUSE“ Roy**“ Everything <strong>com</strong>es to himwho waits, providing heknows what he’s waitingfor.’*A nnual Staff (A d v ertisin g );Spanish C lub II, III, IV ; GleeC lub III (M an ag er); C hoir III(M an ag er).N oted For: H is experim ents inchem istryU sually Seen: W ith M arjorieSecret A m bition: T o out-argueM r. Thom asW eakness: H u n tin g and fishingMICHAEL R. DAMADO, JR.“ M ike”“ A jolly person is alwayswell liked.”Subscription II.N oted For: His friendlinessU sually Seen: Tearing aroundSecret A m bition: T o be a politicianW eakness: His convertible45

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